
Unfortunately this movie does not come even close to the truth.
It appears to be well meaning and decently made, however there are gaping holes in historical facts. Starting from the Rothschilds also financing and CREATING the Bolshewiks to the Pearl Harbor event - this is when I called it quits.
The main problem is in my opinion that History is so complex and so full of lies that it is very difficult to consider all the evidence and facts. It is very easy to fall for narratives ingrained into our minds over and over again. Most documentaries follow specific narratives but fail to include all evidence, most likely out of ignorance and not malevolence.
Its sad, but most likely we will NEVER know the whole truth about anything. That's the nature of Secrets...there is no evidence and very little paper trail to reveal them a few decades later. Sad.

Thanks for your insight. You actually hit upon one of the problems I have been thinking a lot about. Portions of truth blended really well but leaving huge truth bombs out. I'm not sure its always done with malevolence but it changes history and what really happened. I'm going to post on my blog about it.

Giving it some extra thought it becomes painfully clear to me that History will always remain unknown to us and literally HIS - STORY.
Think about it. We do not even know what is going on today, in real Life. At a time where we actually have witnesses which are still alive. All we really can tell is that we do NOT know the truth, not even events which happened a few weeks ago. Sandy Hook, Las Vegas, for example.
Nothing adds up.
What we have are official stories which are so contradicting that they have to be false on one end and wild speculations on the other. And this at a time, where we have living witnesses, video evidence etc.
How could we possibily reconstruct what really happened 50, 100, 200 or thousand years ago?
This MUST be utterly impossible !
Not only is crucial evidence long gone, we are also victims of past indoctrinations. Many historical lies we do not even begin to question while we actually should.
And history was ALWAYS written by the winners. It was always the bad bad guys who started the wars and the good guys who won them.
I think we will have to come to grips with the sad fact that we will NEVER know the truth, about ANYTHING.

I agree with a portion and each will know only the truth within their own confined given circumstances. I do believe the truth is like a simmering volcano and finds a way to vent especially during massive cycle changes. Which I never even paid attention to until 2012. I happened to be in LA at the time of 12/21/12. As far as energetics go LA has it all. That was a time a lot of questions arose. Incredible skies. It draws the best of both worlds.

I find your posts great. Noticed you mentioned wifi sensitivity in one of your replies and I will share part of my experience. I left the States in June 2015 & almost instantly realized after arriving that I had more energy and the air was less charged. It is very different and unless your in a city or a targeted individual wifi here is limited with the massive amounts of antennas needed for smart meters only coming into play as I write this.

They are installing them everywhere now. My health greatly improved here. There is still real food, obeisity only came into play when Europe and GMO'sbdid. The European Union as if we weren't European enough before they ordained us with a "union" and unelected deciscion makers that have telecom stocks. We all have the same douches or their cousins running our fake-ocracies.

There is one thing different this time around as per say last 2000 years; we have evolved. HIS-story is happening in real time and we have a looking glass. I agree there are many evident sources of real time proof and information being ignored and discarded. It sucks. What I have learned about people is they don't care until it happens to them. It can be happening to them while they maintain blinders just like in your recent video post, they aren't ready or able to see.

I have to remind myself even if I am incredibly sad about the things I see so clearly now, I once had someone save my life a few times while I was blind and asleep but failed to even notice clear & present danger. Even when flat out told.

Sometimes we don't see whats right in our face, its so foreign. They did an amazing job programming the masses.

OMG, you live in the Provence I see. I am jealous!
Are they spraying less in France?
Having spent one month in Armenia, my health improved dramatically. Unfortunately now back in LA it gradually declined again. That's the way it is.
I'd like to encourage you to read my latest post about the depopulation agenda. Many of unanswered questions you might have could find an answer.

I forgot to answer about the spraying. Yes. I have an amazing view of a few mountain ranges ending on the alps so I see sky for hundreds of miles. In provence the clouds formations are similar to those in New Mexico after spraying they become more often thick puffy clouds with many colors not like other places where they just spread get thick and gray and are flat streakd etc. I believe its due to the different magnetics.

I lived in Reims my hometown for a bit when I got back here, there its grimm. Also more tech like wifi way more. Wanna laugh? I got assaulted there and went to the "police nationale" headquarters, as I was sitting in waiting room I looked around. Noticed spots for lights on railings above us and scenery painted on walls. Having been in industry I pay a lot of attention to detail; I realized the decor was a theater stage.

Ever heard the quote "La bete sera dresse dans le theatre?"

Its grimm here. Has been for centuries. Up until EU was formed the French did ok. Then. Boom. All the prices went up and wages didn't. We have been agenda 21'd so hard its not pretty.

Here they censor profusely. Our internet is far from free. Exact same tactics on dissidents here. Its a bummer. France is a country that has been ravaged for over a thousand years by foreign agents, the church being one of the worst. Up until the 70s parents used to get their kids to behave by telling them if they didn't they would send them to the preachers. Their sexual predation, physical and brutal tactics have only been forgotten recently.

MK Programming and distortions are huge. Try telling the French the Jacobians where a false flag of their time done by uk and other monarchs to remove our monarchs, who then put in their agents, add the nwo inception post ww2: we've been had, pawned and used by the same powers doing it globally. So yes they spray..

I am not a fan at all of the eiffel tower and its potential use as a population control weapon. Its disgusting I've been taking our history etc apart for a few years and it sure changes the view knowing what tech already existed but has been kept hidden from general public. It wasn't supposed to stay it was temporary.

Odd sky event I saw similar here than in California a few years ago, the sun setting to the west and the clouds to the east having wild pink hues as if the sun was setting over there.

We had a strange sky event here about two months ago. A red light tunnel ran from sky to around my village, people have reported and photographed white ones but haven't seen red. It was seen from the villages on opposite mountains. I asked if it was like a laser in its appearance and disappearance. First thought right? No. It dissolved quite differently. My dog lost it that night and I heard helicopters and a bunch of planes. No information whatsoever on it anywhere.

We haz secrets... Lol. I have a theory we are no longer allowed to look for archeological or historical treasures in our fields and mountains for just that reason. :)

It's worldwide I'm afraid. Only very few places on earth left which are geopolitical of lesser importance. I assume Paraguay or so. Unfortunately I am too old and tired to go there, for me it's too late...

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