
Photo - Matt Chambliss

The idea of consciousness is just that, an idea. It is the thought not the thinker, much less the observer of the thinking. So many conversations about this can become so complicated, so weird, so serious, that they border on becoming just another religion to be learned, initiated into, believed and practiced. But there is nothing so simple, so easy, so natural. No words or explanations are required. None are possible. Breathe.



I don't know. I mean the same can be said of almost any abstract concept. Sometimes, it is necessary to define an idea in order to use it to solve a problem. It helps us to communicate...but I think I see your point. If you expend great effort trying to achieve "consciousness", you are likely missing the point. #thealliance

Yes I agree. I was not trying to be pompous. :) And you are right I think that the same can be said of any abstraction which by definition is not the thing that is named. For me it is fun to play with words and think odd thoughts. I make no claim to truth. I think if anything it owns me and I am a babbling idiot. But its fun!:) Thank you for being here.

Yeah, I'm down. I am also not trying to be confrontational. I'm just trying to add to the conversation. I do the same things with playing around with words. It is fun, indeed.

:) indeed! Shall we be friends

Mind successfully bent. :D

Fabulous photo...I need to find a friend to take cool pics of me too!!!

Try not to judge :). My buddy did those for the poems. I don't have much original art to post I'm a little self conscious with all these pictures of me. But I thought he might get some exposure somehow.

I'm not judging, I'm jealous! :D I really do like the photo!

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