Flagged On My First Post, Is It Normal? Or Am I Doing Something Wrong?

in #confusion8 years ago

Hi everyone, I am a new member of the site and had just put my introductory blog up yesterday. Woke up this morning to a ton of "flags" on every comment I made thanking people who welcomed me on board. Though the accounts which flagged me, called iloveupvotes and livemoral, have also commented below me with strange messages, I still do not understand why the negative vote.

At first I was confused to see some text in red which read "Comments were hidden due to low ratings" with a button at the end of my blog which reads "Show". On clicking this button, I was presented with a number of comments which were grayed out and had to be revealed to be seen. The comments in those were a link to another blog and random bits of words which gave me the feeling that I was embroiled/entered into some sort of war.

Is this behaviour normal on steemit? Or have I been dragged into something inadvertently as on trying to understand I get the impression that there are two sides who differ bitterly on certain areas of usage of the site. This is all confusing for me as I was seduced into this by talks of it being a censorship free world where you can voice your concerns without fear of persecution, but now I am in the middle of a stack of "grayed out" and "hidden" stuff, which sounds and feels a lot like censorship.

But the impression I get from these comments is the fact that someone is trying to bring notice of persecution, or some form of censorship. As I have mentioned in my introduction, I am an investigative journalist and it was but natural for me to investigate, but after wading through countless posts which came up when I searched for "flags", I am astounded that there has been so much debate about the "unfairness" of the system and the use of money power on the site, and it seems I have walked into one!

I have reported on crime for two decades now and have seen how blatant power and money manipulate and dictate what happens in the real world, so should I be worried that it is the same on here? I ask this question as a newcomer without any malice and as a matter of curiosity, because I am still confused why I was chosen to have my comments flagged, and that too, in my first post!

Thank you.


Don't mind those flags. They're from a disgruntled troll. They shouldn't have any effect on your reputation or rewards.

I guess they will stop affecting after some time, but it did "wake" me up this morning causing me to almost spill my tea :)

I have just realised that the most thought-provoking comments I read on this site while doing some reading were yours! Your ideas are clear and concise and helped me grasp this eco-system easier than I thought and would like to thank you for them. You are are prolific writer and I shall follow you to read more.

The good side of a censorship resistant platform you is can't completely censor someone.

The bad side of a censorship resistant platform is you can't completely censor someone.

You have to take the good with the bad. If someone wants to troll, they are able to do so. The best we can do is grey them out.

If you really must look, you have that opportunity. No secrets. Just the ugly reality of allowing everyone a soapbox to preach from. Some people just want to watch the world burn.

Welcome to Steemit @cwatch 😀
Don't sweat the flags.
You can list up to 5 topics for each post (example: This post of yours has three: confusion, Steemit, and flags).
I recommend using all 5 topic headings (maximum exposure for your post), however make sure they are all relevant to your post.
Enjoy the future!

Thank you for the tip, and the warm welcome!

Thank you for the link, I am off to read it now!

You have about 2 seconds until i individually target your ass and all your posts too. Do not keep speaking of me like that.

Upvote because I can, and you didn't deserve the flag.

Someone is butt hurt and flame flagging everyone. Don't pay any mind to it because someone isn't having their way.

Welcome to Steemit, and I wish you the best.

Please do let me know if you have any questions and check out the Steemit White Pages if you want to know how Steemit Works and how you can stay ahead of the game.


Thank you for the gracious offer as using this site is daunting for a complete newcomer to crypto currencies like me, as this place is full of it!

Yes indeed, and any time my friend. Let me know if you ever have any questions or need any help. I may be offline for a week or so as tomorrow I move over 1000 miles to a new place, new job, and a new life... but who knows my friend. I should be back in no time at all. I hope you stick around.

Should watch your mouth my friend. Never know who's watching. ;)

I was checking something else and I saw your post - nice welcome! This is not remotely normal and there are a great many very warm and welcoming people around. As you are new, may I invite you to join a bunch of steemit subscribers. It is a Facebook based group. This way, you will get support when and if you need it.
Aspiring Whales and Dolphins
Hope to see you there.

Thank you! Unfortunately I do not have an FB account and most of my work is over TOR as I have explained in my intro. But your kind words make me understand that there are a lot of good people, such as yourself, around here, and I shall look forward to interacting with them.

Welcome to the Wild West of Steemit. :-)

Thank you.

There are some among us who desire evil. Please do not let them get you down.

I'll look into it more, but I believe you are doing things correctly, the accounts you mentioned are just ran by the same agry person.

It was just a shake-up for me being my start, but I will not let them get me down. Thank you.

Very good to hear. There are too many good things and wonderful people here to let that affect you. Good job asking about it.

Papa, you keep talking shit fuckface, last time I'm warning you.

Welcome to SteemIt. We do have some trolls right now. They will "come out in the wash".

Thank you! In my imagined "perfect" world I have no trolls, only individuals who have lost out to their egos and are hurting themselves :)

welcome mate i think the flags where not directed at you.looks like some one that commented on your post might be in the flaggers sights .the poor buggers having a meltdown by the looks. any way enjoy and stay confused lol i no i still am .

Thank you!

You are right except the meltdown lol. Nothing about them makes me angry. Altho, virtual flags do seem to make people do things xD ...why I have no idea. Just virtual flags, not life itself. You would think someone is dying around here when they get flagged lol, no punt intended towards you. But when people flag, they love to call you evil and a demon over it. Nevermind there is a real person driving right. But, then they turn back around and mass flag you for flagging. Pot calling the kettle black, ey?! xLoL

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