NEW TAG! NEW NETWORK! Building an International Anarcho-Community: Looking for a circle of noisemakers (protection network)

in #con6 years ago (edited)

Looking for a circle of noisemakers.

We all (voluntaryists) live under the constant threat of violence from the state. At times, it can be nausea-inducing. Levels of anxiety unimaginable to "good, law-abiding" citizens seem to be ever-present, with the specter of the wolf known as the "state" constantly a mental shadow on the doorstep.

What is our "crime"? Hell, it could be anything. From the "appalling" act of attempting to keep one's own money and property, to the heinous crime of refusing to snitch on a friend who may have a certain plant growing in his or her basement. Here in Japan, I could theoretically be taken in anytime for my vocal online support of various Anarcho-Capitalist ideas, initiatives, and principles. Just clicking that "like" button could now, under new legislation, render me a "terrorist" or "terrorist sympathizer."

This is not an "official proposition," but it is a serious one.

I just wanna put the feelers out there for now, as it were. Some great initiatives have already been started on the platform with similar goals in mind, and are really providing what I consider to be an essential service. That is to say, articulate, powerful, and directed noise from a caring community.

Check out @familyprotection, for instance. This is a group account here on Steemit that aims to provide support--including financial support--for families that have been devastated, broken up, and/or harmed by government agencies such as CPS (Child Protective Services). I'd encourage you all to read @markwhittam's (one of the founding members of @familyprotection) story of running away from the Swedish government in order to avoid the state-sanctioned kidnapping of his daughter, Marley, because she was being homeschooled, which is "illegal" there.

Tag proposal. #con

I think the tag "CON" (circle of noisemakers) may be a neat way to signal to other Anarcho-Steemians that someone is currently in trouble, under duress, or needs some loud voices to make some noise about a situation they are currently facing, which they may be powerless (especially if incarcerated, etc) to speak out about. We have a great community here on this platform, and we should leverage this as much as possible! The state is the biggest fucking "CON" in the world, so we need to make some fucking noise when one of our brothers or sisters gets "CONNED"!


So what would this look like? It's super simple.Here is one example of a possible post:

"Hey guys! My friend Joe Anarcho is currently in jail because of X bullshit crime and he is extremely concerned for the well-being of his family. The last time I heard from him was just after the arrest. Whatever anyone can do to support Suzie Anarcho (Joe's wife) and his children would be greatly appreciated. Also, please post about Joe's situation and bring this to the attention of the national media!!!"

Another example:

"Hey everyone, my nephew was just laid off from his current job and is looking for work. In the meantime, I think he might need a little help with his rent. Could anyone spare a couple SBD to throw his way?"

Of course this is all voluntary. Nobody would be expected or under any sort of contractual obligation to give or do anything. All we would need is a spoken agreement to make some noise for one another when we can, and when we freely desire to do so. More than anything, "CON" would simply be an information network and virtual helpline/noisemaker for our fellow Voluntaryist brothers and sisters who may be in trouble. All you have to do is use the tag.


Building the network.

On my end, what I am going to be doing now is compiling a list of names and keeping a record of those who wish to be a part of this new network.


Name: Graham Smith
Location: Niigata City Japan
Family on Steemit: @mslight2016st (wife)
Children: Son, 5 years old.
Email/Contact: [email protected]
Signal App (encrypted chat) Username: KafkA (feel free to message me here)

That's it! If you have any questions, please let me know! Let's do this! To life, prosperity, happiness and community.

Peace, Love, and Anarchy,



Graham Smith is a Voluntaryist activist, creator, and peaceful parent residing in Niigata City, Japan. Graham runs the "Voluntary Japan" online initiative with a presence here on Steem, as well as DTube and Twitter. (Hit me up so I can stop talking about myself in the third person!)


Great idea @kafkanarchy84!

Name: JB
Steemit: @jbcoin
Email: [email protected]
Location: Central Ohio, USA

I think what you mentioned, writing things down, is a good idea for a lot of information. It is very tough to locate the info that you need on Steemit quickly.

In an emergency, disaster, or power outage this info wil be tough to get to quickly. Just a small note in your wallet could be handed to someone, who could email for help or ask for support. Good stuff @kafkanarchy84

Thanks for all your support @kafkanarchy84. It is truly appreciated!

I love this idea.

Excellent idea.

Starr (Leslie Starr O'Hara)
Location: near Asheville, NC, USA
Children: daughter, 12 years old
Contact: (email) lesliestarrohara

Thank you for spearheading this.

Thanks, @lesliestarrohara. Noted and added! Hoping people won't be afraid to utilize this network!

This is a great idea. Thanks, Graham.

Name: Herbert Holmes
Location: Vermont, USA
Family on Steemit: Working on convincing them
e-mail: [email protected]
I don't have a Signal, but will make one for these purposes. My username will be the same as here @herbertholmes

Hell yeah, man!

Thanks, @herbertholmes! Noted and added!

Interesting idea, I feel like this will help steemit to xform online experience into the real world. For example a man of high calibre in this society can help a common man to fight for his justice. So I believe in this project

Just clicking that "like" button could now, under new legislation, render me a "terrorist" or "terrorist sympathizer."

Crazy. Is this new legislation from Japan?

I like the plan and the #con movement gives a sort of a "shelter" look to a post when one is created - people can post with confidence knowing that someone out here is listening and gives a funk for their troubles. We can connect more easily under one banner that welcomes all brothers and sisters in thought.

I saw what you guys have done for your buddy Dj Ray, though I was late to respond, it still made me feel proud glimpsing at the results. This is life-shifting stuff. So many are broken down and don't know where to go.
I'm ready on command. #CONnected

Name: Kali Ju
Location: Daegu, South Korea
Family: @hannaju + son 1.5 years old ^.^
Comm through Signal > Username: Kali
Steemit projects: @steemfleamarket (closed for winter)

At Your Service!

Yeah, it’s new Japanese legislation which will likely not be enforced often, but who knows. It is crazy draconian and spooky it even exists.

Excellent. Cheers brother.

Great concept! I think it's something I would like to be a part of. Let me consider how much personal info I'm willing to put on the blockchain, and I'll leave in a comment later. Nice work, Graham. Keep it up.

Name: Todd Borho
Location: Nomad, currently in Malaysia
Email: [email protected]
Occupation: Boldly attempting to survive on steem generated from writing

Do they have free speech rights in Japan or no?

“Rights,” yes, but technically not for foreigners like myself, as I understand it.

I totally agree with your opinion. This is a great post and very interesting to read. Thanks for sharing @kafkanarchy84. I am your loyal follower. May always be successful for you.

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