
9/11 was a HOAX, I am not even sure people died. I have watched tons of videos released by the freedom of information act, I truly believe it was a psyop, and by the way more people die from heart attacks every single day than 9/1 1, why don't we "attack" all the fast food joints, candy and soda and cigarettes and meat industries than? I used to think like you until just over a year ago. Watch "what the health?" on NETFLIX it shows how something like5 or 10 THOUSAND people a day die from heart disease, so than we go to WAR when 3,000 people (supposedly) die on 9/11 and in the war since than FREAKING 2001 17 YEARS ago, how many americans and innocent iraqi's and middle eastern people have died lol 10's of thousand at least probably 100's of thousands-- BUT ITS DAMN GOOD FOR THE WAR BUSINESS and FEAR MONGERING!

What the health shows how the cancer industry and meat industry and milk and egg industry work with the government to get you to eat more of it even though THEY KNOW it causes heart disease and many other ailments. The Charities are also in on the $$$ SCAM, it is shocking and just one more rabbit hole of truth, EVERYTHING YOU KNOW IS a LIE. I would love to hear you watched it and tell me what you think. Thanks for you thoughts, I used to believe all this bullshit too, PEACE

No. Thanks for the heads up! If it makes you feel any better, I've been into the health stuff too; I prefer natural over processed, and so on, but that's beside the point of this post. If you're right, and 9/11 was a hoax, then explain how Ground Zero is what it is today?

@ cambridgeport , I kinda do not get your question. I can tell you a few things that seem very strange to ME about 9/11 being real. In a video I watched one of the "workers" on the day of 9/11 is on video making a JOKE and saying " make the check to cash" and then proceeding to laugh to the camera man who he thought was in on it, he also asked the camera man if he was with the "local crew" and some dudes name I forget. I will make a video about it soon, I have been planning too but have been fixing my health for the last 5 months (two water fasts, 1- 31 day and 1 -14 day with 4 dry lol).

There is another video I watched where a police woman is walking against a wave of people and crossing her hand across her neck as in cut, cut! to the camera man.

There are MULTIPLE videos I have that show firemen LAUGHING and JOKING at ground zero ON the DAY of the event, I believe there are shots of Bush laughing with a few of the people too on the day of the event.
Aaron Dover and Siman Shavck really got me thinking about the possibllty of it being faked, he brought up the the towers NEVER had been full from day one in terms of floors as in there maybe was only 20 or so REAL floors the rest of the building was hollow. When I thought about it, it does seem very strange and INEFFICIENT to have 110 stories in a building or 50,000 people, IMagine trying to get an ENTIRE football stadium filled by elevators EVERYDAY in a very short window of time, that sounds like a NIGHTMARE, I did the math and I believe there were 20 elevator banks on the bottom floor with capacities of up to 50 people, just filling them would be a nightmare but people had to transfer too on the way up. The math is very difficult to make sense, My friend who worked on the 105 floor for sometime said RARELY would there be more than 20 people on the elevator from the ground floor.


This photo is while the buildings were in full use. It all comes together for me when you add in the "nose out" video of the airplane hitting the tower and its "nose" coming out the other side (video below)!

Simon Shacks site goes into all of this including how so many victims have strange anomalies. I called for an interview and spoke to to one of the canter fitzgerald partners Fred Hoffman the summer before (he "died "in attack) (I worked in finance for a while and my Dad was friends with him), anyway he and his daughter supposedly died. There is a dude with the same last name of Hoffman, who does youth league in NY as of recently, anyway he looks very very similer to him wears the same exact glasses and wears a gold chain in the picture too and was hanging out at a special event with the SAME cante rfitzgerald people.


Robert Hoffman is on the far right and has aged the correct amount and is hanging out with his old buddies but thats just another coincidence right? I told my Dad about him but my Dad told me I am crazy and said it didn't look like him. Here here is before attack (this is only photo you can find online)

I also had an business partner who was getting married in one month who's fiance died in the attack. There is a video of his family remembering him and his Dad mentions how he like too "Party" in the video WHAT????? the family forgot about his fiance who was going to marry him in only one month, they do not mention her even a peep.

There are a million more things that to me tell me this is fake. I used to think people died like everyone else, but once I learned about hoaxes like Boston Bombing , and Sandy Hook, then saw it happen live with Las Vegas Hoax, I went back to 9/11 and I just could NOT believe what I was now seeing. The evidence is there but accepting it is NOT EASY -PEACE

I've seen most of the stuff on 9/11 and it's hard to be conclusive. People obviously died but i think the perpetrators are shady. Most of our conflicts are based on false flags and there is a rich history of false events to justify cotrols/military action.
We face a cabal of the rich, who have no alleigance to nation, who wish to control a borderless world with them at the helm. Everyone knows who these people and families are.
Our biggest enemy is the indifference of the medicated masses and the machine that feeds them the cult of celebrity!
Fair play for the comment. I think you are right about 9/11. And i studied the Steven paddick case in the las vegus shootings and that was definately multiple shooters with automatic weapons. There were some interesting helicopter flights about the same time. Paddick was a patsy, hooked up by the chick he was linked to. It's all about the fear!!

I'm going to have to look into this more. It's all still so confusing.

I agree with you cambridgeport, I'm confused too.

The biggest thing is knowing what, in blue blazes, is safe to believe or do, or anything at this point.

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