Who you are determines what you do- Powerful people know it...

in #confidence7 years ago


Who are you?

Take a little assessment of yourself and write it down...

its harder then you think...try it...

What you will find is a little insecurity that comes out in two ways:

  1. this thought that says I want to be this but I am really not or
  2. what I wrote down seems a bit arrogant...and you will try and tone it down with some disparaging comments

Those are normal. Seriously though, who are you?

If you want an honest assessment of yourself look at your life and where you have spent your time and mental energy over the last year. Our digital age, can be incredibly ideal in what we want to be and what we want be about - but when push comes to shove and you get your self out of bed - who you really are is shown in what you actually do...not what you post on social media accounts...what you actually do.

This May Be Shocking

If it is great! Welcome to the world. There is a general sense of discontentment, offense and anger...pretty much everywhere. There are not many people free from the comparison of others, that stand resolute in who they are functioning with purpose.

Our world is not improving, because for the most part we tend to be ninnes with no real purpose, stuck in the rut of idle medications like netflix...

so who are you?

write it down...allow yourself to be challenged in your process.

You are the only person that can be you. With a unique skill, ability and perspective that is needed. Choose it, wrestle with it, and embrace the courage it takes not to be a ninny, but to be yourself.


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