A Detailed Breakdown of the Boston Bombings & 24 Hour Manhunt - Part 2/2

in #conspiracy7 years ago (edited)


Read Part 1 Here: https://steemit.com/conspiracy/@budz82/boston-bombing-a-detailed-breakdown-of-the-boston-bombings-and-24-hour-manhunt-part-1-2

Anyways, go figure it also turns out that MIT is one of only 4 universities that was chosen to be part of a pilot DHS Emergency Management Program in 2011 called EMAP (you will notice 2011 comes up a lot, due to the fact that this false flag originally started planning/prep in early 2011 (~2 years prior to the "event").

MIT one of four universities selected for a pilot program in emergency management accreditation
“MIT is always looking forward in being prepared for anything; this is the next step to take to improve all areas of emergency management on campus,” Barber says.

It is also interesting to note that Boston is the only city in Massachusetts that is EMAP accredited.

Another interesting thing to note is that prior to April 19, 2013’s MIT shooting, MIT was only conditionally accredited to the EMAP program (required further testing to be fully accredited), but after the manhunt MIT is then upgraded to fully EMAP accredited (Gee I wonder why?).

Anyways, the event then escalates quite rapidly after this MIT inject as the story quickly switches to the brothers shooting a transit officer, which again later on turns out wasn’t them…

Cop seriously wounded in shoot-out with Boston bombers was hit by FRIENDLY FIRE, claim witnesses
“The investigation has revealed that neither suspect was armed and firing when Donohue fell, suggesting that he was indeed hit by one of his fellow officers gunfire at the culmination of the ten minute exchange.”

Not armed and not firing yet a 10 minute shootout takes place… I mean who writes this shit… from there the brothers are said to of hijacked a SUV from a nearby Shell Station, and are said to be headed towards New York. After an hour or so of this, the script quickly changes to the brothers are still in the Boston/Cambridge/Watertown area, and are shortly later said to of been tossing multiple IEDs out of a stolen SUV while shooting automatic weapons at police. The suspects are then said to be chased by police, which eventually is said to lead to an all-out shootout in the residential streets in Watertown, where Suspect #1 (Tamerlan Tsarneav) is soon after said to be caught and taken into custody (alive). For a short period of time they even state that they also have Suspect #2 (Dzhokhar Tsarnaev) in custody as well, but this quickly changes to suspect #2 is still on the loose a few minutes later, and the scripted manhunt event yet again continues (as countless officers chase literally… no one…).

Shortly after this there are 2 separate hospital emergencies reported on the police scanner, one at Beth Israel Hospital (possible active shooter, which at the time was believed to be Suspect #2 resurfacing) & one at Mt Auburn Hospital (code black/bomb threat followed by explosion (vest), which is where Tamerlan was being taken). Shortly after this it is reported that Suspect 1 (Tamerlan Tsarnaev) is actually dead while in custody…

“As of press time — 5:30 a.m. — only one suspect has been apprehended; he was shot by police officers and pronounced dead after transport to a local hospital.”

…Complete with leaked death photos, which surfaced extremely quickly after this death announcement is made on the scanners that night.

Remember how I mentioned a Code Black / Vest Explosion (outside the back) of Mt Auburn Hospital… doesn’t it look like Tamerlan was killed by such an explosive vest/device? Well interesting enough the official script is he was shot to death by police, and then later they added that Suspect 2 also ran him over, to help cover up the leaked death photo that obviously showed that more than just a bullet was used to kill him...

The scripted manhunt (USB13 LE Aspect) continues for another 12+ hours as close to 10,000 Law Enforcement Officers & Federal Agents hunt for a single ~20 year old, on foot, which is spotted multiple times, yet is never apprehended. This soft martial law manhunt then goes on to include such less talked about events such as the Walmart standoff in Arsenal Mall (inject). And are you surprised yet?

“Law enforcement officials turned the Arsenal Mall in Watertown into a staging area for an unprecedented manhunt for Dzhokhor A. Tsarnaev, the second Boston Marathon bombings suspect.”

So let me get this straight, the suspect went to the exact same building/mall that was being used for the LE staging area, spends ~30 mins there (in a closed Walmart…), and then magically gets away yet again on foot (meanwhile hes also apparently said to be critically wounded at this point as well)… Ya that sounds realistic…

Other such oddities also occur during the mass manhunt, ranging from the 15 year old girl hostage situation (complete with hostage negotiator) that hours later is said to be a hoax by the young girl while her parents weren’t home, or the 60+ year old man with suspicious vest/device which required FOUR bearcats to handle (and then was never mentioned again but was all they could talk about for an hour on the police scanners), or the shootout with unidentified individuals in a residential home (said to be automatic weapon fire), which shortly after leads to police stating they discover a nearby house that is literally "full" of explosives (again is then never mentioned again).

My point is, much earlier in the night, the brothers were already arrested (Tamerlan killed shortly after, Dzhokhar alive & drugged in custody, and later placed on the boat for the final arrest MSEL) and the first responders were simply being put through a dynamic multi-city, real-world training exercise using Urban Shield Boston 2013 MSEL as the base script. None the wiser, countless law enforcement officers continue going through the maze of pre-placed dynamic HSEEP events spanning across multiple cities (with various different injects used for event initiation & control along the way), that are used to test/train the officers in a wide range of seemingly real (but completely scripted) events via the USB13 apparatus... Basically real-world training taken to the next level...

Fast forward hours later, where suspect #1 (Dzhokhar Tsarnaev) is said to be found under a tarp in a small boat in a local residents backyard. At first it comes out that during the boat confrontation, Dzhokhar fires an automatic weapon (believed at the time to be an M4) at police, which then respond by shooting back at him multiple times, apparently incapacitating the suspect for the next several hours (they don’t actually make an arrest for ~2 more hours). Hours later all local police are pulled several blocks back (no line of sight of the event, said for their safety) and a small/controlled group of federal HRT agents take over the event and finally announce the arrest of Suspect #1 Dzhokhar Tsarnaev (after flash banging him for almost an hour straight).

Well interestingly enough after the Boston event 2 of the small group of HRT members directly involved in the arrest of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev on April 19, 2013 were involved in a helicopter rappelling training accident, where both elite HRT members fell to their deaths.

Two FBI Agents Involved in Arrest of Boston Bombing Suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev’s “FALL” Out of Helicopter and Die
Two members of the FBI’s elite counterterrorism unit died Friday while practicing how to quickly drop from a helicopter to a ship using a rope, the FBI announced Monday in a statement. The statement gave few details regarding the deaths of Special Agents Christopher Lorek and Stephen Shaw, other than to say the helicopter encountered unspecified difficulties and the agents fell a “significant distance. ”Last month, the team was involved in the arrest of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, a suspect in the Boston Marathon bombings.
According to an agency spokeswoman, the agents fell when the helicopter had trouble during a "maritime counterterrorism exercise."
The Daily Mail reports that the FBI labeled the deaths as an accident and the case is under investigation.

Ya, let me know how that investigation goes... what a joke!

Anyways, after his arrested it comes out that he has suffered from a fairly major self-inflicted gunshot wound to the throat, a wound that turns out is so bad that he almost completely unable to speak at all for several weeks, and during interrogation at the hospital (where he was denied Maranda rights for hours) has to use a notepad to relay any messages to the agents questioning him.

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Miranda Rights Timing Sparks Legal Questions
“The hospital-room questioning of the surviving suspect in the Boston Marathon bombings is generating concern about whether he should have been interrogated without first being told of his constitutional rights to silence and a lawyer".

His legal team submitted the new documents to the court in an effort to suppress the statements he made- using a notepad because of his inability to speak- during the questioning session.

Oh and go figure while being grilled in the hospital by FBI interrogators (who took over 16 hours to read him his Maranda rights, meaning up to that point he really didn’t have the right to remain silent, and was threatened with further charges if he didn’t talk without legal representation) it turns out Dzhokhar is said to of… “told them of his role in the two bombings near the Boston Marathon finish line on April 15.”

But wait a minute…

As kin, survivors watch, Tsarnaev pleads not guilty
“He leaned into the microphone in the hushed courtroom to tell Judge Marianne B. Bowler with an accent that he pleaded not guilty to 30 charges, including use of weapons of mass destruction.”

So he is said to of admitted to everything during an illegal 16 hour interrogation while at the hospital (which critically wounded & highly disoriented), but then pleads not guilty to all changes in when in court months later? Ya… that makes sense…

Also gotta love how its seems that the fucking art team from Sponge Bob Square Pants seem to be the ones providing us courtroom pictures of Dzhokhar during the trial/hearing (lol… such ridiculousness)

Anyways looping back to the boat event, there are a few interesting things related to this. First, the boat shootout audio was caught on tape by a nearby resident, and it clearly shows that no automatic weapon is fired at police, and that all police shooting takes place starting at the exact same time, and that a fuckton of shots are fired at the apparently “armed” suspect in the boat.

But wait a minute, it later comes out that…
Boston Bombing Suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Reportedly Unarmed When Arrested In Boat, Officials Say
“Two U.S. officials say the surviving suspect in the Boston bombings was unarmed when police captured him hiding inside a boat in a neighborhood back yard.
Authorities originally said they had exchanged gunfire with Dzhokhar Tsarnaev (joh-KHAHR' tsahr-NEYE'-ehv) for more than one hour Friday evening before they were able to subdue him.”

So he was unarmed when found in the boat huh, even though the initial reports required that he be armed for any of the official boat script to make sense (How could he harm himself without a weapon? Why did the police shoot at him literally 50+ times if he wasn’t even armed? Why did it take almost 2 hours to arrest a critically injured & unarmed 20 year old that was curled up in the fetal position on the floor of the boat, nearly motionless (via infrared helicopter scanning) for over an hour?). Then later a SWAT officer that is said to of seen the suspect after being arrested comes out and says that… “Boston SWAT team describes Dzhokhar Tsarnaev throat wound as a knife cut”

But again no knife was found on Dzhokhar in the boat either. Because of this the official script had to fall back on the story that Dzhokhar’s throat wound likely happened much earlier in the night in relation to the shootout with police in Watertown (where Tamerlan is said to of been arrested ~12 hours prior). The issue with this is that even this angle of the story required you to believe that a critically injured 20 year old was able to escape the grasp of almost 10,000 law enforcement officers, over a period of 12+ hours, mostly on foot, at times coming mere feet from police, and then magically getting away time after time… again while apparently bleeding to death the entire time… go figure that not even the fallback boat script can hold its own weight. And again go figure even with a massive throat injury that left him basically mute for ~2+ months, he is able to scream and swear without issue just minutes after being arrested in the boat…

“The neck wound apparently did not initially silence Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 19, who was swearing profusely in the ambulance ride after his final confrontation with the FBI, according to a source familiar with the case. The Justice Department remained quiet Saturday on whether officials had been able to question Tsarnaev, or whether they would attempt to do so before he consults an attorney.”

note: The knife injury to silence him was done to him during the ride to the hospital

So what about the friends/family of the brothers? Why aren’t they screaming for the truth about what happened on those days? Lets start with Dzhokhar's close friends from the University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth where he attended school.

Boston bombing suspect’s friends arrested for removing evidence: FBI affidavit
Three friends of Boston Marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev were arrested Wednesday for allegedly removing a backpack and a laptop from Tsarnaev’s dorm room after the attacks.
This FBI photo of fireworks was included in an affidavit in the investigation into the Boston Marathon bombing. The FBI says the fireworks were found in a backpack that belonged to suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev.
According to the affidavit, “all three have admitted that on the evening of April 18, 2013, they removed Tsarnaev’s backpack from Tsarnaev’s dormitory room.”

So just before the massive manhunt takes place (just minutes after Dzhokhars picture starts surfacing on the MSM news in regards of being treated as a likley suspect in the Marathon Bombing which took place just days prior (which was the first time Dzhokhar had a single clue wtf was going on...)) a backpack full of fireworks is apparently moved from his dorm and thrown in the local dump by several friends of his from school (Dzhokhar likely contacted his friends asking them to toss the backpack/fireworks after seeing himself on the news and being like... WTF I am being setup…). I would also not be surprised in the SLIGHTEST if this specific “backpack” that was moved by his friends, was the exact backpack that the media is stating he blew up days earlier at the marathon. And go figure… again the 3 suspects plead not guilty to all (go figure, since they are simply being blackmailed into silence & handing over "EXTREMELY SENSITIVE" evidence).

Two friends of Boston Marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev pleaded not guilty to charges against them in court Tuesday afternoon, according to Fox News.

Next let’s focus on Tamerlan’s long-time friend, Ibragim Todashev. Almost exactly a month after the Marathon Bombing takes place, FBI are in the mist of interviewing one of Tamerlan’s friends from a few years back. On the night of May 22, 2013, 3 unnamed FBI Agents go to Ibragim’s Orlando apartment for an extra-long and unusually late interrogation (over 8 hours, ending after midnight) that Ibragim is told will be the final interview needed (as he was interviewed multiple times in the days/weeks prior). Towards the end of this FBI interview, it is said that Ibragim decides to randomly attacks one of the agents, and is then shot 6-8 times (with the kill shot being done execution style, as if Ibragim was sitting, when shot by an agent standing to the left of him - ).

I guess it doesn't matter that just before the meeting with FBI Ibragim told a friend of his that “He thought something bad was going to happen,” and “He thought they were going to make up some charge and arrest him.”

Or the fact that they are saying that just before he "attacked" the officer, he...

"implicated himself and Mr. Tsarnaev in those murders [2011 Waltham triple murder], and then was fatally shot after he apparently tried to assault the agent".

Or even better yet, it just recently came out (due to a error in a redacted document which was obtained by the Boston Globe) that the FBI agent that shot an unarmed Mr. Tosashev 6-8 times, has quite an interesting past.

Ibragim Todashev Shooter Had Stormy Record As Officer
The Boston FBI agent who fatally shot a Chechen friend of Tamerlan Tsarnaev in Florida last year had a brief and troubled past at the Oakland Police Department in California. In four years, Officer #8313 took the Fifth at a police corruption trial and was the subject of two police brutality lawsuits and four internal affairs investigations. He retired from the department in 2004 at age 31.

So how again did this guy get hired into the FBI? Oh ya they needed some goons that were willing to do their dirty work, and clean up their false flag loose ends, and who better then a known corrupt cop with a proven track record of lying on record, and roughing people up, without question. Not only does Mr. McFarlane have a past record of brutality, forcing him to retire from the force after only 4 short years, but it turns out this guy also has connections to the largest police scandal in Oakland’s history, referred to as the Rider Scandal.

'Riders' case goes to jury / Oakland cops' trial is longest in county history
One year after they were summoned, jurors began deliberating the fate of three fired Oakland police officers accused of criminal wrongdoing in the city's broadest police corruption case in decades.

Oh so this guys boss ends up being directly implicated in the largest police corruption scandals in Oakland’s history, and good old trustworthy Officer McFarlane is there to vouch for the scumbag…. Oh and what is this, during the cross-examination of Officer McFarlane’s testimony, it turns out that he lied several times and contradicts himself on multiple occasions, which then forces him to “Plead the fifth” to avoid implicating himself in the scandal as well.

Sounds like a pretty stand-up guy right? He is surly someone you could trust not to act overly violet during a sensitive terrorism related interrogation, right? He is obviously someone who would never falsely an official report, or forge evidence of a crime to protect himself or others, huh?… ya right.

Anyways it turns out Mr Stand—up guy McFarlane was just recently cleared in the investigation into the shooting which was found to be “completely justified” by FBI investigators (another go figure)…

FBI agent cleared in shooting tied to Boston bombings probe
An FBI agent who fired six to eight gunshots and killed a man being questioned last year about his connection to a suspect in 2013 Boston Marathon bombings has been cleared of any wrongdoing, officials said on Tuesday.
The agent's actions were justified to defend himself and a Massachusetts state police officer after the man threatened them in his Orlando apartment last May, according to separate reports issued by Florida State Attorney Jeff Ashton and the U.S. Justice Department.
"A complete review of the investigation leads me to conclude that criminal charges against the special agent of the FBI are not warranted," Ashton wrote in a letter to FBI Director James Comey.

So why was Ibragim Todashev so important that he had to be permanently dealt with you might ask? Why exactly did they want/need him dead? Well for this you have to understand that Ibragim was a good friend of Temerlan’s from several years back (most notably 2011), while most of his other friends were more recent then that. Because of this Ibragim was privy to some sensitive information about Tamerlan that most of his friends were not. This sensitive information is in regards to Tamerlans ongoing active connection to the FBI/DHS which was initiated in early 2011.

In early 2011, Russia's Federal Security Service (FSB) told the Federal Bureau of Investigation that Tamerlan was a follower of radical Islam and a strong believer. The FSB said that he was preparing to leave the United States to travel to the Russian region to join unspecified underground groups. The FBI initially denied that it had contacted Tsarnaev, but then revealed that it actually had after Tsarnaev's mother talked about the FBI's contacts with her son on RT. The FBI said that it interviewed him and relatives of his, but did not find any terrorist activity, and that it provided the results in the summer of 2011. At that point, the FBI asked the FSB for more information, but the Russians did not respond to the American request, and the FBI officially closed the case.

Because of the fact that very limited numbers of people were privy to Tamerlans active FBI/DHS role of being recruited into an FBI headed element of DHS emergency management in mid 2011, Ibragim Todashev had to be eliminated to better control this crucial loose end. The only other people, other than Tamerlan (dead) & Ibragim (dead) that knew about his active role in the FBI/DHS was possibly Dzhokhar (contained & silenced during the false flag event itself), Tamerlans Wife Katherine (which is being silenced by threat of taking her child away (and worse) if she discloses any information), and lastly the brothers Uncle Ruslan… now you might ask yourself how does the Uncle know about this FBI connection… well it’s because little uncle Ruslan is the one that initiated the FBI/DHS recruitment of Tamerlan, years ago through the political analyst & Islamic extremist specializing, 27 year CIA agent Graham Fuller, which turns out was even Ruslan’s father-in-law for several years.

Graham E. Fuller - Graham E. Fuller is an American author and political analyst, specializing in Islamic extremism. Formerly vice-chair of the National Intelligence Council, he also served as Station Chief in Kabul for the CIA. A "think piece" that Fuller wrote for the CIA was identified as instrumental in leading to the Iran-contra affair. After a career in the United States State Department and CIA lasting 27 years, he joined Rand Corporation as senior political scientist specializing in the Middle East. As of 2006, he was affiliated with the Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, BC, as an adjunct professor of history. He is the author of a number of books, including The Future of Political Islam.

Boston terror suspects uncle was married to CIA officer's daughter and even shared a home with the agent. An uncle of the Boston bombers was previously married to a CIA officer's daughter for three years, it emerged today. Ruslan Tsarni, who publicly denounced his two terrorist nephews' actions and called them 'Losers', even lived with his father-in-law agent Graham Fuller in his Maryland home for a year. Mr Fuller was forced to explain the relationship today as news of the family link emerged online.

And go figure the body of Tamerlan ended up being claimed by his Uncle that only had bad things to say about the 2 brothers (not his Mother, Father or Aunt that were crying out to be heard…again go figure).

Siege of Boston - On April 19, 1775, British and American soldiers exchanged fire in the Massachusetts towns of Lexington and Concord. On the night of April 18, the royal governor of Massachusetts, General Thomas Gage, commanded King George III to suppress the rebellious Americans, had ordered 700 British soldiers, under Lieutenant Colonel Francis Smith and Marine Major John Pitcairn, to seize the colonists' military stores in Concord, some 20 miles west of Boston.

Siege of Boston 2.0 - On April 19, 2013, American citizens are SAID to of exchanged fire in the Massachusetts towns of Watertown and Cambridge. On the night of April 18, Boston Emergency Management, commanded DHS (via Urban Shield) to suppress the rebellious Americans, and ordered several thousand local, state & federal agencies, to raid the colonists' homes in Cambridge, some 20 miles west of Boston.

Almost 250 years ago (1775), America took a stand against an overly tyrannical government that crossed a line, and this event would later become one of the most crucial & important events in American History… yet today (2013) in literally the exact same location, and on the exact same day, Americans stood by while a overly tyrannical government openly used psychological-warfare & extreme force to enact unconstitutional and undeclared martial law in Boston and surrounding cities, pulling completely innocent people out of their homes by force, while chasing a literal ghost on a wild goose chase for almost 24 straight hours, while framing 2 innocent people(killing 1 during the event, and the other years later via the death sentence)… I really hope everyone understands how far your country has truly fallen…

About The Author:
My name is Brandon (AKA TruthNow88), I am 35 years old and in live just outside of Toronto in the Great White North known as Canada. I have a 1 year old Cocker Spaniel/Golden Retriever crossbreed named Barkley (otherwise known as Monster... I swear this dogs so hyper it may very well be the key to zero-point energy...). I am a Search Engine Optimization specialist, website designer/analyzer and amateur blogger by day, and a coffee drinking, weed smoking, crypto trading conspiracy theorist by night. I love things that get my brain pumping and am really into politics, economics, world events, conspiracy theories, and more recently cryptocurrencies, as well as TV/movies, travel and I am also a huge fan of comedy in general (as they can't make the world go to war if everyone is laughing). I am somewhat new to the crypto world and Steemit in general but recently decided to try to jump in with both feet and see what happens. So far I am loving the people and concepts that Steemit and the crypto world are creating for the future, and I feel honored to be part of its infancy. Anyways I guess that's about it, and remember let nothing hold you back... FULL STEEM AHEAD!

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