9/11: The Primary NORAD Wargames Involved In The 9/11 Black-Op

in #conspiracy7 years ago (edited)


Here are SOME of the wargames/exercises being ran on the morning of 9/11...

Northern Vigilance - Northern Defense Exercise
Conducted from September 9-11, this exercise redeployed jets that normally patrolled the northeast sector of the United States and sent them to northern Canada and Alaska. This drill echoed a Russian exercise scheduled from September 10-14 in which long-range bombers were dispatched to their northern territory.
Sidenote: This helped to make interception of the 9/11 "planes" impossible.

Vigilant Guardian - North American Airspace Threat Exercise
Vigilant Guardian was a simultaneous (attacker VS defender) war game which involved live-fly simulations of hijackings. This exercises was a join exercise that was combined with Global Guardian and involved the addition of artificial radar blips on screens to simulate various real AND fake aircraft to simulate a threat to North American airspace (missile attacks, drone attacks, hijackings). The simulated scenario is varied from year to year but the theme of the annual Vigilant Guardian drill was taken from making minor tweaks to past or future planned NORAD drills, which were then used to as the framework of the exercise each year. This was done to "test" the response of various agencies to such an emergency in a real world environment.
Sidenote: IMO the drill framework VG01 used in 2001 was Amalgam Virgo 01 (drone attack on capitol, drone attacks on tall buildings) and Amalgam Virgo 02 (near simultaneous commercial aircraft hijackings and attempted suicide attacks against major monuments/infrastructure)).

Global Guardian - Armageddon Drill
On the morning of 9/11, a large-scale military training exercise called Global Guardian was "in full swing". Global Guardian is an annual exercise involving the US Strategic Command, the US Space Command, and NORAD. Because of Global Guardian, bombers, missile crews, and submarines around the United States were all being directed from Stratcom’s Command Center who’s bunker was staffed with top military personnel. Because of Global Guardian, three E-4Bs which are better known as “Doomsday” planes were airborne on the morning of 9/11. These military command aircraft with sophisticated communications equipment are command posts for top government officials from where they can direct US forces; execute war orders while coordinating the actions of civil authorities in times of national emergency.
Sidenote: It is also interesting to note that the date of this drill was moved forward to match the terrorist attacks since it was originally scheduled for October 22-31 (and was to be coupled with MASCAL which shifted its date as well (unofficially) and went live at the pentagon that day (the drone A3-Skywarrior that they detonated via the FTS wargame safeguard as it hit the building was on the same frequency as the explosives planted inside the exterior walls of Wedge 1, so by detonating the drone as part of MASCAL it also trigger the explosives pre-planted inside the building during its recent bomb mitigation renovations).

National Reconnaissance Office Plane into building drill
The National Reconnaissance Office "provides the US its eyes and ears in space." It operates a system of reconnaissance satellites to provide real-time monitoring of objects in the skies. On 9/11/ the National Reconnaissance Office headquarters in Chantilly, Virginia, was evacuated as part of a "plane into building" drill. The scenario involved a small corporate jet crashing into one of the campus' four TOWERS. This caused mass confusion due to the similarities to the actual attacks and delayed response time for various agencies, and during the first attack the majority of the NRO staff were standing on the front lawn of their building instead of being at their workstations.
Sidenote: This helped created an extra layer of confusion and response delay during a crucial time of the operation (initial attack + switch-over from drill to go-live via hack).

Timely Alert II - Terrorism Response Drill
On the morning of the attack, personnel at the Fort Monmouth Army base in New Jersey were hours away from holding a drill, which was to run from September 11 - 12, which was to test preparedness as well as response to a large scale chemical attack. The exercise was to involve law enforcement and emergency responders including the New Jersey State Police and Fort Monmouth Fire Department.
Sidenote: Just before the exercise was to commence, reports of the attack in New York City surfaced and "real world events overtook the exercise. The responders from this drill (planned delayed response) then became the backup response team at ground zero, arriving shortly after the 2nd tower collapsed (to take over for the crippled NYC fire dept, and help FEMA lockdown/secure the "sensitive" area).

Operation Jackal Cave - Terrorist Nuke Exercise
On 9/11 the US Nuclear Emergency Search Team also known as NEST was out of the country on its first foreign deployment since 1998. Because of the terrorist attacks the drill was terminated early. The exercise involved more than 500 personnel, 62 aircraft, 420 tons of cargo, and the CIA as well as a special operations force which would drill seizing a mock nuclear device that NEST would then disable.
sidenote: This was part of the backup plan if something major went wrong during the 9/11 operation.

...the list goes on.

Here are SOME of the wargames/exercises that were ran just before or were scheduled to run slightly after 9/11...

Tripod II - Biowarfare Terrorism Exercise
FEMA was deployed to New York City on September 10th to setup a command post at Pier 29, in preparation for a biowarfare exercise called TriPod II which was scheduled for September 12th. This FEMA command center at pier 29 coincidentally then became the official command centre for the city of New York after the attacks occurred (the actual command center was in WTC7 which collapsed later that day and was never used on 9/11 for whatever reason... or was it...). This allowed for FEMA to be at ground zero prior to any attack even taking place, allowing for them to swiftly take control of all aspects of the "crime scene", which they quickly destroyed (via AMEC and companies alike).
Sidenote: This specific drill series (originally code-named "Treason") and the emergency Command Centre in WTC7 were both setup by a man named Jerome Hauer

Amalgam Virgo 01 - Drone/Missile/Hijacking Attack Exercise 1
Ran from June 1-4, 2001 this drill included involvement from such agencies as FEMA, the FAA, and the FBI and had a strong Osama Bin Laden theme (He is depicted on the cover). In the drill Raytheon MQM-107 Streaker (unmanned) drone aircraft are used as weapons and terrorists acquire weapons such as cruise missiles and/or drones aircraft and strike several targets over a period of several hours using a multi-coordinated and varied attacks on different targets.
In the drill the drone aircraft attack a skyscraper specifically in Panama City, Florida. In the drill a C-130 electronic communication aircraft was used for controlling the aircraft remotely and the drone signals were relayed through ground channels. This drill also drilled a terrorist hijacking of an airliner and Suicide attacks using planes but this was a background script as the hijacking element was mainly to be tested using part 2 of the drill which was scheduled to take place in early 2002 (AV02). For the hijacking aspect however they specifically drilled a flight path & target using a transcontinental flight across the United States to target Washington D.C. from the East (like on 9/11). To truly test defensive capabilities the simulation acted out using confusing flight patterns (like on 9/11). The AV01 drill simulations also were ran multiple times with different defensive options activated and deactivated to test for strengths and weaknesses in defenses.
Sidenote: This was a dryrun prior to the attack. Shortly after this drill is ran the shootdown orders are taken away from a large number of high ranking military officers and left in the hands of only a small few people (such as Bush, Chaney and Rumsfeld which were basically the 3 stooges on 9/11 avoiding any possibility of an "official shootdown order" prior to the end of the operation. Anyways this drill was the primary framework used for the Pentagon cover drill.

Amalgam Virgo 02 - Drone/Missile/Hijacking Attack Exercise 2
This was to be part 2 of the Amalgam Virgo drill series, and was scheduled to take place in spring of 2002. Similar to the 01 exercise this drill was to deal with drone/missile/hijacking threat scenarios, but was to be more focused on the hijacking element this time (as AV01 was primarily drone/missile focused, while AV02 was primarily hijacking focused). The primary element to be exercised in AV02 was a scenario involving a near simultaneous hijacking of 2 commercial aircraft (DELTA Airlines).
Sidenote: This is where DELTA 1989 fits in to the 9/11 story, as Vigilant Guardian went live via hack using AV01 and AV02 as the base framework for each element, and to help cove their tracks they tried to convince Delta 1989 it had a bomb on it, so they could play that aircraft off as the "drill" they were running during the attacks to help separate NORAD from the attack in any way and show that their drill (VG01) had nothing to do with the attacks (when in reality it did, just indirectly)). Anyways this drill was the primary framework used for the WTC attack cover drill.

Project MASCAL - Pentagon Mass Casualty Exercise
Started in the early 90's designed to hypothesize possible mass casualty events that could take place at the pentagon so that they could be exercised to help mitigate them from ever taking place. This drill series started by wargaming a small commuter plane crashing into the Pentagon but over the years evolved in reach and scale and by Oct 2000 had 3 primary and highly plausible pentagon threat scenarios created which were a missile/drone attack, an exterior car bomb and a failed commercial aircraft emergency landing crash.
Sidenote: One of the pilot experts that was called in to help brainstorm the various Pentagon threat scenarios during the Oct 2000 MASCAL tabletop exercise was conveniently the same pilot who we are told was flying flight 77 on the morning of 9/11.

Operation Northwoods
1962 declassified wargame scenario which was approved by all the needed top brass, but was finally shot down when it was presented to the president at the time (JFK) who then fired the man that dared to come up with such as plan. The plan involved tricking the US population into backing a conflict against Cuba by creating convincing false flag events, specifically mentioning swapping passenger planes for drone duplicates with controlled players as passengers and destroying them and faking the passengers deaths to gain public support for intervention in Cuba).
Sidenote: Take special note of page 10 & 11 (point 8 & 9) as those pertain to the 9/11 legacy framework the most.

The list goes on...

About The Author:
My name is Brandon (AKA TruthNow88), I am 35 years old and in live just outside of Toronto in the Great White North known as Canada. I have a 1 year old Cocker Spaniel/Golden Retriever crossbreed named Barkley (otherwise known as Monster... I swear this dogs so hyper it may very well be the key to zero-point energy...). I am a Search Engine Optimization specialist, website designer/analyzer and amateur blogger by day, and a coffee drinking, weed smoking, crypto trading conspiracy theorist by night. I love things that get my brain pumping and am really into politics, economics, world events, conspiracy theories, and more recently cryptocurrencies, as well as TV/movies, travel and I am also a huge fan of comedy in general (as they can't make the world go to war if everyone is laughing). I am somewhat new to the crypto world and Steemit in general but recently decided to try to jump in with both feet and see what happens. So far I am loving the people and concepts that Steemit and the crypto world are creating for the future, and I feel honored to be part of its infancy. Anyways I guess that's about it, and remember let nothing hold you back... FULL STEEM AHEAD!


Wait what really? some of these certainly raise some brows especially Project MASCAL and Amalgam Virgo 01 those seems really connected to the events of 9/11, doesnt seems like a coincidence to me

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