11S: 17 years of encounters with ghosts and unexplained phenomena

in #conspiracies6 years ago

Today marks the 17th anniversary of September 11, 2001, the date of the most deadly attacks on US soil since the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor in World War II. About 3,000 people died in 9/11, considered the worst terrorist attack in US history and the day the world changed.


As you all know, the morning of September 11, 2001 began like any other day. The Twin Towers were located in the Financial District, as they had for more than 30 years. However, at 8:46 AM, American Airlines Flight 11 crashed into the North Tower of the World Trade Center. At first, the American media was not sure if it was an accident or a deliberate attack.

But at 9:03, Flight 175 of United Airlines crashed into the South Tower, leaving no doubt that it was a terrorist attack. What happened next is history. The result: 2,753 people died in the attack on New York, including 343 firefighters and paramedics and 60 police officers who did not hesitate to help despite the consequences. Another 40 people died in Pennsylvania and 184 died in Washington DC, with a total of almost 3,000 people. And behind all tragic history, there are countless stories that defy logic and rationality.

Ghostly apparitions

The paranormal phenomena of the already destroyed Twin Towers did not begin years after the attack, rather it was just after the tragic event. There were many who claimed to have seen on television mysterious semitransparent figures floating among the rubble while the rescue teams performed operations in the so-called "Ground Zero". As you can see in the images, there is a large white presence floating on the rubble and then disappearing smoothly.

But the first to come to the area also reported paranormal activity in the place. As we published in the Esoteric and Paranormal World, New York Police Sgt. Frank Marra, 48, wrote a book titled "Landfill to Hallowed Ground," in which he recounted his experiences looking for through ten tons of debris from the 9/11 attacks at the Fresh Kills landfill on Staten Island. Marra explained that, during her search, she clearly saw a ghostly nurse dressed in the typical dress of the Red Cross of the Second World War.

But Marra, who was on duty for 17 years, was not the only one to see the female ghost. The volunteers, who helped identify the remains of 1,200 people who died during the attacks, also claimed to have seen an African-American woman dressed as a Red Cross nurse from World War II, and a tray of sandwiches.

Apart from Marra, other officers of the New York Police Department also witnessed many unexplained events after September 11. Joe Lani told the US media that while he was heading to the landfill where the debris was thrown he saw a man walking through the area in the middle of the night. The first thing he did was stop to investigate, but the specter disappeared before his eyes.

"I knew what I was seeing," Joe said. "He was a victim of September 11, and it was the spirit of a man."

The angelic appearance of 11S

In 2016, a striking image showed a mysterious angelic figure rising in the sky in one of the two vertical columns of light in memory of the attacks of September 11, 2001. Rich McCormack was the person who managed to take the enigmatic image while he was on the Hoboken bridge.


The independent photographer could not explain the strange image, and said he was convinced that the mysterious figure was a vision of "Jesus" with his arms crossed, a true angelic sign.

A haunted place

But here do not end the experiences and encounters with the impossible associated with the tragedy of September 11. Just in the place where the Twin Towers were, a new tower called "Freedom Tower" or officially, the One World Trade Center was built. Freedom Tower, which is the tallest building in the United States, opened on November 3, 2014.

The 9/11 Museum and two memorials in the pool with engravings of the names of those who died were erected at the World Trade Center Complex to honor the victims. Since then, people have reported hearing a mysterious buzz coming from the area as if thousands of souls were crying. Whether there is a logical explanation for the mysterious sound or of supernatural origin, no one really knows. There are even people who say that if you are on floors 93 to 99 between midnight and 3 o'clock in the morning you can see the appearance of a ghost airplane crashing into the building.

Before the One World Trade Center was built, the Millennium Hilton hotel opened directly onto "Ground Zero". Many hotel guests reported ghostly activity. A visitor swore that he felt there was a crowd of people in his room, and that he could not sleep. Other people complained to the hotel staff that they had nightmares where they saw victims of September 11 hitting the windows. Due to all the complaints, the hotel management decided to close the rooms that had views of Ground Zero.

Visions of the tragedy

Psychic people also claim to have had truly terrifying experiences. The renowned American medium Marie St Claire said she was forced to finalize a vision of the towers before the attack because it was really horrible. According to a post on her blog UnderworldTales, after having a vision of the World Trade Center, she immediately saw herself looking at the cockpit of an airplane. The passengers in front of her were surrounded by a strange white light.

Without any expression on their faces, they stared at her in astonishment. What he saw next was the psychic moments of chaos, as if the whole tragedy was playing in his mind in a matter of seconds. He saw the towers, the smoke, the fire, the people running, the rescue teams and police running from one side to the other, and then scenes of people jumping from the towers.

What she saw and felt was so unbearable that she was forced to "finish the vision". His conclusion was that there are many spirits that do not rest where once the Twin Towers were, since in places where a great tragedy has occurred, there is always a great paranormal activity. And the only thing that can be done is to pray that these souls accept what has happened and finally find peace.

As we can see, no one forgets the tragedy that occurred on that fateful day of September 11, 2001. And much less the ghosts who are still there and who have not been able to find peace. It is only necessary that they be helped to find the light and to forget once and for all about the hell they had to suffer.

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