Pull Request Submitted to Update Condenser Install Instructions

in #condenser7 years ago

A while back, I created a post Instructions for Installing a Steemit.com Instance (For Developers Interested in Working on Changes to Steemit.com). The main reason was because after following the instructions in the GitHub repository, I found that there were a few steps that were unclear / missing / incorrect.

I was recently working on a PR and needed to install a fresh instance of condenser. I went to my instructions post and found that it was out of date too. Rather than create a new post with updated instructions, I figured it would be best to actually update the instructions in the GitHub repository.

I made the following changes:

  • Added step to verify NVM is installed.
  • Changed config file from steem-example.json to default.json.
  • Added quit/exit commands where appropriate.
  • Added step to update ~/condenser/db/config/config.json with the mysql password.
  • Clarified the step at the end to know when condenser is running.
  • Updated the port number to be based on whatever is output as the port number condenser is running on.

Here is the pull request:

The PR is not accepted yet, but I am hopeful that it will be soon. I will work with the Steemit dev team to make any necessary changes in order for it to be accepted.


Oh yeah this is pretty messy on their side, i ended up having to install things that they didnt say needed ti be installed. Npm refused to start with out it.

Condenser can also be configured using environment variables instead of copying defaults.json. They are defined in the file named custom-environment-variables.json. Another super easy way to run condenser is to use the official docker image and just set the necessary environment variables upon run, ex.:

docker run -d --env SDC_DATABASE_URL=mysql://user:pass:@localhost/steemit_dev -p 8080:8080 steemit/condenser

Thanks for helping out, Tim!

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