The Origins and Meaning of Doublespeak and Fake News

in #conspiracy7 years ago (edited)

The first time I read 1984, I was just an inexperienced junior in high school. The year was -- you guessed it -- 1984, and our AP English teacher that term had decided to have us read and discuss dystopian literature, in honor of Mr. Orwell's groundbreaking and ominous novel. I am forever grateful for his choice, as I was thus introduced at a tender age to Animal Farm, Brave New World, Lord of the Flies, and a few others I may have forgotten. Nevertheless, they left an imprint on me which could never be erased throughout all the years since then. From those works of literature, I learned one major life lesson: to always question authority.

Though Orwell never actually uses the term Doublespeak in the narrative, he coined two terms -- Doublethink and Newspeak -- from which it may logically be deduced that Doublespeak was derived. Newspeak is basically what we know nowadays as propaganda, or possibly fake news or alternative facts -- news propagated by state-owned or state-controlled "information" centers, whose purpose is to obscure the past failures of the government and to whip up unwavering devotion to its policies, laws, and regulations -- as well as to fictional leaders, fighting fictional enemies. Doublethink is the resulting chaotic state of mind of the citizens (more like cattle), who are effectively brainwashed into swallowing even the precept that 2 + 2 = 5.

Doublespeak was first used in published material in 1957, a full 8 years after Orwell released his novel. Of course, Freud's famous nephew, Edward Bernays, had already developed the whole theory of propaganda in the years leading up to WWII, and only changed the term to PR when Hitler and Goebbels's policies began to fall into distaste in polite society.

Fast forward 120 years or so, and fake news is all over the Internet, all over the airwaves, in our conversations, and certainly on our minds. The following are three examples of how Doublespeak has already modified, or is still modifying, our thoughts, attitudes, and thus our behaviors.

First, for those of you who may not know, a conspiracy theorist is no longer one who constructs and tests theories about conspiracies. Oh, no -- the CIA made sure of that. Nowadays, a conspiracy theorist is some fool in a basement who believes the world is flat because of his or her "Can't you use your own eyes?" argumentation. And, yes, I did say the CIA. Look it up -- I dare you.

So, now, even those who are highly skeptical of government and authority in general get tripped up into saying things like "It's not a conspiracy," when they mean something more along the lines of "It's not just a theory; it's been proven true." The word conspiracy, which has a historical and documented meaning, is now unfortunately used to mean crazy idea. That is an example of Newspeak affecting our Doublethink.

The second has to do with the social phenomenon known as PC or Politically Correct language. Now, the fact that PC language had quite a bit to do with my own wish to "escape" California at a time when it was one of the most desired immigration destinations in the world 26 years ago (and still is) has little need of exposition here, so I will save it for another time, perhaps. But, honestly, even back then, PC was so influential it meant that I could not have a heart-felt, meaningful conversation with many of my friends and classmates -- simply because they were "forbidden" to have personal opinions about any controversial topic. I still have problems with this today, though Bulgarians have always been much more open to other points of view.

The odd thing is that, in many cases, the "highly educated" are even better brainwashed than the average mechanic or plumber. I recently had an exchange, for example, in which a white male was trying to convince me that only white males could be racist. Again, we see the same trend: racism, which had a perfectly acceptable meaning several decades back -- a form of collectivism based on the concept of various races, in which a member of one so-called race denigrates or by other means tries to pretend superiority to all the members of a supposed "other race" -- no longer can be used to describe the actions a person of color takes to denigrate or otherwise pretend superiority to whites. Sexism, Transphobism, Ableism, Homophobia, and Xenophobia have all been put under much the same restriction.

The final example I will discuss in this article is that of self-identity and gender-fluidity. In all scientific literature throughout the last several aeons, at least, there have been two genders: male and female. But this is no longer the case, my friends. Now, for whatever reason I don't want to get into here, there are (at last count) 58 or 64 genders, and they are increasing at every step of the way -- not only that, but there are adult males identifying as little girls, little boys identifying as trans-gender transvestites, and people of all ages identifying as cats, vampires, and even sloths -- for all I know or care.

Fine, let people identify as what they want as long as they take full responsibility for their actions. But please don't tell me -- or society at large -- that we have to respect their choices or to use specific imaginary pronouns to refer to them. I will not change my thought patterns or language just to try to make a tiny percentage of the overall population feel less "triggered."

For once, I wish people would use fewer under-handed methods of propaganda, PR, and yes, "Doublespeak" to somehow shape society into a utopia. Because that's what usually happens in dictatorships and other dystopias. Words have definitions, and the power to confuse -- or enlighten -- so let's get our terminology straight, shall we?

Sources used: and


Of course there are AP English people on this platform. No wonder it's a bit different. I read 1984 as well. Everyone should.

Lol, I am a bit proud of that fact, but I am only now kicking off my writing or blogging career! :D Hope you enjoyed the rant!

Perfect timing for the kick-off of your writing / blogging career! Upvoted and resteemed. I will share my thoughts when I can digest yours. 😉

OML Is it that confusing????

Not confusing at all just a lot to chew on.

Ok, let me know if anything's unclear :)

I would love for you to have a 1984 themed conversation with Ryan. I would love to be a fly on the wall of that message box.

I am also wondering if "doublethink" also applies to the chaotic state of mind that has resulted from the glut of conflicting information that fills the news cycle. One issue can't be digested/understood because something new pops up to take the attention. It's absolutely constant here. For me, it's not a 2+2=5 problem; it's a who the hell is telling the truth if anyone? It is exhausting!

I have other thoughts but I will start here.

Invite Ryan. Bring it on :)

Your question about the glut of information is one I came across in the '90s: whether the Orwellian nightmare we face in this day and age is the result of intentional propaganda or just too many sources. I think both are true, especially when you have mainstream media publishing provably false reports and then labeling as "fake news" independent journalists actually trying to uncover the truth. How can the modern human not be confused? Of course, Mark Twain is credited with saying about the mainstream media at his time that, “If you don’t read the newspaper, you are uninformed. If you do read the newspaper, you are misinformed.” So, the idea has been around for quite a while. At any rate, it is incumbent upon us to use our reasoning and intuitive skills to sort through all the crap. Sometimes, we just come across a source that screams out "THIS IS THE TRUTH WRIT LARGE," and we pay more attention to it. Still, cognitive dissonance and normalcy bias also have to be kept in mind, of course, which make it all a bit murkier -- and more interesting to try to wade through. "Knowing Thyself," perhaps, is the answer to it all.

Well written! Strong arguments.

Thanks, Josh! I hope you're not just saying that :) I respect your journalism!

You're welcome Brent! I'm not just saying that. The article is well written. Maybe the CIA part could use a little explaining, but I think the logic is solid.

I'm just going to let readers look that up ;)

I read 1984 first when I was doing my last year of highschool. At the time I had become politically active, in the form of counter-propaganda against the policies that were recently introduced by the administration.

Probably it was one of the contributors to my actions, not long after, but like a whale abusing flags here, my english teacher changed my status in this new scheme so that I was compelled to attend school during exam week, even when I had no exams.

This same teacher had prior to the direct action campaign me and a friend did in retaliation for this, one day in the library we were asked as a group which book we wanted to do for our next assignment. I jumped up and down and begged to do Nineteen Eighty Four. The teacher said straight up 'no, because you asked'. Nobody else in the class had an opinion.

Then when I didn't hand in the assignment on time, he punished me with the Administration's new weapon. It may not have been that exact assignment, but one later, I forget exactly.

This guy obviously had read the book himself, so I was absolutely flabbergasted that the one time he sees me enthusiastic to actually do an assignment, he squelched the youthful exhuberance in me towards learning and expressing my opinions in writing.

It was like saying to me "We live in the world of Nineteen Eighty Four, and your interest in understanding the mechanism of control makes you the enemy of the system". I was pushed, I didn't just rebel for fun.

I think he was just trying to suppress what he saw as a rebellious attitude. You represented a crack in the dike, so to speak, so he tried to thumb you.

Pretty much, but if they ever bothered to teach teachers about human psychology and the psychology of motivation, he would not have been like that at all. The english teachers I had every year until that one, all would have not hesitated to assign this book for that assignment in this scenario.

That it came at the same time as the school was implementing a scheme that could be gamed by a teacher to suppress rebellion proved that is actually what it was intended to do.

This event was a pivotal event in my life, this period between the age of 16 and 18, and I am in some ways glad that my exuberance for learning made sure that I never considered it a failure on my part that I did not get into university to study Computer Science.

Instead I attended the University of Life, and step by step, gradually I learned all the things I needed to become who I am now, and I love who I am now.

That is an awesomely inspiring story about learning from the University of Life. I am lucky as a teacher, perhaps, in that I teach English courses for a foundation that gives me all the freedom in the world that I need to be myself, and to be honest with my students. Since about 2008, I have been warning them that they need to get real-life experience, which will be much more important in the future than a diploma.

A lot of english teachers are like this, as I mentioned, every one in the previous four years would never have done this, except the polish (or maybe he was hungarian) asshole I had in year 10, 2 years before. This teacher also triggered me to have a severe bout of bronchial asthma, which is one of the things that happens when I am stressed. The rest, they were golden.

Well, thank god your educational progress did not depend on that one bad apple.

Nope, but what did slow me down was diseases caused by the modern environments we live in. The solutions to the problems simply did not even exist until about 5 yeas ago, and it was here on Steem that someone pointed me to it, and after only a week of this prescription, I am already feeling 1000x better. From here, my life is on its way up the hockey stick tail.

Even MOAR to discuss on Tuesday, lol!

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