Daylight Savings Time - A Quick and Crazy Original Conspiracy Theory

in #conspiracy6 years ago

Yesterday at work, I reminded a bunch of customers about the upcoming time change. This was their general response:

"My phone tells me what time it is.

That's interesting. I thought clocks tell the time.


My Crazy Theory

If we count on our Wireless Networks to tell us what time it is, how far can we trust them? What if they wanted to change time? I'm willing to bet that most people don't even have a regular clock in 2018, so they pretty much have to trust their phone.

Like most Americans, I've always hated the idea of Daylight Savings Time. We were too lazy to change our schedules, so we decided to change the hours in the day instead. It's nonsense. But time has been a constant fixture in our lives for hundreds of years, and now it's basically in the hands of the tech companies.

If I know anything about huge multi-national corporations, they always have an agenda of their own. In their perfect world, would they speed up or slow down time if they had the chance? I wouldn't put it past them. Once they have a monopoly over the clock industry, there's no stopping them. Time will be what they make it.


What do you think? Is time constant, or is it what the phones tell us?


This is a very deep subject with many ways to analyze it. But one thing seems to be certain IMHO. By following the dictation of an artificial calendar and time measure we have definitely lost a natural rhythm. If this is better for our physical and mental well being is questionable. It certainly makes it easier to control us and throw us off balance.
Since I am old, I have now the luxury to live by my own rhythm. I don't care what time it is, I get up when I awake and go to bed when I'm tired. And if there is Christmas in the calendar, I don't give a shit because I don't believe in it. so, they can fuck themselves with their "time" :)

I like paying attention to the moon and the sun... they seem pretty consistent. ;)

That's nice that you can live by your own rhythm. I'll be there someday. I have a full time job, but luckily, I only work half the days. So my schedule is whatever I want about half the time. I'll get there! :D

It really is an interesting topic. I could have gotten a lot more philosophical. Thanks for stopping by!

Yes, I can live by my own rhythm. Unfortunately I still have to breath the poisoned air, drink the fluoridated water, eat the GMO food, pay extortion money and watch my language. So, essentially I am as caught up in the system as everybody else. My only luxury is to sleep in and stay up late to post shit on the internet :)

Interesting thoughts. Here are some fun facts that are related to the changing of time.

I wish they would just leave it alone.

Thanks! My wife was telling me last night about that stuff. Pretty crazy :D

@edthecanadian lucky you! I did not change the clock in my car in my own silent protest. lol It now has the correct time again.

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