Lovely Sky in a Brave New World The Daily Dose - Jan 14 2018 by @bouboug

in #conspiracy6 years ago (edited)

Today I took my three children out for a nice walk to get some fresh, clean air.

Jared, my eleven year old boy is exploring his gender, so we went to Saks to get him a nice skirt and some high heels.


Bibi, my six year old, he is a little bit off, has ADD and has to take a lot of medication, looked up for a minute from his iphone, pointed at the sky and said: "Look Ma, what wonderful clouds our creator made for us!"


I replied, yes dear Bibi, when I was a child, our Lord in heaven made completely different clouds. They did not look like this at all. This must be a sign that he loves us very much !

But Ivanka, my 26 year old girl of which I am so proud of because she teaches at Harvard said " No, silly! These are the effects of Global Warming. That is basic science. Every idiot knows that! The earth is getting warmer because of our carbon emissions and all these farting cows, so we have a Greenhouse Effect which makes the Contrails stay in the air longer!"


I was so proud of my little girl. I learned something!

Unfortunately my allergies where acting up again, even though I got vaccinated. I probably need a few more shots.
So we went home again to watch some CNN. We have to stay informed, right?

But overall, it was a beautiful day in a Brave New World.


Hello friend @bouboug. Follow @inthenow they have daily dose challenge related to chemtrails.

Resteem their post inorder to enter challenge
Just incase you did not read the post correctly.

Thank you so much1 PLEASE HELP!! Resteem what? Their original post?

Create link to your post using link symbol by power up area on this post. Copy n paste your link with your comment on their original post.

Thank you so much. Think I got it now 🙂

Sounds like a great day in la la land! Very funny.

Not yet. I will look into it.

Thanks for this. I laughed my arse off. Awesome satire.

Also thanks to my friend @lexicographer for pointing me in this direction.

PS At the mo, I've got low voting power and need to recharge. I'll be visiting your posts in future :)

Dear Anj, please never ever upvote me. You are my friend. If you read and comment on my posts, I am delighted. Save your upvotes to make new friends and grow. One day you will understand. 🙂

Thanks bouboug ;) that's very kind of you.
I want that day of understanding to be now :D

LOL good post! :-) I upvoted and resteemed this. Resteem the DD post to qualify. Have a great night.

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