Lin Wood offers pro bono services to Kyle Rittenhouse

in #conservative4 years ago

Unless you live in a cave you almost certainly know about the case with 17 year old Kyle Rittenhouse and how he has been charged with 1st degree murder over the shooting of 3 rioters that left 2 of them dead in Kenosha, Wisconsin. As expected the media went wild with this and people tried to draw a correlation of how he is being treated differently because he is white. The fact that he tried to turn himself in and when eventually arrested by police he didn't resist arrest at all is irrelevant to these people because it doesn't fit into their message. That's another story though and one that I don't care to engage in because it has already become a situation of memes loaded with partisan emotion rather than looking at actual facts.

What is interesting to me is that famed attorney Lin Wood is offering his legal services to Rittenhouse for free and this is really big news.


If you don't know who Lin Wood is, you are likely going to very soon. He is quickly becoming a household name as he is one of those lawyers that simply doesn't lose. I don't know much about his history and since he is a lawyer I hesitate to really admonish him in any capacity but I do know that if he gets involved in a case, it is almost certain that whoever he is representing is going to win.

What should really scare the defense and all the media outlets that jumped the gun a bit when reporting about Kyle Rittenhouse is the fact that while he does do criminal law on occassion, he specializes in libel and slander cases, the most famous of which where he successfully sued the Washington Post, CNN, and others for their coverage of Nick Sandmann, who I am certain you will recognize right away.


The media went wild on this kid and once all the relevant information was on the table it became clear very quickly that the news stations were completely misrepresenting this encounter and there is very good reason to believe that they did so intentionally. The fact that Sandmann was a minor didn't seem to matter much to the people in charge of these news outlets and all them settled out of court for an unreleased sum of money. I (and everyone else) can only speculate at what the amount was but given Lin Wood's reputation, we can be assured is was a very large amount of money. Lawyers aim for the rafters in these things because normally they are working for a commission of the total payout. I'm guessing 8 figures per suit.

I got a little sidetracked there but Lin Wood's invitation to represent Rittenhouse for free is going to seriously change the way the media decides to cover this story. They will be very hesitant to use any fake news or anonymous sources that are happening so frequently in the news because of the fact that they are well aware that Lin Wood will sue them, and he WILL win.


Individuals and media outlets tried their best to pain Kyle as a lone wolf unhinged crazed shooter, but if anyone watches the videos you will see that he was in the process of being attacked by multiple people one of which kicked him in the head and another tried to bash his skull in with a skateboard. It is ONLY at that point that he fired off some rounds disabling both of the attackers. None of this would have happened if he hadn't been attacked first. Who the hell attacks someone who is openly carrying an AR-15?

When this footage is shown to a jury and judge I feel as though it is an open and shut case of justifiable homicide and an act of self-defense. I believe Lin Wood knows this also and because he is a lawyer I think he has his eyes on the far more lucrative libel suits that can come as a consequence of the international press that this incident has gotten.

I think we can expect to see some quiet retractions from the agencies that already published stuff about this incident and also for the story to stop being featured on big networks like CNN. Call me a cynic but I think they would prefer to not talk about it at all than to be forced to present the story in a truthful light.

Kyle's family has not yet accepted Lin Wood's offer, but I think it is pretty safe to say that they are going to.


Well i suppose this is really great news for the Kyle fella for sure.

Well i suppose this
Is really great news for the
Kyle fella for sure.

                 - jack.russelle

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

i'm kind of surprised to find out that the family hasn't yet accepted Wood's offer.

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