Greece - An Iranian 'migrant' raped a 15 year old Greek girl for 5 days - 23Sep2018

in #conspiracy6 years ago

...but you will not see the news in MSM, because they do not want to "upset" their 'local' muslim readers and viewers - WE do not count. Kos. He blackmailed her and threated to kill her if she told anyone - luckily a friend of hers went to the local police and reported him.

The man has been arrested.

To read more at source:

My Comment

If someone steals because they are hungry or because they need to feed their family, society may feel guilty for failing him and be lenient. In the case of rape, there is no excuse. In the case of rape of a child, not only is there no excuse, but society has the right to feel enraged and want the criminal punished for life.

The order of severity of the case, as outlined above, does not come close to touching on the worst case scenario. What of the case of a rapist of a child who not only does not feel any shame or guilt, but demands that it is his right, because the right is given to him by his religion.

Any religion that goes so diametrically opposite to what is decent and our own social and legal beliefs, must also be considered a party to these rapes (crimes) and it must be banned.

No place of worship of such a "religion" should be allowed, for all it will be doing is providing a way for propagating the evil parts of the religion - seemingly as being more important than any good parts it holds to.

Since the "Greek government" is betraying their own people and allowing mosques to be built in Greece, when it has been illegal ever since Greece freed itself from the muslims by the blood of its own people, I call upon the Greek people, take action and stop them.

A good start may be if you spray the entire area with pigs blood and pieces of pig excrement and inner organs. I do not know if it will work, but at least both the traitors and those funding the building will know that you do not intend allowing them to use it.

It s time ALL migrants from the East and from Africa, be sent back to their home countries. At least, if they are going to continue raping children, let it be their own

Αλέξανδρος Ζήνον Ευσταθίου
(Alexander Zenon Eustace)

23rd September

  • posted on Steemit: 23rd September, 2018

This is litterally okay in some of the countries the migrants are coming from. They all need to go back. Castrate this son of a bitch first.

Good - bravo, you had the guts to speak out.

While I have you here...the Greek History posts you make, regardless of what you earn, could you please continue posting them, so that there is a record of our true history on the blockchain?


Of course! I don't care about earnings.

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