My First Video, that I Created Using an Editor as Opposed to Filming with a Camera (of Chemtrails)

in #conspiracy7 years ago (edited)
Nearing dusk on the evening of February 7th, I stepped outside my front door, and facing east to the rising moon, I saw this. Then I photoed the event as best I could. So my first personal sighting of chemtrails wasn't a huge line behind a plane, but the result of them (I saw the planes soon enough):

I've known about chemtrails (geoengineering) for a while now, but I haven't had a car in (six) years, and if I could get out like I used to, I know I would have thousands of these photos.
So, instead, they came to me! "Duhduh deedeeduh deedeeduh... " - parade music and confetti made out of tinfoil!
I used the utube editor to create a slideshow of photos; on utube I'm 95percent air (comment-maker, lurker, student of truth, and video-maker wannabe).
I put notes on most of the photos, with direction and time, hopefully to help with understanding and perspective. You can see how fast these lines dispersed and completely hazed over the blue sky. Best seen by comparing the first and last photos, to the south-southeast, the sky went from blue to haze in 15 minutes! I have a perfect voice for print, but wanted do a voice-over - I care enough to summon my courage now! But I need a microphone. So as is. Hit pause if you find something interesting.

Although I took these on Feb. 7th, I didn't start putting this vid together until the end of April. I have excuses, but what really happened, is after watching the event in real time, then again in my photos, I became in a kind of shock and got depressed. For decades now I've been pissed off at big oil and monsanto and big ag and walmart and everyone that would devastate our planet (us) for a buck, and their requisite genocides. But when it happens "in your backyard", even knowing that it would, eventually, in some form, it's still a shock. It's heartbreaking, and makes you feel like you lost. You didn't, you just feel that way. This isn't mountaintop removal, or a pipeline that could ruin your water for various reasons (like oil or lead); in fact we don't know what this is, officially this isn't even happening (yet, it's just being tested in case we need it, whatever it is. Lol). There was never lead in the Flint water supply either, until the right person in the right place made it known. Geoengineering is Solar Management Radiation, which apparently is reflective nano-particles, which is gross, because that would be metals, like aluminum, and who knows - we don't have a media other than what you find for yourself online.
So I stuck my head in the sand for well over a month. I never stopped thinking about it, but didn't do anything with my photos. It's not like there aren't a million photos out there of these already.
Of all the "conspiracy theories" that I will talk about (some people will discuss them, some just let me talk and talk.., some say "not now.."), there is more disbelief and pushback regarding geoengineering (which I explain are chemtrails) than any other issue, in my experience anyway. I see the same online. It seems people will dismiss the truth before their very eyes (like Building 7), before they will dismiss the possibility that so-and-so is a pedophile (although that's not the best example). I sent these pics (vid) along with some info on geoengineering, in two different emails, to my small-town, one-guy, newspaper, and called first to explain (to his daughter, I believe) what I was going to send. I never heard back. I had read a post of his on fb that implied to me that he was of independent mind, I guess not. He still needs his advertisers, and this is big ag country. (His daughter had no idea what I was talking about.)
I thought, "Holy sh##, this is the perfect psy-op - along with an actual op." Spraying the population with an unknown substance for unknown reasons, then denying it's happening, and calling those who have seen it with their own eyes and want to know what's happening "crazy" ... it's perfect! Assholes.
Exactly two months after this incident, on April 7th or 8th, it started raining. And raining. On the very few days it wasn't raining, it started again in the afternoon. I thought there were weird characteristics to this rain, but maybe it was just in my head because of the chemtrails. And when it wasn't raining, the wind, omg. This is tornado country (what isn't tornado country now?), but the wind was weird in it's manner, too - blowing exactly straight from the east non-stop like a wind tunnel, never varying, for however many hours it took until the rain started again. It took a loose piece of gutter off my trailer. (Actually I took it down before it came off, it was half-on and blowing so hard it was banging up against my roof. It was the only spot I wasn't able to get to to tighten beforehand.)
April showers bring May flowers. In the midwest, they say if you don't like the weather, wait five minutes. All true. It's hard to describe here what made this rain "weird", but when you live in one place your whole life, and you are old(er), you know the patterns of things. So I will relate this: during that time of the weird, but April, rain, a friend took me to an appointment and we ran some errands. We were in the local independent pet store, which is owned by a woman who also has always been here, about my age. She said to us, totally out of the blue (I had said nothing, I swear!), "Wasn't that rain weird?" Yes, finally, vindication! Not me this time, saying , "I'm telling you, it's weird, you gotta believe me.." - no, I don't sound crazy at all, lol! (I really am trying to work on my presentation of controversial subjects. I am. Did I say I love Steemit?) Weird weather happens all the time, but I told them about the spraying and concurred on the weirdness, then as my friend and I were going down the highway we passed a billboard that said in huge letters: Someone told Dane Wigington about it while I was being a pussy. It may have been up long before Feb. 7th, I don't know without a car.
We are getting sprayed at least a few times a week, and it's happening at night, too. Many clear days I look forward to star-gazing that night, only to have no stars that night from a spray at dusk. (I also know someone who has seen the lines after 1 am.) Who doesn't love the beauty of a starry sky? I'm lucky to be just south of the city, but I'm by the highway, sans car, and the night sky provides an important element of nature to me. It takes you away, and grounds you by never changing. A few years ago, I had a terrible year-long bout of insomnia, and I took that time and a wonderful real-time astronomy site (I can't get it anymore, or would be including the link), to learn and re-learn the night sky, new constellations connected in their story to the ones I already knew, their stars, and so many things.
Imagine having a painting of your own, that you had and loved your whole life, so endless and complicated that you could never learn everything in it - sometimes you put your all into the learning, and sometimes you just enjoy it. That is what the night sky is to us. (What it is to the rest of nature that navigates and lives by it, is another story.) Now imagine that one day some asshole just comes along and paints over your painting - just takes it and ruins it, what you've had your whole life. I can't see the stars and constellations that I just learned, not like I should be able to. Not only did that asshole paint over your painting, he has stolen your textbook from you, too. He lets you have it back once in a while. This analogy could be applied to a forest that you used to live near, that got logged, or a river near you that got oil spilled in it, and many things. But the night sky? Nothing is more or less important in a system, it's just that the sky is all of ours. If nature was a human body, it would be like someone painting over your skin.
The good news is, the stars remain, seen or not.
But they just keep coming. And I keep taking photos, depressed or not!

I wish they would crash.
Thanks, Steemit,
- MH
(photos by Cubbyworks. All geoengineering photos or video by Cubbyworks will be unenhanced other than possible cropping, unless noted. Camera: Canon PowerShot SX520HS)

Dear friend,

your article was resteemed and featured on the Stop Chemtrails Digest #9.

Thank you very much for helping raise our collective awareness.

Together we can stop this madness!

WOW, thank you very much!! I'm so pleased you all found my post relevant and worthy to the cause. YES I want to help stop this madness! Soon, thanks again. MH

Nice Post, Brother!There IS indeed, a gigantic federal Budget for this Crap! I believe its causing Early Alzheimer's, asthma, and God only Knows what else out here! Don't the Pilots know that their Families breathe the same air we do? Praying for the day, we can make them STOP!

Thank you. It's so NICE to be on Steemit (esp as opposed to fb) and getting positive (for a non-positive thing) feedback, it's encouraging. I agree, I'm sure it's the part of the budget that doesn't get printed, probably most of the budget, haha. Ikr, about the pilots? Or anyone in the know? But I understand that now you have to sign non-disclosure agreement for agencies that never required them before - like NOAA, and agencies that should not need them! I think a couple pilots have spoken; we'll get there. Thanks - Steem on!

We Just Have to Keep Raising Awareness! it seems the Only way! The Pictures are very effective,IMO! There's no denying its not normal!

I COMPLETELY agree. Up late looking at pics, of another event. They just blow me away. Was thinking, it hazes over so fast, that must be a part of the reason people don't see or realize whats happening.

I am Certain they have different types of spray! Just wish we could PROVE this once and for all!

There is an msm drip drip of it. I believe they are stalling, very controlled timing. So long as we keep net neutrality we can do it, I think. Like steem would be the first site they would throttle as soon as they can. Ya know?

I agree, am just playing low key here, but I do think more people are waking up to the reality! :)

Nice post. If you look closely, there's often times little white orbs that fly in, around and out of the chemtrails. No idea what they are but you will see them. Keep taking pictures and looking up.

Hi, @sheilaaliens! Thank you! (Just saw your reply - I think the way replies and feed notifications pop up together makes me miss some replies in real-time.) That's very interesting, the orbs- I will ttly check it out. Thank you, yeah I have lots more pics since that Feb. incident. Ten bucks says I will find what you are referring to in my pics. Will advise. Followed. I enjoyed your poem- made me laugh and I think it has soul. Welcome to Steemit!

@sheilaaliens, hey are you still around?? Just looking at yr blog.. Today is the one-yr anniversary (! yea?) of when I first saw chemtrails over my home - so i was bk looking at the vid, and it was you ;), who mentioned the orbs! I had thought about that comment often and thinking of digging for it, as YES - not only do I see them now, now I have a file called hexagons lol. Many of the orbs take that shape, or seem to originate from it. And OTHER weird things too. this is from Dec 12th, and often a blue round/oblong "sunspot" too. if you see this I will crack up laughing happy :).

Excellent post. I'm older as well, and i see the changes too.
I could go off on a rant detailing some of your ideas. . . Perhaps another day when I'm less tired. :)
I will follow you.

Thank you SO much! I hope you do, and let me know haha. Followed as well.

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