Your Computer’s Power Consumption: Should You Care?

in #computer6 years ago

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The heat. The light. The sound. It’s all indicative of your computer’s power consumption. But do you know exactly how much of an effect using your device has on your electricity costs? Let’s find out.

Your Computer and Your Energy Bill

We all know that computers consume electricity. But have you given your computer’s power consumption much of a thought?

After all, your computer—unless you practise black magic—contributes to your electricity bill at the end of the month. Exactly how much so depends on a multitude of factors, namely the power consumption of your computer.

Furthermore, you will never know whether you would be happy with your computer’s electricity drain until you find out; you can’t judge what you don’t know.

Perhaps your computer is using costing far less than you previously expected. Perhaps your computer is consuming far more than what you’re happy with. Or, maybe, its power consumption is just right.

Regardless, we can all find out together—as one (one entity). In addition to that, we will briefly hop through the realm of power saving techniques.

For the full article, indulge in the real deal at the Cryptic Butter blog.

Within the buttery goodness:

  • What Affects Your Computer’s Power Consumption?
  • Finding Your Computer’s Power Consumption
    • Why You Think It Will Be Easy, But It Won’t
    • How to Attain the Data—But Not Like Zuckerberg
  • How to Know If Your Computer is Costing Too Much Energy
  • Ways You Can Save Power—and Money
    • Consider More Power-Efficient Hardware
    • Sleep, Hibernate and Shut Yourself Down
    • Take Advantage of Your Operating System’s Power-Saving Features
    • Be Careful with Your Screen
    • Exploit the Powerless Power of Timeouts
    • Bonus: Just Use Linux
  • A Final Message

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