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RE: Was or is Bush a Free Mason?

in #conspiracy7 years ago

Thanks for the info fossilbluff. I posted this 8 months ago, it's always cool to see when someone comments on an older post here. Reminds me that some of these things I post are sort of "evergreen" in the sense that people find them much later after they've been posted.

Masons and Lodges give hundreds of thousands of dollars in education scholarships each year and to those saying we're trying to take over the US, my thought to leave with you is; It worked out pretty well the first time, didn't it?

I have friends who are free masons and I don't think they are all bad, and I haven't come to a solid conclusion about the organization in general. I'm open minded to claims on both sides. However.. Just because a person or group donates to charities or does good causes does not mean they are good. A good example of this is Hitler, he donated to charities, but how many people think he was a good person? Definitely not a majority. Who knows if he was truly in power or not, but most believe he was responsible for the deaths of millions, yet.. He donated to charities and good causes! So.. While I do appreciate your group does that stuff, it's not like.. A magic "proof" of innocence.

Also. Lol. When Free Mason's make comments like the one you just made in regards to Free Mason's having already taken over the US, that just breeds more and more conspiracy theories.

You could be joking, you could be serious. I don't know. Though as I said previously.. I try to stay open minded and not become a hardcore partisan so to speak, I admit I don't know the truth so I am still open minded to both sides of the story.

Thanks again for your info! Peace.

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