Conspiracy? Hundreds Of Chemical Warfare Attacks On US Citizens Are Complimentary!

in #conspiracy6 years ago (edited)


The United States government loves to act shaken after "allegedly Syrian" chemical attacks are aimed at America...

But when do they ever talk about the chemical attacks that U.S. government agencies have performed in urban which has effected thousands of innocent Americans?

Many victims of these horrid acts of terror are still suffering today...

San Francisco "Fog Incident"

On September 20, 1950, a US Navy ship just off the coast of San Francisco used a giant hose to spray a cloud of microbes into the air and into the city’s famous fog. The military was testing how a biological weapon attack would affect the 800,000 residents of the city. LINK

The U.S. Navy continued their test in San Francisco for a whole week, residents of San Francisco did not consent and were completely unaware of the experiment. There is a lot of evidence that this caused the death of at least one resident, Edward Nevin, and hospitalized 10 others.

The San Francisco test was one of the first experiments in a large-scale biological weapon trial that continued for 20 years, 1949 to 1969.

The Significance Of The Tests On San Francisco?

There are 239 tests that are known to have been part of the bio-weapon trial and San Francisco is a renowned test for two reasons according to Dr. Leonard Cole, who wrote an entire book about the subject: “Clouds of Secrecy: The Army’s Germ Warfare Tests Over Populated Areas.”

This incident was significant "Because it was really early in the program … but also because of the extraordinary coincidence that took place at Stanford Hospital, beginning days after the Army’s tests had taken place.”

Nurses and doctors at hospitals in San Francisco were mortified by the appearance of one patient who was infected with a certain bacteria, Serratia marcescens. This bacteria was very rare and eventually killed it's host, Edward Nevin, after the infection spread to his heart.

Above is a time lapse of the growth of the Serratia marcescens bacteria (on a petri dish) that killed Edward Nevin.

Serratia marcescens and Bacillus globigii were the two types of bacteria that the Navy ship sprayed over the Bay Area.

Cole wrote in his book that Americans were unaware untill the 1970s that "They had been serving as experimental animals for agencies of their government.”

San Francisco was not the first and definitely was not the last chemical warfare experiment that American citizens experienced without proper informed consent.


The following (and above) chemical warfare experiments occurred during a dark chapter in US history. All tests were documented in Leonard Cole's book) and were verified by Business Insider with reports from congress and archived news articles.


Releasing Pathogens Into New York's Subway System

The story of the experiments conducted in the New York's Subway stations in 1966 are alongside the most shocking of these strings of experiments in terms of number of people exposed to the released contagion, according to Dr. Leonard Cole.

Military officials wanted to figure out how easy it would be to unleash a biological weapon into New York's subway.

The plan was to break multiple light bulbs full of bacteria on the train tracks and monitor their spread through the bustling city.

Trillions of bacteria particle can be packed into one light bulb and by smahing one on the tracks as a train arrives, they will be spread through the air and travel through tunnels into more stations as that train leaves.

If you allow this act to repeat itself multiple times you will successfully spread your contagion covertly.


Retired Scientist Speaks Out About New York Subway Experiements

In 1995, Newsday reporter Dennis Duggan was able to interview a retired military scientist Charles Senseney. Charles had previously testified about the New York subway experiments in front of a Senate subcommittee back in 1975.

Senseney confessed to the subcommittee that light bulbs full of bacteria were dropped on 14th Street and were tracked and confirmed to have spread to at least 58th Street.

The interview was cut short and no new evidence about the subway experiments were revealed to the Newsday reporter. “I don’t want to get near this,” Senseney said to Duggan. “I [testified], because I was told I had to by the people at the Department of Defense … I better get off the phone.”


Similar Bacteria To San Francisco Fog Incident

The bacterias Serratia marcescens and Bacillus globigii were the bactria released to unsuspected New York subway passengers for 6 days.

Serratia marcescens and Bacillus globigii were the same germs used in San Francisco.

National Academy of Sciences analyzed military experiments and have evaluated that B. globigii is a pathogen. The report did say that “Infections are rarely known to be fatal,” even though fatal cases have occurred in the past.

The Following Information Was Recovered From A Declassified Phamphlet Regarding The U.S. Army’s Germ Warfare Activities In Urban Areas Of America.

Link to declassified document

In 1979 Washing Post released an article which discussed the open air experiments that were conducted in Tampa Bay which spread the disease pertussis (otherwise known as whooping cough). The pertussis was first spread in 1955.

State records in 1955 shows that whooping cough cases in Florida increased from 339 (one death included) in 1954 to 1,080 (12 deaths) in 1955.

But There Is Not Enough Evidence To Blame The Whooping Cough Increase On The Experiment Itself

It is hard to trace exactly where the whooping cough spread because there were already over 300 known people who were infected with pertussis in the area when the pathogen was first spread.

But there is still hope to expose the army for the vile experiment they conducted in Tampa Bay because the Church of Scientology has investigated this in the past.

American Citizens For Honesty In Government Established

The Church of Scientology (once they had formed the ACHG) put a lot of time and energy into investigating covert experiments that were conducted by by the U.S. Army and the CIA, according to the 1979 Washing Post article.

American Citizens for Honesty in Government then sent out a Freedom of Information Act request which uncovered numerous documents related to chemical warfare experiments in the late 1970s.

Above is a picture of Leonard Cole and a link to an interview with him accessed by clicking the picture.

Dr. Leonard Cole Believes The Scientologists

Cole also talks in his book about how many people are skeptical of ACHG's reports.

“I certainly am not a member and I think a lot of what they do is quackery,” Cole understands why some people are skeptical of those reports. But Cole also says “in this case, I have no reason to believe any of this isn’t real.”

This may be because both Cole and the Scientologists released many the same documents related to chemical warfare to the public.


We Have Only Scraped The Surface In Terms Of Declassifying These Tests

How much information is still classified or missing? We might never know...

Many details about the army’s tests over populated areas remain secret. Most of the test reports are still classified or cannot be located, although a few of the earlier ones have become available in response to Freedom of Information Act requests and in conjunction with the Nevin case. Among those available, sections have been blocked out and pages are missing. LINK

What Happened Directly After The Declassification Of This Information?

Militarily officials did have to testify to congress about these experiments and Clouds of Secrecy has a record of that discussion.

The following is a snippet from the military officials' testimony to congress:

Determining just how vulnerable the US was to a biological attack "Required extensive research and development to determine precisely our vulnerability, the efficacy of our protective measures, and the tactical and strategic capability of various delivery

giphy (3).gif

What Is Happening Now?

Dr. Leonard Cole says that many people often ask him what is happening now? If secret tests were being conducted back then, what would stop them from being continued?

Cole does not think it is likely...

I would never swear on your life or my life that nothing illegitimate is happening, but based on what I do know, I don’t have any sense that there’s illicit activity now that would involve risking exposure to tons of people, as happened in the 50s and 60s LINK

Let's not forget this is only Leonard Cole's perspective...

Reports Of Continued Experiments:

  • 2001 - New York Times reports biological weapon programs that date back to the Clinton administration and continued onward to Bush's second administration.

This should have been completely prohibited because a treaty that prohibited the development of chemical warfare agents had been active since 1972.

But the programs were justified because their developers argued that new biological weapons needed to be studied in order to properly defend the health & safety of all American citizens.


Pros Vs Cons

This series of now declassified (but originally covert) experiments were intended for a reason, to protect society from the dangers of biological warfare, yet they seem to have had a few unintended consequences, Cole adds.

I also believe that the danger for the use of chemical warfare in this day and age is a lot more prominent than in the 1960s.

I believe this because more people are familiar with pathogens now than there were back then, which means more people who could use the pathogens for ill purposes. Remember it only takes one person to throw a light bulb onto a train track!

Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14.

Sources for images (that are not mine) are provided by clicking on the image itself.

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lol now it appears that the government is testing the effects of wide scale exposure to human shit in San Francisco.

Not to mention the Nazi germ warfare scientists from Operation Paperclip experimenting with using ticks as vectors for biological warfare on plum island just a few miles from Lyme, NY

It is true that very dodgy covert activity has always been performed in the States. My article only highlights one of the cases.

Op. paperclip was a great read! Loved that one 👍

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