September 11, 2001 (Slip-Ups): Rumsfeld Says Flight 93 Shot Down, Clinton Says Pentagon Bombed, 9/11 Commission Says Pentagon Hit By Missile, Silverstein Says WTC7 Demolished & Bush Says Explosives Used In WTC Towers

in #conspiracy7 years ago (edited)


Below a are a few video clips of prominant people slipping up about what took place on 9/11. There are quite a few more similar examples of this but I don't have the time right now to go digging to find the other important ones, but here are a few good ones to start with to get you thinking.

Donald Rumsfeld (Secretary of Defense): "...or the people who attacked the United States in New York and shot down the plane over Pennsylvania and attacked the Pentagon."

Sidenote: The official story is flight 93 in Pennsylvania was NOT shot down but instead crashed.

Bill Clinton (Former President): "When George Bush and Al Gore ran for president, nobody said what are you going to do when the Trade Towers come down and the Pentagon's bombed".

Sidenote: The official story is the Pentagon was NOT bombed but instead was hit by a commercial aircraft.

Tim Roemer (9/11 Commission Member): "...especially when I was standing in-front of the Pentagon that night seeing one of our fortresses pried open by a missile... a airplane."

Sidenote: The official story is the pentagon was NOT hit by a missile but was instead hit by a commercial aircraft.

Larry Silverstein (WTC Complex Owner): "I remember getting a call from the fire department commander, telling me that they were not sure they were gunna be able to contain the fire, and I said, "You know, we've has such terrible loss of life, maybe the smartest thing to do is, is pull it" and they made that decision to pull and then we watched the building collapse."

Sidenote: The official story is that WTC7 was NOT demolished but instead collapsed due to fire (for the first time in history).
Sidenote: As another interesting note, Larry a few years later admitted to having plans to build a new WTC complex already fully created before the 9/11 attacks took place... how convenient huh(just like the Patriot act which was written in full prior to the 9/11 attacks even taking place).

George Bush Jr. (President): "He told us the operatives had been instructed to ensure the explosives went off at a point that was high enough to prevent people trapped above from escaping".

Sidenote: The official story is that NO explosives were used in the WTC towers and instead the explosions were caused directly from the impact of commercial aircraft (even though they admit to never testing for explosives, and even though the official FBI investigation for 9/11 refers to the event as a bombing (known as the PENTTBOM investigation which stands for the Pentagon/Trade Tower Bombing)).
Sidenote: Bush then stated that he saw the first attack take place live on that day (, an impossibly since the only video of the first attack is from the Naudet brothers ( which were not broadcasting their video live when they filmed the first impact and after that went inside the building so their footage was not available to ANYONE until the following day... The only other official mention of the first impact being filmed was in regards to the "dancing Israelis" which were detained that morning after being seen celebrating and filming the first attack, and then shortly after getting arrested on the George Washington Bridge with a van full of explosives, something which was reported that day (which I won't go into right now as that aspect deserves its own post, but needless to say these same guys were directly mentioned multiple times in the PENTTBOM investigation being done by the FBI and were only released due to "all Israeli involvement into 9/11 being deemed classified for national security" something which was also reported on the news and then never talked about again).



The version sold to us still by the media is a joke !! Nothing they say adds up and this will always follow them around until we get this thing truly investigated and the perpertrators of this hidenous murder of thousands of people are brought to justice !! But hwere we are still holding our breath 16 years later !! nice to hit them again with this @budz32 ) upvoted !

I agree, it really is a joke and they are the only ones laughing...

AV 02-1 Red Spins Exercise Theme: Multiple near-simultaneous live-fly commercial aircraft hijackings with suicide attacks elements against major monuments, infrastructure and government buildings.

Yes they are laughing how well there stupid narratives of 10 cents still fool the majority of people out there !! Sickening for thos of us who know this to be what it is !! Cold calculated murder and treason !! Funny as you were voting and commenting on my post i was doing the exact same thing on tyour post )) steem ON @budz82 thanks for the interest in my post ))

As I stated previously in other posts, I will be trying to do at least 1 post a day on this important topic (9/11) as we lead up to its anniversary to help spread awareness about the countless oddities, inconsistencies, coincidences, and outright lies that are associated with the events of that tragic day.

Great post! Thanks..

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