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RE: Pondering computer thingamajiggy's

in #computers5 years ago

I pronounce it 'kee noire' just to sound French and pretentious. Chuckle.

It's good to be aware of the warning signs of a computer on the way out.

Normally I would suggest holding out, but it depends on what is going on with the Mac as to how soon it would need replacing or just need a little TLC from a Mac specialist.

Sometimes 'a stitch in time saves nine' and while you might not need a whole lot of hard drive space in your everyday usage, a portable hard drive to back up all of your photos, work related files, passwords, keys, etc. to ease the transition from Mac to PC would be a good idea.

Another option is to get the Mac looked at before formatting it and selling it to recoup some of your PC expenditure.

Best of luck with whatever you decide to do though.

Posted using Partiko Android


pronounce it 'kee noire' just to sound French and pretentious. Chuckle.

Vegan's loose their minds when I pronounce it wrong. It's deliciously enjoyable to fuck with vegans in as many ways as possible. 😂

So yeah, I'm contemplating seeing a Mac geek to look at it. Still undecided. I am in no real hurry and certainly don't want to buy for the sake of buying. I'll just have to keep pondering the computer thingamajiggy's and see how it pans out.

I'm not a fan of giving my computers away when I'm done with them. I normally set them on fire or shoot them...Then set them on fire. Not only does it maintain my security, it's fun.

I guess it saves you money on targets... grin.

Posted using Partiko Android

Yeah, and it is so satisfying.

Posted using Partiko iOS

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