Capitalization, Capital Punishment, What you were not taught in English Class

I often say everything I learned in school is wrong. And you probably think, not everything. Math and english are taught... and those aren't wrong. However, when I say everything, I mean everything.

Today I am going to talk about english. And how you have never been taught one of the most important things about spelling. After this, you will never look at a piece of mail the same way. And you will understand some of the reasons why in court, they sound like they are speaking english, but they are not. (or is it you that is not speaking english)

Let us look at a thing called capitalization.

Now, I am sure that you were taught in class that you capitalize all proper nouns and the first letter of each sentence and 'i'. And I am sure that you thought this was the whole of it. Now we go down the rabbit hole. (And some of you will be very angry by the end of this post)

See this letter?
Doesn't it look like a little man, with a little head on his shoulders?

See this letter?
This letter is missing his head.
Further, it looks like he is being drawn and quartered.

That he is missing his head is the actual truth.
I am sure that everyone is familiar with capital punishment? A capital punishment is the strongest punishment where one literally loses their head. A capital (the worst/highest) crime deserves a capital punishment.

Many of you may have noticed that in here I am speaking of capitalization (of english words) and then I speak of capital punishment, and you see... capital... capitalization. Yes, they are the same word.

Lets take a proper name, Bob Smith. In school we were taught to capitalize the first letters of the names. But we were never taught why. The reason is simple. It is bowing your head. (capital) You bow your head to your given name (showing that you honor your name, and so you are trying to be an upstanding citizen.) and you bow your head to your family's name. (showing that you honor your family).

So now, we go deeper down the rabbit hole.
Lets take a look at your mail. Specifically your bills.
When you get a letter from WeRobYouBlind Credit Card Inc. asking you to apply for a credit card, it is addressed to Bob Smith.
If you do so, and later get a bill, it is addressed to BOB SMITH.

I bet you thought that this was just so that the machines at the post office could read it easier.

But it is far more insidious. With your name fully capitalized, it means you are bowing your head to all. As in, the lowest of the low; beneath everyone. As in, you are a slave.

This bill is addressed to an artificial person, a legal fiction (a corporation), created in your name from your birth (berth) certificate. It is not you, but when you accept the bill, and send your payment in, your accepting responsibility for it.

It is a trick, getting you to sign away your life. You, accepting indentured servitude. And I was never taught any of this in school. One of the most important things to know about how the world really works.

For more information: Meet Your Strawman (the artificial person)

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All images in this post are my own original creations.


Wow, solid post! Thanks for that!

You are absolutely welcome. Thanks for stopping by and reading it.

I don't think "English" is "taught", that already implies a centralized authority on language.

Language is naturally formed that is why you have many dialects across many regions, it's decentralized any everyone speaks in their own lingo with their own schtick.

To put the Government or any other authority in charge of speak, is to literally create Newspeak or a language of propaganda.

I also don't buy into this Capital letter/Natural person conspiracy.

They use capital letters so that it can be easily readed by postmen, since hand writing is ugly and hard to read, perhaps they even scan it it, so a machine can catalog it better.

Well, you don't have to believe it. You can delve through the law books on it.

Same thing with United States of America and The United States Of America.

It is there in black and white. However, I must warn that the more you get into this subject the darker this thing gets.

And, if you upvote your comments, you need to get at least 2¢ in them before they will pay out.

I understand what you're saying, but I really don't see what difference it could possibly make in my life. I prefer to not worry about these kinds of distractions, and instead just avoid debt.

And for most people, just knowing is enough.
As in, its one more straw on the back of govern-cement, and everyone who learns this trusts govern-cement a little less. And one more person who wills a way out from under this insanity becomes the future.

I only know of a handful of people that are actually doing anything with this information.

What, exactly, are they doing with this information? Is there a practical application?

They are breaking free from the entire control chain.

US Citizens Have No Rights

International Laws Control the World w_Prime Minister David Wiliams

This is a deep rabbit hole. And you have to learn a lot of law before getting out of it. People like David Wiliams is blazing a trail for the rest of us to follow to freedom. It will soon be that everyone joins a block-chain nation of their own and becomes self ruling. Soon being measured in decades.

I guess the practical application is such that the "social contract" becomes an actual contract that you can sign, and thus know your rights and responsibilities.

And not have them changed whenever, by someone you have no control over, as well as an ever moving goal post.

Is that why all the user names are lower case on Steemit? ;)

Sounds like a solid theory! ^_^

However, Dan hasn't gotten back to me on any of my questions.

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