Connections with yourself

in #connections6 years ago (edited)


Connections in writing

You may have felt this too; while writing and opening up in Steemit, connecting begins, and experiences become more fulfilling.

Here’s another one you may have experienced; once you connect up with others, not everyone judges you.
A lot of us judge ourselves more than anyone else ever could.

At this point, you are not valued for your level of expertise, or how much money you have, you are valued for being here and writing.

This is a great event for all of us because there are some very talented people in Steemit giving their help and time.

Connections in photography

My current photography class is about finding my way with one subject, (using the word subject for a lack of a better word). I am deciding to go abstract for this class while building some cohesive work.

I do plan on continuing with more techniques, such as night photography, along the way, as I will be among experienced photographers that have invited me to come along, as they work.

Connections in meditation

In meditation we are all connected; think of meditation as plugging your modem into the source of all.

Meditation is constantly changing my life and I must mention it is a big part of connecting me with all of you.

Connections in the moment

The healing power of the moment, all you have to do is open your heart to it.
As I watch testimonials of healing on Dr. Joe’s my heart opening, meditation is healing to the spirit; we manifest our existence from the inside out, not the other way around.

FYI Beverly’s testimony totally opens my heart.

I find when I open my heart; my meditation is so much more receptive to the love that surrounds me, at all times.

Whatever we focus on we get more of, so why not focus on opening my heart.
When I write it is only to tell you about my direct experience at this moment, I am not telling you anything more than that.

Where is your ‘to do’ list? I am getting rid of mine after writing this. LOL


Stay well.

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you are valued for being here and writing.

This is the climax of satisfaction in both steemit and out there in the real world when someone actually sees you as valuable no matter how little an effort One puts to write up something

Meditation is constantly changing my life

Sure meditation makes what you know or percieve sink in well, opens the mind and gives this calm and light environment

I have so missed your great and always educating writeup @rebeccabe

How kind and sweet you are to me. LOL
I laugh knowing we are of like minds and am happy to know you.
Well, sometimes I do put in more effort to write something up. haha ... kidding around again..I believe as long as we write and share our feelings, our effort is there.

Great thoughts my friend. Everything what we do have a connection with our body and mind. If i talk about meditation which is the most important but often we fail. True meditation helps us to quiet our mind as we can do anything successfully.

right... thanks for commenting :)

Really enjoy your writing mam. I liked the concept ☺

Love this post my friend. Meditation takes a different form than it used to, yet it still regenerates my mind and renews my thoughts. You always have really good little pics in your posts. I need lessons on how to do them. At first I thought oh @rebeccabe has been plugging into the hive. Lol. Excellent post.🐓🐓

Your kind heart and love are being felt by the collective consciousness.
Thank you for that!

I agree, Steemit broadens our mental, emotional and creative senses. It's not a compitition, but rather a way to challenge ourselves and evolve.
I like night time photography, with a head torch.

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