Latest Research Papers In Condensed Matter Physics | (Cond-Mat.Mes-Hall) 2019-07-18

Latest Papers in Condensed Matter Physics

Mesoscale And Nanoscale Physics

Double flat bands in kagome twisted bilayers (1907.07652v1)

F. Crasto de Lima, R. H. Miwa, E. Suárez Morell


We have studied how a generic bilayer kagome lattice behave upon layer rotation. We employed a Tight Binding model with one orbital per site and found (i) for low rotational angles, and at low energies, the same flat bands structure like in twisted bilayer graphene; though, for a larger value of the magic angle. Moreover, (ii) at high energies, due to the superstructure symmetry regions, we found the characteristics three band dispersion of the kagome lattice. In the latter, its band width decreases for lower angles confining them within a few meV. Therefore, we found in twisted kagome lattice the coexistence of two sets of flat bands in different energies and lying in different spatial regions of the bilayer system.

Laser control of magnonic topological phases in antiferromagnets (1907.07636v1)

Kouki Nakata, Se Kwon Kim, Shintaro Takayoshi


We study the laser control of magnon topological phases induced by the Aharonov-Casher effect in insulating antiferromagnets (AFs). Since the laser electric field can be considered as a time-periodic perturbation, we apply the Floquet theory and perform the inverse frequency expansion by focusing on the high frequency region. Using the obtained effective Floquet Hamiltonian, we study nonequilibrium magnon dynamics away from the adiabatic limit and its effect on topological phenomena. We show that a linearly polarized laser can generate helical edge magnon states and induce the magnonic spin Nernst effect, whereas a circularly polarized laser can generate chiral edge magnon states and induce the magnonic thermal Hall effect. In particular, in the latter, we find that the direction of the magnon chiral edge modes and the resulting thermal Hall effect can be controlled by the chirality of the circularly polarized laser through the change from the left-circular to the right-circular polarization. Our results thus provide a handle to control and design magnon topological properties in the insulating AF.

Self-formation of coherent emission in a cavity-free system (1907.07635v1)

A. A. Zyablovsky, I. V. Doronin, E. S. Andrianov, A. A. Pukhov, Yu. E. Lozovik, A. P. Vinogradov, A. A. Lisyansky


It is commonly accepted that a collection of pumped atoms without a resonator, which provides feedback, cannot lase. We show that intermodal coupling via active atoms pulls the frequencies of the free-space modes towards the transition frequency of the atoms. Although at a low pump rate mode phases randomly fluctuate, phase realizations at which interference of pulled modes is constructive emerge. This results in an increase of stimulated emission into such realizations and makes their lifetime longer. Thus, mode pulling provides positive feedback. When the pump rate exceeds a certain threshold, the lifetime of one of the realizations diverges, and radiation becomes coherent.

Non-Hermitian fractional quantum Hall states (1907.07596v1)

Tsuneya Yoshida, Koji Kudo, Yasuhiro Hatsugai


We demonstrate the emergence of a topological ordered phase for non-Hermitian systems. Specifically, we elucidate that systems with non-Hermitian two-body interactions show a fractional quantum Hall (FQH) state. The non-Hermitian Hamiltonian is considered to be relevant to cold atoms with dissipation. We conclude the emergence of the non-Hermitian FQH state by the presence of the topological degeneracy and by the many-body Chern number for the ground state multiplet showing . The robust topological degeneracy against non-Hermiticity arises from the many-body translational symmetry. Furthermore, we discover that the FQH state emerges without any repulsive interactions, which is attributed to a phenomenon reminiscent of the continuous quantum Zeno effect.

Geometric Resonance of Four-Flux Composite Fermions (1907.07563v1)

Md. Shafayat Hossain, Meng K. Ma, M. A. Mueed, D. Kamburov, L. N. Pfeiffer, K. W. West, K. W. Baldwin, R. Winkler, M. Shayegan


Two-dimensional interacting electrons exposed to strong perpendicular magnetic fields generate emergent, exotic quasiparticles phenomenologically distinct from electrons. Specifically, electrons bind with an even number of flux quanta, and transform into composite fermions (CFs). Besides providing an intuitive explanation for the fractional quantum Hall states, CFs also possess Fermi-liquid-like properties, including a well-defined Fermi sea, at and near even-denominator Landau level filling factors such as or . Here, we directly probe the Fermi sea of the rarely studied four-flux CFs near via geometric resonance experiments. The data reveal some unique characteristics. Unlike in the case of two-flux CFs, the magnetic field positions of the geometric resonance resistance minima for and are symmetric with respect to the position of . However, when an in-plane magnetic field is applied, the minima positions become asymmetric, implying a mysterious asymmetry in the CF Fermi sea anisotropy for and . This asymmetry, which is in stark contrast to the two-flux CFs, suggests that the four-flux CFs on the two sides of have very different effective masses, possibly because of the proximity of the Wigner crystal formation at small .

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