Think It's A Game? The 1995 "Illuminati - New World Order" Card Game And It's Connection To The 9/11 Attacks

in #conspiracy7 years ago (edited)

Back in 1990 a man by the name of Steve Jackson started development of a role-playing card game named "Illuminati - New World Order" or "INWO" for short. On the morning of March 1, 1990 the office of "S.J. Games" was raided by armed Secret Service agents under the suspicion that it was a front company for a hacker magazine called "Phrack". A large amount of computer equipment was seized including but not limited to computers, printers and hard drives. "S.J. Games" fought the suit in court but almost went under doing so. The evidence was so limited that the Judge threw the case out awarding "S.J. Games" $50,000 plus attorney's fees. The Secret Service at the time was guided by none other than George Herbert Walker Bush who was worried about something "S.J. Games" had in development (INWO) and was trying to stop the production of the game. The game's final edition was finally published and released in 1995.

To understand why this is important you must first understand what the game is. The following is a breakdown of the games plot and some of the more important cards used within the game which I think you might find interesting to say the least.


The plot of this game is very simple, you play the game as an illuminati agent who's goal is to rule the world with a iron fist through a series of events.



Look familiar to anyone? Keep in mind this game was released in 1995, 6 years before this EXACT event would unfold. There are a few interesting facts about this card. First off, I don't think anyone can deny that those are the World Trade Center Towers in the picture. Second the picture seems to accurately depict the location where the towers were hit. Third notice the "All Seeing Eye" on the background building, the standard sign of the Illuminati. Forth and most interesting is the cards heading, "Terrorist Nuke". Since the 9/11 official story is based on the lie that 19 Islamic terrorists were behind the attack, the fact that the word "Terrorist" is part of the cards heading is a little more than coincidence. Also the word "Nuke" is part of the heading implying that it is also POSSIBLE that micro-nuclear devices were used along with Thermate cutter charges to bring down the towers.


Deja Vu? Again keep in mind that this card was published 6 years before this EXACT event would unfold. What's interesting about this card is the accuracy of the picture itself. The "commercial plane" (don't get me started on that one...) that hit the Pentagon blasted it way through 9 feet of reinforced steel and concrete blowing a hole all the way to the center portion of the Pentagon, which this picture accurately depicts. Also although a portion of the Pentagon was totally destroyed by the blast, the rest of the building remained untouched to the point where on the other side of the building they could of resumed work as if the event had never happened.


This card with the heading "Population Reduction" depicts the World Trade Towers with smoke coming from them, forming a skull. I would think the death of 3,000 people plus the thousands of death's related to the air quality in the following weeks and months after 9/11 would qualify as population reduction. For anyone who has done any research into the Illuminati mindset (I would recommend everyone does this) they would know that part of their final plan is mass population reduction, which started on 9/11, carried into Afghanistan, then Iraq and more, which has already numbered in hundreds of thousands of deaths.

George Bush Sr. New World Order Live Speech (Sept 11, 1991)

The Project For The New American Century: Rebuilding America's Defenses - Strategy, Forces and Resources For a New Century (Released Sept 11, 2000)

"Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor."

Pentagon Bomb Mitigation Renovation (completed Sept 10, 2001)
In the months leading up to the September 11 attacks the pentagon was undergoing multi-month long "bomb mitigation" renovations, "bomb mitigation" renovations which go figure just so happened to be finished the day prior to the 9/11 attacks (finished on Sept 10, 2001), and in the exact same areas that would be "impacted" in the next days attacks (the exterior walls of the bottom floors of the West face of wedge 1, as well as the internal walls of the Office of Naval Intelligence further inside the building).



They go after this card game but won't go after pedos or the real terrorists (the elites)

Yup, go figure right?

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