Google+ shadowboxed my 2015 ecuadorian asylum request

in #conspiracy6 years ago (edited)

So I copied it when found, here it is so another copy is online. Theres pics too!

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claire felicite Chaunu
5 oct. 2015

Just emailed to honorary consul in Strasbourg because the Paris one doesn't have an email and theres no fax here!!! plus runningout of money to actually fax it. Crazy BUT I AM MAKING THE REQUEST

Urgent; Request for Asylum Political and violation of civil and human rights for Claire Felicite Chaunu
Boîte de réception
claire felicite chaunu [email protected]
17:39 (Il y a 13 minutes)
À embajadaenfran.
I, Claire Felicite Chaunu, citizen of the France and Green Card holder of The United States of America am writing to request asylum in the Republic of Ecuador or its Embassy in Paris due to inabillity of free movement because of the risk of being persecuted by the government of the United States, France, Great Britain and others I have yet to be abvle to identify and their agents in relation to my decision to make public serious violations on the part of the government of the United States of its Constitution, specifically of its Fourth and Fifth Amendments, and of various treaties of the United Nations that are now somewhat known. I revealed that Trapwire and other surveillance programs existed and where being used against American Citizens and my case was brought top the DOJ in Washington DC by a member of the Press who was gagged with a National Security Letter. This finding of the programs stemmed from my pursuing Adam Levine, Jesse Carmichael, James of Maroon Five in Los Angeles, California along with 50 « does » which included Disney Corporation, The rockefeller owned entities such as NBC and the show the Voice for invasion of privacy, illegal surveillance, stealing things out of my computer and then using them in songs, shows or online.

While I was trying to stop all of this with the help of a group called Anonymous (please note I am not a member but support some of their operations for divuldging illegal operations of governments, like I support Wikileaks) I discovered a vaste network of Sadistic human traffickers ands began to expose them. At the time I was pursuing Adam and the others there was a female by the name of Shirley Aida Winscht who had also breached my devices and was a part of this sadistic group discovered in my devices when Anonymous came into my devices and backtraced them finding proof of the breaches in August of 2012. She had threatened via online blogs to kidnap rape and kill myself and my children. Her father owns the London School of English in the Canary Islands. It is my belief that this school and its subsidies are a cover program for very illegal and inhumane programs.

As a result of my standing up for myself and my Family, my political opinions that one should not have their civil and human rights taken for knowing too much, and my desire to exercise my freedom of speech, through which I’ve shown or talked about the government of the United States is intercepting the majority of communications in the world, and pursuing actively with the help of various law enforcement agencies in the United states and now also here in France instead of investigating all the evidence I have provided to various agencies in The United States and here in Reims, France and tried to provide evidence to variouspolice outlets in France that have ignored me, contacted interpol cyber online, filed complaints via the FBI, tried to get freedom of information acts in the United states all ignored illegally only leading to more retaliation. I have a lot of evidence online and while I went to your embassy in Strasbourg to ask for help I uploaded more film evidence which has been the only way I have found to protect myself I was subsequently locked out of all my emails. I would specualte that right now as I write this I am being impersonated via these accounts to frame me for running the Human trafficking network that I discovered as retaliation by the same agencies that are supposed to protect us and not these sadistic pedophiles. It is organized crime and they are in the Justice system, politicans also are included in this global trafficking pedophile network.

Ecuador granted asylum to the founder of Wikileaks, Julian Assange, in relation to things like this . My case is much more complicated but others have also been persecuted who tried to help in the United States, in fact it is my belief that Barrett Brown a Journalist imprisoned in the United States was persecuted because of his knowledge of this case and is now in Solitary Confinment in a Prison beingtreated out of the realm of the laws and trumed up charges. Please note he has been in solitary confinment since I asked him to Marry me publicly on Twitter at the begining of September 2015; it is also very similar to that of the American soldier Bradley Manning, who made public government information through Wikileaks revealing war crimes, was arrested by the United States government and has been treated inhumanely during his time in prison. He was put in solitary confinement before his trial and the U.N. anti-torture representative judged that Mr. Manning was submitted to cruel and inhumane acts by the United States government.

The treatment of me and lack of investigations during the last 3 years, the misuse of American National Security letters to protect the interests of organized crime, Adam Levine and the others has left them the time and capabilty to frame me and rewrite my entire life while terrorizing me with agents everywhere I go, contractors paid to destroy my life and discredit me such as Richard Downing and his family, neighbors of my mother in Vallejo California and the Valljo Police department where I filed complaints and freedom of information acts that where ignored and even removed from the service MUCKROCK I believe due to intimidation from the authorities to the people who run that service and again misuse of national security letters. Most of that information of exchanges can be found on where I posted it publicly. They said my FOIA requests where too complicated as an excuse to take them down, yet they are no more complicated than any other requests. I filed through them as a third party because when I faxed the FBI and others requests in August of 2014 they ignored them and only began to acknowledge they had « misplaced » them after I filed through Muckrock in October of 2014; there is a pattern of ignoring than violating my rights; I began to try and file a request for GCHQ the british agencies that conducted illegal surveillance upon me but the follow up includes a mailed letter. At this point putting anything in the mail to any of these agencies sends fear of them saying I sent things like Riacin in them to protect their interests and I cannot afford to employ anyone to help me as a third party. They have ruined my family, my credibility even though I was and have been cleared of mental illness and always retaliate even more after I try and get help.

Two weeks ago I got a phone to try and move forward in my life and be accessible to friends, a job and have access the internet to upload video evidence of what they are doing to me here to in France. That phone was invaded with cyber technology and used to stay in my accounts even though it was off most of the time, logged out of accounts. When I realised it was breached I cleared it to basic factory settings at which point nothing should have been left in it. Then encrypted it only to find somehow they had rewritten the program inside of the setup wizard to reload with all their framwork to frame me for the crimes I reported.

You have provided Asylum to Julian Assange in your embassy. I believe my case proves he is right that the United States and other countries are not respecting the laws and will endanger him and others like him for reporting their abuses if he is extradited and as I said in the messages I left for your embassy in Strasbourg; I have devices that prove the breaches occur that I am willing to provide you with if you will further investigate these breaches to help citizens who are recieving this kind of abuse and retaliation globally. I also have photos and video footage of being stalked and set up by agencies and criminals combined;My use of the internet is limited and I had to creeate an entire new account today to be able to email this to you and post it publicly due to what happened in Strasbourg, France where I caught other consuls and people at the European Parlament aiding in Framing me and posted videos online. I will provide links below and pray that they will not completely wipe me from the internet.

I believe that, given these circumstances, it is unlikely that I am ging to recieve any helps from the various agencies globally or that there will ever be an investigation into what has been done to me. The violations of my civil and human rights is astounding yet no one ever investigates. I believe the American citizens, French citizens and others globally have the right to know how these terroist laws like National security letters are being misused and what these agencies are doing behind back doors to people. Below I am providing links to my sites where evidence is posted, please note I have PTSD and sometimes the films are choppy but can you imagine what it has been like to live like this? Everywhere I have lived they surround me and I am traumatized. I am a strong women and have an incredible faith in God but I am requesting your help and understanding. I hope you will take the time to view, copy and download these items. I thank your represenative from Strasbourg for having sent me a text reffering me to Paris but due to my situation, lack of funds and mobility I have to make this request public and hope an exception can be made that you communicate with me via email and phone or even publicly to give me your response and at that point I will make my way to Paris or wherever you direct me.

I do believe this could also help end Julian Assanges saga in your embassy and free people like Barrett Brown who is a journalist at the very least being prosecuted politically and in retaliation for his research into contractors. I thank you for your time and consideration,

Sincerely ,

Claire Felicite Chaunu
I would suggest replying publicly but will leave that option to you. You may use my twitter too. If you decide to do this I would suggest highly due to the sensitivity of my case even following me on twitter once your decision is made for they retaliate quickly. That is fact.
Links to evidence currently online; Freedopm of Information : Muckrock data Images included in case it disappears.

Embargoed FOIA request...
THE DOJ just ignored it completely
Richard Downing Federal contractor USA

Richard downing trying to discredit with an online campaign after I became homeless due to his and the others harrasment of me. It is also after HE got an illegal judgement against me I was never even served the papers to go to court legally and the video and many others I have posted of his illegal surveillance on my mothers home where I resided part of 2014 show that he harrassed and violated all my rights. he is part of Pirana investigations group and a federal contractor, informant for the FBI. He created this page specifically to discredit me. I am including an image in case he tries to remove it.

vallejo computer breaches of my mothers.
Please note they broke the links in the comment section to send them to othe videos. they have even made them private after I post them publicly to make me look crazy. here are some;

This is when I went back to my moms because I was so sick being homeless I couldn't even stand or speak almost so the risk was worth it...
You can scroll through this pictures evidence facebook said I have 13 friend when I had over 300 and makes my page private. Evidence of computer breaches even here in france of anyone I am in contact with or knew when I was younger. I cannot log into these accounts but they are still visible as of now.
there are many videos...
Sleeping at justice center under cameras while they sent people on cue into parking lot; I WAS HOMELESS BECAUSE OF THIS MANY TIMES please note this is a public profile but they do not allow anyone to see it unless logged in. I have brought this to their attention at facebook many times yet they give me a generic we will try to fix it reply; SINCE 2013

One of my video channels with evidence from USA AND FRANCE

Police helping frame me people come out and follow me on cue using plate coding like in The usa...

Political retaliation here too.

another channel since they block me and cheat I have had to create multpile outlets I also have forgotten passwords with the stress a few times. Not this time. My email accounts where taken over after I posted about Strasbourg online.
Zone contenant les pièces jointes
Prévisualiser la vidéo YouTube 1st incIDENT NEIGHBOR oct 19 ATTACKING ME amazing: PROTECTION PRE RESTRAINING ORDER... video
Prévisualiser la vidéo YouTube removing broadband wan homegroup crimially installed 002
Prévisualiser la vidéo YouTube richard downing camera pointed into our home. nuff said.
Prévisualiser la vidéo YouTube Richard downing ,Dawson busted camera pointed and filming me and moms yard
Prévisualiser la vidéo YouTube No peace Justice center Santa Cruz california DEC. In apt someone had a huge SANTA CRUZ sticker...
Prévisualiser la vidéo YouTube Police nationale coup monte reprisailles
Prévisualiser la vidéo YouTube Palais congres coup monte reprisailles
Mail Delivery Subsystem17:39 (Il y a 13 minutes)
Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently: embajadaenfrancia@amb...
claire felicite chaunu [email protected]
17:51 (Il y a 1 minute)
À consul.equateu.

J'ai du mal a trouver un FAX j'essayerais demain pour envoyer ma demande a Paris. Je vous ait laissee un message dont vous m'avez repondue. Je vous remercie, je l'ai recue par contre j'ai due creer un noveau email le jour apres la demande et les messages. Les autres sont bloquees... Si vous pouvez envoyer ca par email a la personne que cela concerne a Paris cela serais superbe, car trouvez un fax a reims n'est pas evident et je suis entouree comme d'habitude. Je vous remercie et c'est aussi pour vos dossiers au cas ou vous en avez besoin.
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