Grab your tinfoil thinking cap for a second- Florida storm.

in #conspiracy8 years ago (edited)

So, I try to focus more on facts and things I can observe more than what I can reason out.  Just cause you can reason something out doesn't make it true.  It's good to have theories, but I don't like to talk about theory too much because then you get labeled as a quack whenever anything doesn't pan out.  That said, weather modification isn't a crazy conspiracy theory.  Here's Bill Clinton's secretary of defense talking about it back in 1997.  Nikola Tesla was actually the dude to discover the technology for this.

So, there you have it.  The former sec. of Defense says it's real.  That's good enough for me as a place to start to trust my eyes.  I see chemtrails in the sky, 90 degree clouds that form, and an off the charts 11 year hurricane hiatus down in Florida.  That's not random, that's your government theft taxation at work.  So, look at this point I don't think I'm going too far off the reservation to say that I think the storm is man made.

So, let's get into the real off the rez shit.

Here's a look at the story that came out talking about how the Julian Assange "October Surprise that Wasn't" was actually a phat trap for the crime syndicate that runs this country.  Julian made the announcement loud and clear so that everyone knew his big news was coming.  He made the non-announcement and in the article they talk about all the places the internet was getting clamped down so that all the damning shit couldn't spread that he was going to talk about.  That said, this was a test run and a trap.  They figured out who was shutting down the internet and found some big players in Florida.

Ok, now cue up the weather weapons we haven't seen in operation in Florida for 11+ years and out of no where 3 days after they figure out who the baddies are there is a giant storm forcing an evacuation of half the state.  My tinfoil spidy sense is telling me shit's going down right now with the sheep out of the way and the big guns are actually going after each other in Florida.  I guess that's better than all out civil war.

Here's a live tracker of the storm.  It's gonna get downgraded and move off shore.  The whole thing is a scare tactic and a cover for some deep state cleansing, but what's also telling is how the media is reporting on it.  "Get out, get out now, or you and your kids are dead."  That's not a warning about the storm...

Oh, and one last creepy af detail about this whole thing... watch the first 5 seconds of this video.  When the gov. announces the storm and watch that piece of shit smile.  He knows somethings up.


Deathbymartymar Marty of Social Club tweeted @ 06 Oct 2016 - 20:05 UTC

Thanks Fox News!

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

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