The War on Consciousness

"Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government, owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people" - Theodore Roosevelt


The path to higher consciousness is not an easy one. There are many structures put into place to keep us from connecting with our higher self. This is being done on purpose by what we will refer to in this article as "the control system". When people are disconnected from their higher selves they become easy to control, and this is the ultimate goal of the control system; a "Hunger Games" society.

There is a small group of people who control all of the institutions that form the structures in our lives. Education, government, the financial system, health systems, food, media, etc. are all part of their control system.

Hierarchy and compartmentalisation are two characteristics of this system.


Hierarchy ensures that those at lower levels (the general population) remain ignorant of the true intentions of the system. If knowledge is shared freely and widely, it will not be possible to direct the energy of people nearly as effectively as when you have centralised decision-making and control.

Compartmentalisation ensures that the different segments in the system are not aware of what the others are working on. This allows the system to advance it's hidden agenda. The system has to carry out it's agenda in secrecy, because if people knew what was really going on, most would not participate.

The true intentions of the system is covert control gained by preventing people from thinking outside of the institutional lines of belief. The aim is to destroy the imagination and exterminate a person's ability to challenge the status quo. It is a war on consciousness.

The small group of people who run the control system are sometimes referred to as "the elites", "globalists", "Illuminati", "dark occultists", etc. In this article I will refer to them simply as "the controllers".

They are at the highest levels of all institutions that govern world affairs. They are experts at manipulating the minds of others on a global scale in order to get what they want, which is more power, control and wealth at the expense of everyone else.

They use techniques of mind control, conditioning and programming to manipulate the masses. They control the information that people get to see, hear and read through all major points of distribution; media, newspapers, television, etc.

The controllers achieve their goal by artificially lowering the vibration of consciousness that people are operating at. They strive to get people to a vibration of fear, cutting them off from their true potential, true selves and higher levels of consciousness. This way there is little resistance to the control system and the ever increasing destruction of human freedom.

The ability to imagine change is a power tool, so the controllers want people to think that things have always been the way it is, and it will continue to be this way. If people cannot imagine a different state of being, they will never work toward manifesting a different reality. Mind control is the extermination of imagination.

The system is trying to control how people think, feel and act. Controlling a person's mind is the first step to severing his or her relationship with their higher self, or higher consciousness. This is how they get people to participate in their system.

From the very top of the pyramid they have the power to influence change in the masses below them in accordance with their own selfish wills and desires for personal gain.

The controllers use different vehicles to exercise their control; politics being one of them. The politicians that we see and think is in control, are not the ones actually calling the shots. Politicians are in fact very low in the hierarchy and are essentially only the puppets. The people behind the scenes, much higher up in the hierarchy are the ones who pull all the strings. The federal reserve system, intelligence agencies and organised world religions (Islam, Judaism, Christianity, etc.) at very high levels are all dark occultists.

The underlying reason as to why they are so obsessed with gaining power and control over everyone else, is because they are rooted in the reptile mind. They act in the lowest modalities of consciousness. They too are governed by the force of fear; of not having enough, or of having lack.

This does not mean they cannot reason at very high levels. They are able to plot, scheme and plan better than most people. But they lack the emotional qualities of care and concern for the well-being of anyone other than themselves. They are psychopathic individuals, and unfortunately these are the people running the world.

The fact that there is mind control going on all around us all the time, is a difficult concept to understand for most people. This is due to the cultural programming and people's consciousness being put into little boxes from a very young age.

Once a person becomes rooted in a certain way of thinking, feeling and acting, it becomes very difficult to break those patterns. The longer the patterns are ingrained, the more conditioned the person becomes, and the easier they are to control. The controllers of this world know this well. They understand how our psyche works.

When people submit themselves to a parent authority, they lose the ability to display free thinking. Ultimately it is not the controller class that are enslaving us, it is us doing it through our participation in the system. The controllers only use techniques to influence people, but it is the people in the general population that are essentially building their own prison.

Ignorance, apathy and laziness, combined with cognitive dissonance, is the reason why people are so susceptible to mind control techniques.

(Cognitive dissonance is seeing with your own eyes what is taking place, and deliberately choosing not to acknowledge it.)

Cognitive dissonance goes hand-in-hand with mind control. It is the deliberate ignoring of reality that is keeping the control system in place. When people deliberately ignore the truth, they are susceptible to anything.

We are the ones who need to use our Will (the higher Will, not the will of the ego) to do something about our condition. When individuals change, the external manifestation will change. Many people are in cognitive dissonance and choose to look the other way because our reality is so horrible. But there is no escape. The only way out, is through.

Knowledge of the self and what is going on within and around us (consciousness), is the pathway to power, and overcoming the hold the system has over the human mind.

In the next article we will begin to discuss the mind control methodologies being employed by the controllers of this world.

to be continued...

Written by Aliana
Copy editing by Eric Cram
Based on work by Mark Passio

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