Are US Income Taxes Voluntary???

I'm Never Gonna Stop Talking Because The Universe Is SPOKEN Into Existence!

Hi everyone, I've been working my way through Mark Passio's podcast series (yes starting at #1) and so far it's been great!'

I want to share the resources he provides because looking into what is happening in the world can be OVERWHELMING. For me it was hard to find the useful information, much of the surface level stuff is not-too-useful blog posts or Wordpress accounts.

So far, I've found his way of portraying the information to be the best!

One I thought was VERY INTERESTING was this video..."America: Freedom to Fascism" by Aaron Russo

It's great to see a former head of the IRS squirm when asked on camera if the word "income" is defined anywhere in the IRS code...

I hope you take a look at it. It was very interesting to me to think that income taxes might be voluntary. Some former IRS agents in the video said they haven't filed a tax return in years...

All the best to you!

-Michael McGillicuddy
Fujian, China


If a gun is held to your head, and someone is demanding the money in your pocket, and you give it to them, is that voluntary? That answers that question!'s not like that. Oh wait, yes it is!!!

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