Mossad Agent Rita Katz of SITE Intelligence Group Released The Fake Sotloff Beheading Video & Fake Bin-Laden Videos

in #conspiracy7 years ago (edited)

On September 2, 2014, we are told that an American-Israeli journalist by the name of Steven Sotloff was executed via beheading by ISIS militants.

Steven Joel Sotloff (May 11, 1983 – c. September 2, 2014) was an American-Israeli journalist. In August 2013, he was kidnapped in Aleppo, Syria, and held captive by militants from the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS). On September 2, 2014, a video was released of ISIS beheading Sotloff.

This beheading (as well as a few others) was then used as justification for further US & International intervention against ISIS in Iraq and now Syria as well (even though they aren't actually attacking ISIS in Syria, but that is for another post...). Truth is, the beheadings themselves are almost laughable, and appear to be extremely mediocre fakes that are being passed off as real.

Anyways, the group responsible for discovering the Steven Sotloff beheading video is a little known intelligence asset, specializing in war on terror propaganda, called SITE Intelligence Group (Search for International Terrorist Entities (SITE) Intelligence Group), A private intelligence firm based in Bethesda, Maryland (with strong ties to Washington DC (CIA/DHS), and Tel Aviv (Mossad)).

SITE Intelligence Group - Search for International Terrorist Entities Intelligence Group
SITE Intelligence Group is a for-profit Bethesda, Maryland-based company that tracks online activity of White supremacist and Jihadi organizations. From 2002 to 2008, SITE Intelligence Group was known as the Search for International Terrorist Entities (SITE) Institute. SITE is led by the Israeli Jewish analyst Rita Katz

It is important to note that SITE Intelligence Group is said to of found & released the Sotloff beheading video before even ISIS was able to release it publicly (said to of been found on a server with known ISIS connections, but the truth is the video could of came from anywhere/anyone).

The co-founder and director of SITE Intelligence Group is an Israeli terrorism analyst named Rita Katz, who's background should raise some alarms and red flags.

Inside SITE Intelligence Group: Steven Sotloff Beheading Discovered By Little-Known Research Organization
The video was first obtained by SITE Intelligence Group (Search for International Terrorist Entities), also known as SITE Intel Group, a relatively under-the-radar yet apparently very powerful research body that monitors jihadist movements.

Rita Katz
Rita Katz (born 1963) is a terrorism analyst and the co-founder of the Search for International Terrorist Entities (SITE) Intelligence Group, a private intelligence firm based in Washington, DC.
The Institute tracks global terrorist networks, and intercepts and distributes secret messages, videos, and advance warnings of suicide bombings from terrorist groups' communications networks.
Katz, a fluent Arabic speaker, was born in Basra in Southern Iraq in 1963 to a well-to-do Iraqi Jewish family. After the Six Day War and shortly after Saddam Hussein's Ba'ath Party seized power in Iraq in 1968, her father was arrested on charges of spying for Israel. The family's property was confiscated by the state, and the rest of the family put under house arrest in a stone hut. The following year, after having been tortured, Katz's father was convicted and executed in a public hanging in the central square of Baghdad to the roaring applause of more than half a million Iraqis; the government offered free transportation to people from the provinces, and belly dancers performed for the crowd. Katz's mother managed to escape on foot with her three small children to Iran, and from there they made their way to Israel.
The family settled in the seaside town of Bat Yam. While in Israel, Katz served in the Israeli Defense Forces and studied politics, history, and Middle Eastern studies at Tel Aviv University.

Private Jihad - How Rita Katz got into the spying business.
Traditionally, intelligence has been filtered through government agencies, such as the C.I.A. and the N.S.A., which gather raw data and analyze it, and the government decides who sees the product of their work and when. Katz, who is the head of an organization called the Search for International Terrorist Entities, or SITE Institute, has made it her business to upset that monopoly. She and her researchers mine online sources for intelligence, which her staff translates and sends out by e-mail to a list of about a hundred subscribers.
Katz’s client list includes people in the government who are presumably frustrated by how long it takes to get information through official channels; it also includes people in corporate security and in the media, who rarely get much useful material from the C.I.A. She has worked with prosecutors on more than a dozen terrorism investigations, and many American officers in Iraq rely on Katz’s e-mails to, for example, brief their troops on the designs for explosives that are passed around terrorist Web sites.

Video of Sotloff beheading might be staged by Rita Katz
And also we’re very suspicious about this last one because Rita Katz is a long time MOSSAD front operation, which for years… her group manufactured the fake Bin Laden tapes, which really became a joke before they did the orchestrated killing of, well, whoever they killed in Pakistan.
And we just can’t believe that they would roll her out again as a source of information when she has the least credibility of anybody in the world. And this person that they‘re talking about (decapitated) is an American? He’s not. He’s an Israeli and he served in the IDF (Israeli Defense Forces).

It is interesting to note that a popular Turkish TV series called Kurtlar Vadisi (The Valley of the Wolves), depicts an almost exact beheading scene as part of their television series (seen as the general framework for the ISIS beheading videos).

Valley of the Wolves (TV series)
Kurtlar Vadisi (The Valley of the Wolves) was a Turkish television drama which broadcast mainly on Show TV and then transferred to Kanal D, then atv for its last season.

It is also important to note that the preceding intelligence company which was known as SITE Institute (founded by Rita Katz in 2002) is also the same company that brought you the fake Bin-Laden video from back on Sept 7, 2007 (said to be the first image/video of Bin-Laden taken in almost 4 years, and is as fake as a 3 dollar bill...) as well as others, including years of "audio" tape said to also be attributed to Bin-Laden (released via transcript only).

SITE Institute - Search for International Terrorist Entities (SITE) Institute
The SITE Institute was founded in 2002 by Rita Katz and Josh Devon, who had left the Investigative Project, a private Islamist-terrorist tracking group. In early 2008 it ceased its operations, and some of its staff formed the SITE Intelligence Group, a for-profit entity, to continue some of its activities.
Sept. 7, 2007: SITE obtained a 30-minute video of Osama bin Laden and provided it to Associated Press. Bin Laden's image is "frozen" for all but 3½ minutes of the tape. SITE beat al-Qaeda by nearly a full day with the release of the video. The US government later pronounced the video authentic.

Again it is interesting to note, that Rita Katz and SITE Institute again in this situation were able to release the said to be real (but obviously fake) video publicly days prior to Al-Qaeda being able to.

Bin Laden, Brought to You by...
A similar event occurred Friday, when another group beat al-Qaeda by nearly a full day with the release of the first video images of bin Laden to appear publicly since 2004. That group, the SITE Institute, provided the tape to government agencies and news organizations at a time when many well-known jihadist Web sites had been shut down in a powerful cyberattack by unknown hackers.

The whole thing is all such a joke, and anyone buying it needs to wake up to the bullshit they are feeding you.

About The Author:
My name is Brandon (AKA TruthNow88), I am 35 years old and in live just outside of Toronto in the Great White North known as Canada. I have a 1 year old Cocker Spaniel/Golden Retriever crossbreed named Barkley (otherwise known as Monster... I swear this dogs so hyper it may very well be the key to zero-point energy...). I am a Search Engine Optimization specialist, website designer/analyzer and amateur blogger by day, and a coffee drinking, weed smoking, crypto trading conspiracy theorist by night. I love things that get my brain pumping and am really into politics, economics, world events, conspiracy theories, and more recently cryptocurrencies, as well as TV/movies, travel and I am also a huge fan of comedy in general (as they can't make the world go to war if everyone is laughing). I am somewhat new to the crypto world and Steemit in general but recently decided to try to jump in with both feet and see what happens. So far I am loving the people and concepts that Steemit and the crypto world are creating for the future, and I feel honored to be part of its infancy. Anyways I guess that's about it, and remember let nothing hold you back... FULL STEEM AHEAD!


I cannot believe that this post was seen over 2500 times but only upvoted twice (me included)This is EXACTLY the kind of content i am looking for ...upvoted and following. Thank you for your time and effort.

I agree also I don’t get why people even use Facebook (use steemit) don’t use YouTube (use bitchute) don’t use google (use duck duck go)

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