Just saw another UFO.. I've seen so many now I've lost track.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #conspiracy8 years ago

Just saw the first UFO I've seen in a while! Was wondering when it would happen, it's been a long time!

I was walking up to the bridge to call a friend and.. I got up there and right when I got up there.. I look up towards the highschool, and I see a really bright light fly up over Scheurman(sp?) mountain coming towards me, I figured it was probably a plane cause it was so bright and that it would soon fly over me.. But.. It didn't.

It stopped where it was and just hovered there for a couple minutes, and then disappeared/flew back the other direction really fast until it was out of sight.

It was almost as if.. It was watching me or something and when I saw it, it took off.. Like has happened many times before in my experiences, I often notice them and that they aren't stars and are moving in an intelligent way and right when I see them and notice them, they usually disappear shortly afterwards.. Wtf?

I've heard many others report similar things, that they seem to think the UFO's are perhaps interacting with us in some way or... Umm.. That they can read our thoughts or something like that.. But I have to wonder.. Why do they disappear when seen? Do they not want to be seen? Creepy!

On top of all that, it was extra weird cause.. I was talking with my parents yesterday.. Specifically my father and I told him about a couple times when I was younger that he had told me he saw weird things.

One was where he told me he saw a UFO above Pyramid mountain and another was when he came upstairs wild eyed one night when I was a teenager and told me he had just seen aliens.. And.. I thought he was like, on some kind of drugs or something.. Or just joking with me.. But.. When I asked him again last night, he couldn't remember that story..

However, he did tell me one I don't remember hearing.. Where one night he was watchign TV and then without knowing why he got up and walked out onto the porch and just then a UFO flew through the clouds above him leaving a trail behind and a HOLE in the clouds...

This reminded me of many stories where people report not knowing why, but they feel the urge to get up and go outside of their house and then they see something.. Almost like they are hypnotized and being pulled outside..

And I felt this was kinda similar to my experience tonight, and other experiences in the past, where.. I just kind of feel compelled to look up at the stars and then I see a star looking back and then it disappears. WTF?!

Are they watching us? Are they reading our minds? Do they want to be seen? If so, why do they run/hide afterwards?

And finally.. I want to end this little story with this.

After my father told me his UFO story about the one leaving a hole in the clouds.. He told me he remembered the time where he came upstairs late at night and told me he saw aliens..

He got really umm.. Kinda scared and serious.. And he told me that he did see something that night.. Out in our yard.. That was like an alien.. Or maybe multiple aliens..

What's scary about this is that.. I've never seen my father like that before, that night, and then the other night when he remember the alien thing.. He was very lucid, and.. Very serious.

The original night, it was almost like.. He had seen something incredible, but couldn't explain it to me. Like I could see it in his eyes, that something was crazy.. Something wasn't right.

Now I get the feeling.. He had his memory interferred with, OR.. Perhaps he blocked it out of his mind himself cause it was just too difficult to accept...

He couldn't tell me very much in detail about what he saw.. But I asked him clearly.. Something to the effect of.. "You saw an alien, or.. Some kind of unknown creature?" And he said.. "Yes" very soberly and very seriously..

Now.. Tonight.. One way or the other.. The night after I helped my dad recover some intense memories of aliens or whatever it was, there was a UFO perhaps maybe even watching me... Wtf?!

I dunno what's going on.. But more than ever I feel like something is going on that is bizarre and really difficult for most people to grasp given their accepted way of looking at the world.

I strongly believe we will be told about the existence of intelligent aliens during my lifetime, and I wouldn't be surprised at all.. If they are already here among us. -.- In fact. I think it's likely.. And.. As ridiculous as this may sound.. Maybe there's a reason they keep watching me so much..

I try to act like I'm normal and nothing special.. But.. My parents told me a UFO followed the midwife to our house the morning I was born and hovered outside for a while.. And then the next day when they took me to the local market to get weighed, a weird old hippy walked up and stopped them and pointed to me and said.. "That one is a space ship pilot".

What's going on? I don't know.. Maybe I'm a fucking alien and they're keeping an eye on me, maybe half human half alien hybrids have been populating the planet for a while.. Hmm.. I dunno. I hope some day I do know.. -.-


When I was a young girl about 50 years ago (eeek) my family and some friends were in the backyard having a picnic. Neighbors were out in their yards too. It was near dusk starting to get dark. In the sky above our block a bright light quickly came in to view and hovered over the houses . You could hear a humming sound. As it hovered a bright light dropped from the first light, then a third light dropped from the second light, a fourth dropped from the third one this continued until there were six lights hovering low like helicopters. The humming sound became louder with each one. There were about a dozen adults and as many children who saw this. All at once in complete unison they took off faster than anything I had ever seen before.
Even sharing this story today sounds a little like the twilight zone but as an adult today I have to wonder.....

Wow! What a story! And around 50 years ago.. Technology was no where near it is now.. It really makes me think advanced humans or "aliens" have been around for a LONG time.. Maybe even going back to ancient times.. Maybe that's why we see a lot of flying creatures like angels and gods in various religions.. These people must have been seeing something in the skies..

Thanks for sharing! Your story is one of the most fascinating I've heard.

I've seen several, usually they will show a lot during a period and then you can't see them for several years, but before you know it they show up again in high numbers. https://steemit.com/military/@tommycordero/let-me-tell-you-why-you-should-care-about-ufos

Very interesting, yeah.. Seems like that's how it's been with me too, thanks for sharing your experience.. I'll check out your link in a sec.

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