WWW = 666?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #conspiracy8 years ago

So.. I'm not a Christian and don't really believe in the Devil and all that, BUT.. I came across something interesting last night. What if the mark of the beast and all that stuff had some truth to it?

What if.. Everyone of you that is reading this right now, has the mark?

WWW... Means 666 in Hebrew.

What if the internet is an invention of the Devil and everyone that is using it was tricked? What if in the future, you can't buy or sell without being connected to the internet?

Creepy.. At the very least, whether there's any conspirascy or that was an accident or on purpose, it does appear that WWW = 666....


Very interesting.

Indeed! I thought so too..

tricked into doing/or believing what though?
i think there will always be bartering/trading, when the financial crisis just happened over in Greece and so many people couldn't access their bank accounts, many of them resorted to bartering and they even created their own currency in their community there, at least I sure hope that there will always be competition/more than 1 option

That's the important thing in my opinion, make sure other options remain available.

I agree there will always be physical barter, unless perhaps we get to some kind of INSANE futuristic world like Brave New World or something.
However, already, it seems like the internet is a such a powerful place, if you really wanna get your stuff out there or buy certain things, sometimes the internet is the only option.

Oh and to answer your question.. I guess being tricked into participating in a system that their enemy controls or whatever..

There already are over 100 of them over at coinmarketcap.com ;)
Though most I wouldnt recommend as new World Currencies.

Here's the source, I did enough research last night to verify this to the point I felt comfortable posting it.
People(Christians) are claiming it doesn't represent the Devil cause of other reasons, but they aren't denying that it means 666.

I'm not so sure it's a rumor.. But I am willing to change my perspective if you can prove to me that it is just a rumor.


Here's a quote directly from Wikipedia.

"Waw (wāw "hook") is the sixth letter of the Semitic abjads, including Phoenician wāw Phoenician waw.svg, Aramaic waw Waw.svg, Hebrew vav (also vau) ו, Syriac waw ܘ and Arabic wāw و (sixth in abjadi order; 27th in modern Arabic order).
It represents the consonant [w] (in Modern Hebrew also [v]) and the vowels [u] and [o].
It is the origin of Greek Ϝ (digamma), Υ (upsilon) and Latin F, V and the derived letters U, W, Y."

Yes but from my understanding based on what I read, the WAW represents W even if they don't technically have that letter.

And in regards to the Arabs and Phoenicians, who knows where it started first? I never pointed my fingers at the Jews in direct accusation like I know they are the ones behind it, I'm asking questions and throwing ideas out there and you yourself have made the claim that your language goes back like the furthest in some kind of authoritarian way, or at least when I mentioned EL, you give me the Hebrew example and kind of disregard anything that may have come prior or it's similar implications in other languages.. So.. Hebrew is definitely one of the oldest languages and worth considering, I'm not pointing my finger at just them, I'm trying to understand the bigger picture.

Definitely no like.. Bias here in regards to targeting anyone, I'm usually extra kind to the Jews cause I realize just how crazy a lot of the conspiracies against them are. I will go where the information tells me to go, and based on everything I'm seeing.. WAW appears to represent W even if Hebrew doesn't technically have the letter W.

I'm not sure I get the point you're making. Just because W isn't native to Hebrew, doesn't mean that other languages won't use their best attempts to mimic it. That's why certain things represent things.. Lemme try to give a metaphor.

Let's say.. Umm.. This is a tough one for me. Let's say..

Let's go back to.. Ancient Egypt.. They used the word "NETER" OR "NETJER" or something along those lines to say what we say now as "NATURE"

They basically mean the same thing, but have different phonetics and syntax. I would liken this to how the WAW is different, but has the same or similar kind of meaning to W.. Even though you don't use that phonetic sound specifically, it is accepted as having the same meaning WAW as W, and the same numerical meaning,both in mordern and ancient Hebrew.. So tell me.. How does this disqualify the fact that an ENGLISH origin of the WWW means it's not 666?

I hope that makes sense to you, but it's kind of like EL being found in numerous languages.. You pointed to Arabic as "THE" and I pointed to Spanish as "THE" which also means "God" in line with the Hebrew definition.. All these different both pronunciations and origins end up meaning basically the same thing.

So once again.. I don't see how English speaking people using the equivalent in our language, somehow disqualifies it? It's our version, or thre English version.. And who knows if the originators itnended that, but.. It does according to all the authoritative sites I've seen be consistent in such ways.

In regards to your comment about me not wording this the best and leading people to think Jews are bad, I admit I could have worded it better but when I wrote this, I wasn't aware of the other translations in other languages.. I was only aware of this.. And now I know more.

In response to your thoughts on Hebrew being Gods language or Authoritarian.. I get that impression from you, that it's like "THE" language. You seem very defensive of it, and very.. Advocative of it.

I'm looking at this through the lens of not being defensive of any language, I've no pride or religious belief tied into any of them, they are all open and fair game for me.

Interesting take on it. I dont get too much into the www = 666, but i will definitely say i see a trend toward something LIKE what is described in the bible with the mark. Look at my other post here and ull see what i mean :/

Thanks. I'll check out your post in a lil bit.

somewhere in the Bible about the Tower of Babel I think it says some thing like in the beginning all people spoke the same language and when the world ends all people speak the same language.

with the World Wide Web people are more then ever able to speak the same language.

The end is Nigh!!!!

Heheh.. That's pretty deep! I'm actually working on a movie about the Tower of Babel and getting into all this that resonated with me a lot! The world is becoming globalized into a single community through the brain of the internet.. And all these memes and abbreviations like LOL and IIRC and all those things, are kind of becoming like a universal language. Certain symbols and things, for sure.. Very interesting thoughts! Thanks!

The symbolic meaning the Tower of babel I also find intriguing. I think its in revelations they say the world will end when we all speak the same language. Full circle.

I am not church goer by any means though I just remember stuff.

Do you think the Tower of Babel could have had any connection to, The Twin Towers coming down? Some believe that was used to bring us into a "New World Order".. Maybe the world was already using the same language in a sense, and that's when the Towers came crashing down? I dunno.. Just thinking outloud.

the world speaks money. Tell me something money is the universal language.

Maybe theirs a symbolic connection.
The Tower of Babel was built so man could touch god in the sky but as they got too close god destroyed the tower and all the people on earth that were in one place scattered across the globe. One of those tribes are still lost I think maybe the lost tribe is from the story mosses. Im not an expert.

These tribe scattered and created their own languages and cultures.

The Twin Towers might be symbolic today because we all worship money. Even if you hate money we wake up thinking how to get more or how to get enough. Our lives revolve around money.

Back in the day peoples lives revolved around god and their religion respectively. Any town or city the largest building was always a Church or other religious structure so that from anywhere in the town you could see it.

Today skyscrappers are the tallest buildings in a city and the tallest ones are owned by banks and the financial sector.

Now I need to ponder more.

Maybe what they really meant is the internet would free us from the ignorance fueled control we've been subject to, ending their world. Now people can question everything, including their control/influence systems, and not fear that a mob will lynch them because someone yelled blasphemy.

I think it has to an extent.. But it has also sped up a lot of immoral things as well. Just look at ISIS beheading people for the world to see.. I wouldn't say it's all good or bad, but a combination or a multiplying factor/force in general.

We don't even know what ISIS really is. Not long ago I read some of the most popular beheading online videos are said to be financed and produced by the Us gov. This is not denying that technology can make crime easier in any way, just recognizing that there is profit in making people think a threat is bigger than it is.

I don't necessarily disagree with any of that, except we are familiar with the ancient ISIS, though I know you meant the terrorist one I referred to in my previous message.

I would just add that, the US government is the #1 suspect, or one of the top ones.. So if they are profiting from all this, that would only add to my suspicions.

Yup, that's right.

Could you be a lil more specific my friend? I'm curious to hear your thoughts.

You might not believe in the devil, but the devil believes in you. Satanists worship satan. They foolishly believe that a created being like satan/lucifer is more powerful then their creator God/Jesus.

This! so true. Good thing people are catching on. So much order arose out of the creation of this entire universe, it definitely didn't result from a chaotic Big Bang to say the least. Nothing is coincidence when it comes to the spiritual realm and the battle of good and evil. The devil is weak before Jesus Christ, yet still has knowledge and power to temporarily rule this world. We must be diligently vigilant. I'm not sure about the www thing, but there is a lot of numerology being used for the mark of the beast 666 in a lot of things, especially with ritualistic initiations or payments for success and the like.

Oddly...one of the reasons im into cryptocurrency is to help advocate against that mark, but I personally tend to agree with you.

Check this out:

And then check out this article: https://bitcoinembassy.nl/implanted-chips-a-glimpse-into-the-future/

This tech is powerful but also dangerous. Just like fire and every other technology we have created. If humanity uses tech for dark purposes, it sews the seeds of its own enslavement. Use it to shine light and build and protect societal infrastructure that empowers and has separations of power from the very beginning (#bitshares...cough cough) and humanity can go to the stars and beyond...

Best wishes as you advocate against the mark!

I luv u pepper :)
Look up a movie called "grey state" and then look up what happened to the director. Want to go down a rabbit hole? Lol...

Cans of worms and rabbit holes... opened a lot of the first and went down a lot of the second, so thanks @fuzzyvest!

Terrible what happened to this family!

I think a lot of this stuff actually came out around the time of the 1990s what with the advent of the internet. It's always been a huge conspiracy theory that the internet would be the first step in the apocalypse.

Given the signs that we see in the world (politics and natural disasters and all that), I think it might be safe to say that if we aren't in the end times yet, we're definitely heading steadily towards it.

Do a Google search on devil theories. You'd be very surprised at how many simply fascinating stories there are...

Yeah, this WWW=666 thing is pretty old. I'm surprised I never heard it before! Cause I'm kinda curious about these kinds of things, especially lately in the last couple years.

Given that it's believed many of the secret society people who run things are Satanists.. I guess it wouldn't shock me that much if they did something like this intentionally, even if just to freak people out. But is there something bigger or more nefarious going on? I dunno.

I'll look into the devil theories, thanks.


I think this would be worth a look at my friend.

Yes, WWW = 666 but 666 doesn't = "The mark of the beast" at least not at face value.

Yeah I saw this the other night.. I don't even understand their response.. I'm guessing they are trying to say the devil means 600 and 66, as opposed to 666, but isn't this just syntax and twisting the meanings of things? 600 and 66 is basically 666.. Or am I reading their explanation wrong? That's how I understood it.

They are saying that the 666 is the answer to an equation. It isn't the face value of the mark. It is more the absolute value of the solved equation if you boil everything down.

Does that make sense?

Glad to know you did your research.

I'm not totally sure I get what you're saying, but.. Even if it's not the "face value" is it not still a representation for the Devil? 666 is like, very historically and commonly known to represent such?

True, but Biblically speaking the verse everyone gets the "666" from is

Revelation 13:18
"Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six."

So yes, "666" would be the English translation of the original Greek number ἑξακόσιοι ἑξήκοντα ἕξ (Six Hundred Sixty Six). Yet, it is far from "WWW".

So I must say in conclusion, the translation of "666" will be taken anyway people want to see it. Yes, it is a world renowned symbol for the Devil and if you can find "666" in something, I would stear clear, no matter what you believe.

I think some of you may be confused. A 'W' is a letter and a '6' is a number. Yeah, I'll be that guy. www stands for world wide web. Think about this. What came first? The www, or the stories like this on the www?

222+222+222 = 666
WWW = nothing...those are initials.

Might mean nothing, I'm not claiming it 100% does. I'm just throwing interesting ideas out there and seeing what bounces back.

In regards to letters and numbers, there's all kinds of occult numerology and symbolism involved in the history of the world if you research this stuff.. The people in power LOVE secret languages or code languages or ways to talk covertly among themselves using forms of communication the masses don't really understand or care to try to understand.

To me, it could be as simple as an inside joke among people with occult knowledge and have nothing to do with any real Satan or Devil type creature. Or it could be a total coincidence too. I dunno. It is interesting though.

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