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RE: Connecticut Overdose's Skyrocketing

in #connecticut6 years ago

My dad was discriminated against for his age a few years ago. He was forced to retire and a younger person got his job. He and other people also affected tried to file a lawsuit but got nowhere with it. Thanks for the lead.

I doubt if I will ever be able to move because of economics. If I did I might go back to South Carolina. That's where I was born.


yeah it is super sad when they say to the old, please train the young (or foreigner) to do the same job as you, and then once training is done, fired the old is.

Fundamentally it is important to operate on a trustless basis. And maybe once we will has a civilization reach peak trustlessness we will be able to move to something more human.

personally it is all those old and young fucks, who fucks so called sugar babies before releasing them in the date pool market to be wifed by naives ones... ideals mothers/wives in the making.

here in europe they made advertisments in front of bruxelles university, become a slut at 18, suck dicks and take in the ass, we the parlementary of bruxelles feeded on the european money will pay your studies...


cost of living < income . that is basic math. And it is specially hard when you aren't part of the subsided population (bankers bail outs, foreigners with everything, single mothers looting) but the other part subsidizing, even if low just VAT is already a killer.

imagine the guy who was born in palo alto, california... most priced out forever... but the world is big :)

justice? lol forget it, they can't jail hilary... so... its just a looting mechanism for those inside it (and they made plants illegal... just more lol).

You've got it figured out. We're just a human farm to be squeezed for all we're worth. The vatican, London, and the U.S. as the military arm control everything. When we become useless our days will be numbered. I just try to live my life and enjoy what is around me: my family, my friends, and I try to learn a little every day. I then try to pass it along. Don't lose hope, though. I do believe and have faith that we win in the end.

we already have, they didn't create the universe, nor the earth, nor life, nor "chance". For me the most important thing is to be conscious in every buying and selling act. Don't buy shit and say your are selling shit (for some there is value in shit). it is impossible to leave the plantations while still buying from it :).

the vatican - london - and the us military are really 3 distinct "things".

I do the same thing. I don't buy anything I don't need. I don't feed the consumer culture. I know my soul is not for sale and there is more to us than what we experience on this earth.

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