Mysteries of Dulce Base (Part 2) Seven Stories Underground - Dulce Wars

in #conspiracy7 years ago

'Dulce Base' is said to hold the second largest repository of extraterrestrials and equipment in North America.
The Dulce underground secret base is allegedly under Mt. Archuleta near Dulce, New Mexico. This is supposedly the largest Reptilian and Grey base in America.


Seven layers of mystery lay below the Los Alamos mountains. Tales of Draconids, Reptilians, Greys, MIB, UFOs, and other strange occurrences come from the surrounding area as well as those who have come forward claiming a connection to the alleged alien base. Not only are there stories of just this "little" base, but loads of underground tunnels coming from it.


The largest amount of the stories on these floors comes from Thomas Costello and a little bit of information from Phil Schneider. The sizes of these floors are described lightly.

The First Level starts 200 feet from the surface. Each level has a ceiling of seven feet, except levels six and seven, the ceiling there is 45 and 60 feet. There are approximately 45 feet or more between each level. The average highway ceiling is twenty-five feet. The HUB at the base is 3,000 feet wide. Use a 7.5 minute scale map to try to comprehend the size of the place.


So this place is certainly MASSIVE, but what actually takes place here? Rumors of human experimentation, hybrid breeding, human slaves, mind control experiments, genetic experiments to alter human DNA to work in strange conditions such as radioactive and underwater, the lists go on. One thing from this if it is true is The Secret Government cloned humans by a process perfected in the world’s largest and most advanced biogenetic research facility in Dulce. The elite humans now have their own disposable slave-race for their sick and twisted future. Although some will say that these Reptilians and Greys are merely using us, and they're probably right. Here is a short video from UFO Hunters about the Base. There was an entire episode, but this is one of the most interesting bits as it confirms a facility like Dulce can be created without ANYONE knowing!

Costello has made many claims that the government here was using women and secretly impregnating them, then removing the fetus after a period of three months. The fetus was then moved to their laboratories where their growth was accelerated. They would be implanted with devices to be controlled through Radio Frequency transmissions. This network was developed by DARPA.



Thomas has also mentioned several areas surrounding that can lead into the area:

Salt Lake, Lake Powell Area, Dark Canyon, Dougway Grounds, Modena, Vernal. All have exits there. Others too.

Within the areas are reports of:

  • Reports of ’lizard people’ down in the labyrinths;
  • Reports of grays working with humans on electronic equipment and massive building projects going on in huge caverns beneath the mountains to the east;
  • Reports of humans who are part of an Asian-based ’Agharti’ kingdom who maintain colonies within the tunnels and caverns below - and who are in conflict with the reptiloids, grays, and a group collaborating human fascists from a network of massive underground facilities beneath the Neu Shwabenland region of Antarctica;
  • Reports of men in suits having been seen pacing back and forth through large underground chambers carrying uzi machine guns;
  • Reports of seemingly bottomless shafts;
  • Large tunnels strung with lights that are "big enough to drive a semi-truck through";
  • Sections of tunnel walls that looked solid yet which one could put their hands through;
  • Rooms which emanate a strange greenish phosphorescent glow;
  • Abductees who are taken below and encounter all types of aliens;
  • Discs that have been seen emerging from the mountains to the east and attacking incoming UFOs over the valley;
  • Dungeons & Dragons fanatics who have been down in the tunnels and tell wild stories of hundreds of miles of maze-like passages;
  • Reports of connections to the tunnel systems via the sewer-drainage network especially underneath the downtown "Crossroads" area;
  • Reports of alien activity similar to that which has been described in connection to Dulce New Mexico;
  • Reports of a huge cavern network that reaches beyond the border of the state in all directions - a huge network that connects the underground systems of Nevada with those of New Mexico.


The source above has the entire interview with Mr. Costello in text form. It's a lot to read, but there are also audio versions out there if interested.


The last bit I want to talk about for this post is the Dulce Firefight. There are actually multiple stories of it and multiple versions so whether it is credible or not you can decide. Costello, Schneider, and Lear have all told different versions and Lear has even discredited Schneider's story in an interview which I posted in my last article. More interestingly an event of the treaties mentioned in previous posts, and this war in an underground installation are backed by an interview in the 90's done by Ole K. and an alleged Reptiloid who referred to herself as Lacerta. (I may or may not do an article on her in the future, but the background and comments from this may be very controversial for my position)

Schneider's report was that while digging on the job, he and his colleagues had run into technical difficulties and in an attempt to fix this problem had encountered several gray aliens. This led to a battle between the grays and 60 men, out of them only three had survived. Phil described the alien shot a laser from something on its chest and not only ripped open like a fish down his chest, but burned off several of his fingers and burned his leg.


Jon Lear's story, however, claims that this was not even a "war" and what happened was that one Grey was giving a class to about 40 human scientists at Dulce, and Delta Force guards were not allowed to be anywhere near a grey with a firearm of any kind. Unfortunately, a security guard walked in with a weapon and the Grey killed him instantly. The Delta Force watching went on security went in to take revenge. The aftermath was this one Grey killed everyone there, 66 people including all the scientists involved. Jon does wonder if maybe Schneider's testimony was another area, but he very much doubts it.

Lastly is Costello's is as follows:

Sshhaal took upon himself the danger of informing me. He was as open as is possible in a unique situation. On the day I found out about it, I was inspecting a camera near an exit tunnel.
He approached, stooped down (the tall reptiloids average about 7-8 ft. in height according to most witnesses - Branton), seemingly scraping some non-existent dirt, and he quietly said,
"A few of us agreed that you are singular in your interest in missing-human reports. If true, walk away. I’ll reach you. If it’s untrue, destroy my life now!"
My heart almost leaped out of my chest, but I silently walked toward one of the wide halls.
For the rest of my life I’ll remember those words! It was the first time I KNEW reptilians could have individual thoughts and opinions! Basically, they formed a uniform front with a small variety of interests. Or at least, that was what we had thought. It was a couple days before I heard from him again. As he walked beside me in the sixth level’s infamous hall, I heard him say "Enter the exit tunnel on the sixth level, north, after your shift."
The next few hours were long and filled with thoughts of betrayal, or worse, but I shouldn’t have worried. I contacted one of the original nine [resistance] men, and let him know, just in case. Gordon wanted to go with me, but I convinced him to wait a few feet from the exit and pretend he was having trouble with his cart [electric, like a golf cart]. When I got there, there were three of them. SSHHAAL formerly introduced FAHSSHHAA and HUAMSSHHAA [name base word is SSHHAA or assist]. With that, I quickly grabbed Gordon from the hall and the five of us talked and walked in the dark tunnels about three hours. After that day, the joined resistance group got bigger and bolder. Ultimately, it ended when a military assault was initiated via the exit tunnels and they executed anybody on their list, human or reptilian.
We fought back, but none of the working caste had weapons, nor did the human lab workers. Only the security force and a few computer workers had flash guns. It was a massacre. Everyone was screaming and running for cover. The halls and tunnels were filled as full as possible. We believe it was the Delta Force [because of the uniforms and the method they used] that chose to hit at shift change, an effort that killed as many as named on their list.
We, to this day, do not know who BETRAYED us. Gordon Ennery ran beside me as we ran into the third level exit tunnels, and he died when several bullets slammed into his back. I vaporized that assassin and kept running. And I’m still running. Gordon will be remembered.


Although Costello's accounts seem the most different in these stories, it is the most detailed along with the rest of his interview in the link cited. Lastly I will leave several photos below that are allegedly taken from Dulce of the alien species involved. I will link the site below the photos.


What are your thoughts on all of this information? I will go more into detail of Costello's full interview and points I myself find interesting, as well as points that may help enlighten those to the truth we spread in the ICoLR. Peace be with all of you.

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Dulce Base is mysterious~

Incredible research done. I am amazed and deeply intrigued by all this I can't wait to see your other posts.

This is pretty wild! There are so many stories, it is really hard to believe there is nothing there...The hotel in that video was pretty fascinating and makes one wonder...

Good research here!!

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