Video Proof of Charlottesville Hoax (Cops Doing Nothing To Arrest Alleged Deadly Driver)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #conspiracy7 years ago

This is one of the best examples of proof the Charlottesville protests were staged. This video focuses on the car crash. It clearly shows the car responsible for the supposed death of a woman the injuries of many others. The driver is driving slowly on the wrong side of the street, past many cops, with his car all busted up. shortly after the accident. The cops show almost no interest in the vehicle. Why wouldn't they want to be the hero cop that captures the "terrorist?" Why woudn't they even do their job?

Cops pull people over for a headlight being out. This guy had his bumper hanging on the road! This is clear prooft that there's much more to the story. Also notice that the driver's shirt doesn't match the shirt he's wearing in his mug shot.

This wasn't mentioned in the video, but notice how the passenger's side of the car is busted up in the photo, but not in the video. Also, the photos of the car clearly show a black stripe down the front of the car, but you can't see it in any of the videos.

What do you think about all this? Please resteem so we can get the conversation going. This is very important because if these events are really being staged, it's important that we wake as many people up about it before the orchestrators get what they want - civil war leading to martial law.

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