Debunking Shemitah silliness and the irony behind so-called free speech conspiracy sites censoring critics

in #conspiracy8 years ago (edited)

This is not going to be one of my usual posts. Steemit provides a space for uncensored opinions to flourish. If it starts to silence unpopular opinions then it will turn into a paid Reddit and it will fail. When thinking about the free speech aspect of this site I was reminded of an online experience I had a few weeks ago. I thought now would be a great time to share this story so readers of Steemit can see how silly and hypocritical other so-called free speech sites can be.

One would think that a site which relies on conspiracy theories to generate viewership would be very open to a critic posting a rebuttal in the comment section. I found out this was not the case at a pretty popular site. I discovered this site a few years ago because it mentions Bitcoin every now and again. I liked many of the economic stories that this site had on it. It is a shame they don't stick with economic news/ideas. Over the years the conspiracy theory stories grew wilder and wilder and they started to enter into economic theories. I generally tried to skip over the conspiracy stuff, but I could no longer stay silent once the site started to promote something called "Shemitah" and how this magical event was influencing just about every aspect of world leaders' decisions. It was a sick combination of doom porn, conspiracy theory, and twisting of the Jewish religion. I had left some random comments in the past, but one day I decided to leave the following explanation of what Shemitah is based on a widely accepted rabbinical definition. My comment was REMOVED! They could not even argue with me. Censorship is based in fear. I was really surprised that a site that supposedly encourages people to question everything could not stand to allow my critique to stand. I started my removed post with a quote from the article. Here is my post along with a screen shot from DISQUS from right after it was removed. Lucky for us DISQUS saves all comments even ones that site owners remove. Enjoy (I have included a related video below the post):

""there can be no doubt that formal elements of the EU and its leaders subscribe to a belief structure – or at least tolerate one – that has nothing to do with “normal” Christianity."

Says the guy promoting something he calls the "Shemittah" and "Jubilee" that have NOTHING to do with normal Judaism. For those interested in what the real Shemittah and Jubilee are check out these links:

Yes I know, not very exciting. No conspiracies or secret plans or end of the world as we know it BS.

By the way this weekend was the Jewish Holiday of Shavuot. I could make up an entire BS theory about how because it was Shavuot Bitcoin Hit $700 because you know Shavout is exactly 7 WEEKS after the first day of Passover! Look I just made up my own BS theory on why something in the real world took place based on twisting a number in Judaism around. Maybe I should make a "viral video" and try to scare people so they... so they waste their lives away.

The sad thing about Jeff and his crew is that they actually are fans of Bitcoin yet instead of focusing people on that REAL THING they like to talk about Satan, Bilderberg and Shemittahs which in the long are complete BS distractions and wastes of time. Here is some real advice don't worry about what a bunch of rich people talk about at Bilderberg, YOU HAVE CONTROL OVER YOUR OWN LIFE-NOT THEM. Go to and buy some Bitcoin and DO SOMETHING instead of hide in fear and read newsletters and talk about completely distorted religious concepts of a religion that you do not even believe in. In the end of the day there IS going to be a 2017 a 2018 a 2019, etc.... will you be some poor broke toad screaming about conspiracies that should have happened in 2016 or will you actually have done something to attain some wealth? The choice is yours and yes I understand that some of you are so gullible that you think there is no HIV or the government created Bitcoin, but for those of you who are actually redeemable this post is for you. I hope you snap out of it soon."

My previous Steemit article is here.


I'm not sure, but I believe that the position of the Dollar Vigilante is that The Powers That Be are using Jewish dates to schedule their big events. It's not that there is anything magical about the 7 year cycle - just others using it for their own nefarious timing...

But the world will go on after Rosh Hashanah in October. There is also NO SUCH THING as a jubilee year anymore. Look at the links I provided. The dates of the holidays that the DV brings up are often incorrect also. Let them talk about their silly theories, but let anyone who checks this post out understand that they straight up REMOVE posts like mine from their site for some reason. They have an interesting definition of "Truth Seeker". I feel bad for anyone who believes their Schmittah garbage. Doom porn clearly pays well though.

While I'm no fan of Judaism, I'm also no fan of the people that have been peddling this Shemitah doom porn. Good post, man.

What will their excuse be when we all live to see 2017? The doom and gloomers thrive off of most of their followers/fans having very bad memories. They have been wrong before and they will be wrong again and again and again, but for some reason people get some comfort in buying newsletters from them. On the web, doom porn sells. It's really sad.

lol absolutely. Are we talking about Berwinkle?

Steemit won't let me reply to your last post that gave the link to your Galt video. I will check out that entire video soon. Keep up the hard work down there in Chile. Also everyone check out @piedpiper latest video which is an interview with me:

I am talking about all of them, from Gerald Celente to the majority of people who appear on Greg Hunter's show to your fellow Canadian who once "Galted" down to Chile. Unfortunately being Canadian, using the name Galt, and being located in Chile are going to make quite a few people think you have something to do with the failed project with a similar name.

Oh yes, most definitely. In spite of how badly he dragged the Galt name through the mud, I'm committed to the task of cleaning it off. Jeff doesn't get to ruin such a great name. My team and I are redeeming it and revealing him as the fraud he is... actually, this would be a great topic for another chat. :)
I told a good part of the story here but there's plenty more to it, if you're interested.

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