Conflict Prompt Entry (The Death of a Bigot)

The Death of a Bigot


Tony thumbed through his feed, looking for fuel to add to his already raging fire.
"That damned political party has finally done it!" Tony fumed.

Recently, the party Tony had voted for, had done a complete one-eighty on their biggest campaign promise. They were going to favor one race over another and implement new laws to subjegate Tony's type of person.

He read and re-posted many scathing articles and commented very bigoted things that he didn't really feel inside. Why was he doing this? He had no problem with any race or religion or nation of origin. He was starting to hate himself more every day. Maybe by spreading the hate around, he would feel it less, he reasoned with himself.

It wasn't working. "I gotta get off this media site!" Tony concluded one day after writing a hate word three times in one comment. "This shit is going to give me a heart attack!"

Tony went in search for a different online pastime. It took a long time, but, he was able to find a smaller community of people who spoke words of encouragement and love, not spewing hatred like he was used to.

In only a few days, he was able to start feeling more like a part of humanity and less like a hood wearing beast. He began to relise that he had been being manipulated the whole time. He then found evidence of this manipulation and started letting people on his old social media site know of his findings. Unfortunately, he was largely ignored, but, he was on his way to saving his own soul, so he felt good despite his old "friends" ignorance.

Over a year has passed since Tony turned his back on that evil site and he has grown so much. He figured out that everyone deserves dignity, compassion, and basic human needs. He grew as a writer and an artist in this short time as well.

The shame he feels is lessening with time as he is learning to forgive himself for being misled. He is less introverted and engages with people on a more personal level. He hopes anyone he offended will forgive him as well, he believes they will.

Thanks to @JRHughes and the MSP Fiction Workshop for these contests! Thank you all for your support!


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What a timely piece, Matthew! If only more people could let go of negativity and embrace humanity the world would be a better place. I love that you were vague about the party and opinions. The ambiguity of it is perfect since all sides and every creed have​ their assholes lol.

Thanks so much for this entry!

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