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RE: Las Vegas Shooting (AKA The High Incident Project): False Flag Warning Dated Sept 11, 2017 States "if their plan is successful the state of Nevada will pass a law in the future making all casinos have mandatory metal detectors and backscatter machines..."

in #conspiracy7 years ago



I know right...

It's fucked up to say, but a few years ago in late 2013 I did a post on a conspiracy forum predicting a very specific and highly possible false flag event based on some research I was doing at the time (into DHS HSEEP, the Urban Shield training program and a mob run company called Strategic Operations which tied to both programs, and was looking into all their connections to the Boston Bombing false flag) which lead me to believe they were about to stage another false flag with the next Urban Shield run, using an assault rifle shooting false flag at an airport security checkpoint at one of the major airports in Los Angeles which was where the exercise was to run next (I even specifically stated LAX was one of the most probable locations), and I even predicted a specific date (Oct 29, 2013)... The fucked up part was that very same event then went on to happen (AR shooting, at security checkpoint at LAX airport, On Nov 1).

Nov 1, 2013 - 2013 Los Angeles International Airport shooting

Oct 12, 2013: False Flag Watch: Urban Shield California 2013 - 100+ City, 72-Hour, Anti-Terrorism Drill
Anyways I just bring this all up so people will keep an extra eye on the Cali area during (and shortly after) this drill, in-case something does actually go down. I personally think if something were to happen, it would happen the day following the official drill (Oct 29,2013). I have various reasons to think this but I am not going to go into them right now, but if a real event does take place around this time it will likely involve a large school campus (likely in San Diego) OR a high traffic airport (likely LAX or SFO) with the combined theme of backpack bombs & assault weapons. Anyways stay safe everyone, and hopefully nothing will happen in Cali around this drill, unlike what happened recently in Boston...

The event took place 2 days later then I predicted but other then that it matched my false flag prediction almost perfectly (and I even have a strong theory on why it was delayed by 2 days and why the bombing aspect of the exercise was not used (2nd player was arrested on his way from Montreal Canada headed for LAX on Oct 29th forcing them to call off that aspect of the operation, the original script I was expecting was a AR shooting from the front of the security checkpoint, combined with a luggage bombing from behind the security checkpoint).

I guess my point is... things are not always as they appear, and if you look hard enough at the right places sometimes evidence of something like this being in the workings can be seen prior to the event even taking place.

The media hasn't said a word about that girl who said a woman ran to the front of the stage and said "Your all going to die". Plus his brother said he wasn't a gun enthusiast. This doesn't make sense to me dude...

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