Our Time Has Come- We Are All Powerful Co-Creators- It's Time We Seize That PowersteemCreated with Sketch.

in #consciousness8 years ago (edited)


First I'd like to share with you my general belief as to the structure of the universe- that way if you completely disagree than you can spare yourself the time of reading this article because it is based upon this premise. We are all fractal expressions of an intelligent creator (that may be 'merely' pure energy- love perhaps?) we are all unique beings that are here in the creation of this universe to experience creation through the unique expression of creation energy that is you.

I believe that this universe itself may have been created out of sheer boredom. Have you ever done anything for pure muse while in a situation that may have otherwise seemed painfully boring? Of course you have. This entire universe may have been something whipped up by intelligent design in a matter of moments- there's significant evidence that the universe is a hologram in that even the smallest fragment of that hologram has within it the entire picture. There's even a theory that I deem to be at least reasonably credible and worthy of further research and discussion that the original fractal of this hologram we call the universe was one single photon- light.

If you're still with me than perhaps you too believe that we are all in essence ONE- all varying expressions from the very same energy source. So why then would YOU as a fractal expression of creation energy itself not also have magnificent co-creative powers? YOU DO. Most just haven't realized them yet.

There is no more powerful force in nature than our ability to manifest, through thoughts and intentions, the world around us. We posses the power to mold the universe around us as we see fit. The Universe is a democracy- the key to unleashing your power is realizing that YOU TOO have a vote. Most beings don't realize this therefore those of us that do enjoy a disproportionate influence on the universe we manifest.

I believe more and more people are becoming aware of these co-creative powers that we all have and that's a GREAT thing especially because there's a huge price that all of us pay when our fellow beings fail to realize their co-creative powers. This power is energy and the nature of this universe is that if a being fails to 'cast their vote' in the co-creation of the universe then some other being is more than delighted to hijack that vote and use it to manifest the reality they deem fit. The problem with that is the beings who are willing to hijack another being's co-creative powers is a service to self being or they would never have plotted to hijack your powers to begin with- therefore only the dark among us hijack other's co-creative powers.

How do they do that? Through mass brainwashing and manipulation on every level particularly frequency. Yes frequency- so underemphasized in this 3-d existence- I yield to the genius of Nikola Tesla who said .......

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On the end I think that entire quote refers to the energy of love- the more love you feel and extend to others in your heart the higher your frequency. The higher your frequency becomes, the closer you are to the source creation energy- the source that created the fractal expression that is you.

Many people don't understand how we are bombarded with frequency warfare on many different levels- wifi in your home, smart meters, cell towers, scaler wave technologies, even through your television and the music you listen to- unless it's 432 hz of course ; )

I cut off my cable service a few years ago- I still watched Netflix streaming and Gaia TV but other than that the sound of TV for me these days is like nails on a chalkboard. I used to also be NFL brainwashed- I was a die hard Redskins fan my entire life- if the Redskins won on Sunday it was great- if the Redskins lost on Sunday then the day sucked- and then the belly aching would carry over into Monday with disappointed co-workers and associates. I gave up that crazy mind control addiction a couple of years ago along with broadcast/cable TV in general and that's one of the smartest things I've ever done. I cannot recommend it enough- I challenge you to go a week without watching TV or having it on in the house and se how you feel. I'm willing to bet you'll notice a positive difference.

And get them to pull that smart meter off of your home- my electric company resisted but in my state they had to accommodate my wishes as I know excessive RF and EMF is not good for our well being. The smart meter removal guy at first gave me crap but then when I ht him with some research he was like 'really?'- I was like 'yeah really' . Also hard wire your computers and TVs with CAT5- shut off the wireless- it's healthier and FAR more secure.

Then there's this thing called the pineal gland. it's in the middle of your brain- this glad actually has optical nerve endings and s sometimes referred to as the 'third eye' or 'minds eye'. There's a reason for that- if you enjoy good pineal gland connectivity to the universe you can easily see things that others who are not connected cannot. Fluoride is a neurotoxin that among other things calcifies the pineal glands and renders it ineffective. But it can be decalcified- do some research and I'm sure you'll find a plan that best suites you- I avoid fluoride as much as possible and drink lots of reverse osmosis water. I believe the connectivity of the pineal gland is critical in leveraging your co-creative powers- it's a serious force multiplier.

I think many people today feel powerless- they see the problems- they want to assist- yet they just don't know what to do. Well I am going to share with you in no uncertain terms exactly what YOU can do to change this universe for the better- you focus your thoughts and intentions on a universe, or planet, or country, or neighborhood and what you want that place to evolve to. After all somebody has to pilot the ship- if you refuse to participate others with less benevolent intentions will be happy to man the helm- remember what I wrote earlier about your co-creative powers being hijacked? If every day you closed your eyes for 5 minutes, focused on your breathing, and then envisioned the sort of world you'd like to see- and don't just visualize it with that third eye- actually feel it- feel how good it would make you feel in your heart and soul if what you were seeing and feeling was the reality you were experiencing. The feeling aspect is every but as important as the visualization.

If you think this sounds like hogwash then I have scientific PROOF to debunk your position. Our co-creative powers have been clearly demonstrated in Washington DC and Israel. See for yourself.........



There's your PROOF that we are all potential CO-CREATORS- the beings in these studies had realized their co-creative powers and were therefore able to concretely change the reality around them- and the good news is it only takes a few- relatively speaking- don't you want to be one of those few?

The bad guys know all about this- they want you to believe it's all hogwash- they want you to remain convinced that you're just a rat in their wheel furiously pumping you legs to remain afloat- then while they have you worrying about XY and Z and your fighting with ZY and X over BS issues they are meanwhile hijacking your vote.

I hope this makes sense and that it helps everyone reading this, especially those who already have not, realized that YOU are a powerful co-creator- you have that within- it is inherent in your being- you merely need to open comm channels to the universe and cast your vote. Close your eyes- calm your breathing, connect, and express your desires.

In closing I'd like to put this all in context regarding our current situation. I am of very strong belief that full disclosure is imminent- it cannot be stopped BUT you and I control when exactly that will occur. I believe that the atrocities that could be revealed via a full blown public demand for further investigation into the #pizzagate scandal(go here if you aren't up to speed in order to get started.... https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bw8pBi62eGf-dFlxcjRYWWxLU28/view ) . I know from within that this will be the first domino to fall and the end result will be the liberation of humanity and of true human awareness of what we are and where we fit into the galactic/universal scheme. Once humanity can reach that critical mass of coming to grips with these atrocities we will have set into motion a series of disclosure events that will lead to a vibrational evolution of consciousness but we must first muster the collective awareness to cast our vote for this to happen.

YOU are an all powerful being- please consider focusing your thoughts and intentions on this critical truth being revealed. We have almost reached that critical mass and even one powerful co-creator realizing self will tip us over the edge.I'm thinking that may well be someone reading this- Is it you?

Please consider resteeming this- not for $$$ but instead awareness

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