‼✉ I Have Just Received The WEIRDEST Letter EVER! ✉‼

in #conspiracy7 years ago (edited)


I have just received the absolute WEIRDEST letter I have ever gotten!

First of all, it was sent to my old address so my ex-roommate and bestie @chiarazoe picked it up for me.

It was addressed to my last name with the prefix being Family.
Very very strange

And then on the back it said ‘Aller Belangrijkst’ which means ‘Most important’.
Okay now it’s getting even weirder
The handwriting was this shaky child-like style and it was posted from a completely different city than the one I live in.
A city where I don’t know ANYONE.

I was confused as you can expect.

Chiara told me all of this over Whatsapp so I called her and told her to open the thing.

She told me that this is the WEIRDEST letter I will ever receive.

And it’s SO true.

It’s a photocopied letter written by hand by some mysterious person.

It starts like this :

Dear reader, this is probably the most important letter you have ever read

Hmmmm okay.

The letter carries on by saying there are 15 topics in the world that I NEED to know about.

Basically, this person wants me to research the Illuminati and to come to realize what they are doing in the world

Cue : shock!

Yes, I have received a letter from a conspiracy theorist claiming that the Illuminati is controlling the world

The letter goes on saying how this is an offline chain letter because THEY (the Illuminati) cannot control this and it urges me to spread this letter around to my friends and family and/or to spread it around my neighbourhood or at my work.

They chose me because my last name was the most common in my city and that they’ve sent the same letter to people in several other cities in The Netherlands.

These are the 15 things I am supposed to research on Google or Youtube :
What is the Illuminati?
What are the Illuminati doing?
What is the Illuminati doing with our food?
What is the Illuminati doing with our medicine?
What is the goal of the New World Order?
What is the Illuminati doing with our media?
What techniques are the Illuminati using to exterminate mankind?
What will the chip do that you will get in your right hand?
What is the role of the Illuminati behind Hollywood?
What does and is the HAARP?
What are chemtrails?
Obamacare allows beheading with guillotine
Truth behind ISIS
Truth behind 911
It ends with let your search go further….

My reaction


Oh yeah and that I should follow them on some sort of Google Community…

This is the letter


The thing that concerns me is that apparently my personal details are lying around somewhere (online?) and that someone can just access that.

Shouldn’t there be some sort of protection?
Is this allowed?
Is this legal?

Am I correct in saying that this is only able to happen because of centralized systems apparently selling my details?

I do not know.

But what I do know is that I do not like it ONE utter fucking bit!

As for the contents of the letter, I have very very very little knowledge of any of these topics.
I seriously just do not know what to think of all of these conspiracies theories that are flying around.

It is just a world that I cannot seem to fathom.

Is this really happening?
Is this truth?

I do not know.

Has anyone else received anything like this before?

Top image made by me in Canva and other images made by @chiarazoe

BIG love,



Made by the wonderful @overkillcoin who is TOTALLY amazing and you should follow RIGHT now!


My LoveProject is @humansofsteemit! Featuring the humans behind the Steemit usernames!


Ok first of all Oh my God and What the F... :P
Second of all, if it was your old address and the name was just 'Family+last name' it means they might have found it via some public catalogue or something (we have that here in Denmark).
That's not the most disturbing part though..... the whole letter is the most disturbing part! Oh, and the creepiest, this childish handwriting, my God! I got the shivers!!
Now...legal...well, you can't say it's illegal either, I guess... But for sure creepy as f...
I'll keep my eyes open for shit like this.
OR......just look up what it says.....you never know :P

Yea i guess so.

It's just all weird hahaha

There is probably truth in there but like how the hell am I supposed to know what is true and what is not true???


Hahahahahahahahahhaah I’ve already googled all those, but sadly, it seems google is working for the illuminati


OMG, this is really sick...
Never heard of anything like this, so strange.
Addresses are easy to find online.
I guess many people are interested in conspiracies, but sending letters like this???

I know right?
They must REALLY REALLY believe in all of it.

Wow a hand-written letter? That took a lot of effort on their part!

I try to keep the topics light while I'm on #Steemit, but I tend to think there's some really shady stuff going on. I don't let it consume me and I'm not absorbed in it.

It's a given that a lot of the world is screwed up "on purpose", but no one's going to get away with anything in the long run ☺

Also with a lot of the conspiracy stuff, there's massive hype, disinformation, fear-mongering, etc etc. It's murky. You just gotta take a balanced view. It's naive to think there's no criminal establishment, but neither is it good to be "chicken little" about it 8^]

Same here.

Also I think if you dive deep into that space, it can totally consume you.

Nope thanks.
I am good here, just going through life.

Looks like someone wants attention. (S)he isn't making any real statements nor revelations. Just trying to get more followers. Don't think to much of it.

It won't hurt googling the stuff that is mentioned btw. There are some intersetingg points in there.

Yeah i get it but at the same time, couldn't find the google community plus isn't this the WEIRDEST way of doing marketing? haha

Have you tried searching the Deep Web? 😂😂🤣

Guerilla marketing tactic. I bet it's working amazing! Giving me ideas to advertise my art business... lol


If you do it, tell me how it goes :P

ps. Do you have Discord? I'd like to get in touch with you!

I have downloaded it but I have no idea how to connect with other people on there, or on Steem chat lol I'm horrible with learning new software lol

wow this is mind boggling, been hearing of this illuminati stuff but it all sounded far off, this makes it real

I don't know if this makes it real.

Maybe it makes it real in the minds of the people who are investigating this.

As long as it isn't from the IRS you're ahead of the game :))

lol wth is this

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