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RE: Riffvlog on Eric Dubay's Bible Allegory

Dubay responded to my vid. and I'll link it here:
Eric Dubay
Eric Dubay
5 hours ago
Hey Andrew, thanks for the response video. Firstly, I assure you, NASA and the spinning ball Earth is the "organized disinformation," not my work. When you have some time please watch "200 Proofs Earth is Not a Spinning Ball" and "The History of Flat Earth" to help you get caught up. Regarding the "Bible's Hidden Meanings" documentary, I suggest you also watch my follow-up documentary "Jesus Christ Never Existed," which further explores the allegorical (not literal/historical) truths of the Bible. I definitely agree with your concerns about Kundalini and don't think that somehow makes us gods, not sure how you made that equivalence. Peace
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4 hours ago (edited)
Andrew smiles sardonically. Circa 2006/7 )...As I surfed I came across the Atlantean Conspiracy:) No sir, I'm not a newbie.
In my estimation, with over 7 years of considering it and a year of intense investigation,​ I remain unconvinced but I couldn't say with 100% certainty unless I could get up to the upper atmosphere.
I can find points of agreement though. The literalist version of all religion is likely false, but I suggest in this video that the esoteric versions may not fare much better.
I'm a Gnostic so I believe Kristo's does make appearances here but I also think this place may be irredeemable--it's thoroughly corrupt and beyond repair. Much like the old Dvaita Vedantist's, I believe God is entirely transcendent to this hellhole run and owned by the demiurge and its archons.
I'm also an incompatibilist on this issue of free will. Having said that, I have no problem per se with anyone acting 'as if' free will exists and entirely support anyone's effort to try and make things better here although I admit it's painful watching people push boulders up mountains:)
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