Most Recent Arxiv Papers In Nonlinear Sciences | 2019-02-12

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Adaptation And Self-Organizing Systems

Spatial eco-evolutionary feedbacks mediate coexistence in prey-predator systems (1902.03016v1)

Eduardo H. Colombo, Ricardo Martínez-García, Cristóbal, López, Emilio Hernández-García


Eco-evolutionary frameworks can explain certain features of communities in which ecological and evolutionary processes occur over comparable timescales. In the particular case of prey-predator systems, a combination of empirical and theoretical studies have explored this possibility, showing that the evolution of prey traits, predator traits or the coevolution of both can contribute to the stability of the community, as well as to the emergence of various types of population cycles. However, these studies overlook that interactions are spatially constrained, a crucial ingredient known to foster species coexistence per se. Here, we investigate whether evolutionary dynamics interacts with the spatial structure of a prey-predator community in which both species show limited mobility and predators perceptual ranges are subject to natural selection. In these conditions, our results unveil an eco-evolutionary feedback between species spatial mixing and predators perceptual range: different levels of species mixing select for different perceptual ranges, which in turn reshape the spatial distribution of preys and their interaction with predators. This emergent pattern of interspecific interactions feeds back to the efficiency of the various perceptual ranges, thus selecting for new ones. Finally, since prey-predator mixing is the key factor that regulates the intensity of predation, we explore the community-level implications of such feedback and show that it controls both coexistence times and species extinction probabilities.

A biologically motivated three-species exclusion model: effects of leaky scanning and overlapping genes on initiation of protein synthesis (1812.10143v2)

Bhavya Mishra, Debashish Chowdhury


Totally asymmetric simple exclusion process (TASEP) was originally introduced as a model for the traffic-like collective movement of ribosomes on a messenger RNA (mRNA) that serves as the track for the motor-like forward stepping of individual ribosomes. In each step, a ribosome elongates a protein by a single unit using the track also as a template for protein synthesis. But, pre-fabricated, functionally competent, ribosomes are not available to begin synthesis of protein; a subunit directionally scans the mRNA in search of the pre-designated site where it is supposed to bind with the other subunit and begin the synthesis of the corresponding protein. However, because of `leaky' scanning, a fraction of the scanning subunits miss the target site and continue their search beyond the first target. Sometimes such scanners successfully identify the site that marks the site for initiation of the synthesis of a different protein. In this paper, we develop an exclusion model, with three interconvertible species of hard rods, to capture some of the key features of these biological phenomena and study the effects of the interference of the flow of the different species of rods on the same lattice. More specifically, we identify the meantime for the initiation of protein synthesis as appropriate mean {\it first-passage} time that we calculate analytically using the formalism of backward master equations. In spite of the approximations made, our analytical predictions are in reasonably good agreement with the numerical data that we obtain by performing Monte Carlo simulations. We also compare our results with a few experimental facts reported in the literature and propose new experiments for testing some of our new quantitative predictions.

Quantitative analysis of self-organized patterns in ombrotrophic peatlands (1902.02571v1)

Chloé Béguin, Maura Brunetti, Jérôme Kasparian


We numerically investigate a diffusion-reaction model of an ombrotrophic peatland implementing a Turing instability relying on nutrient accumulation. We propose a systematic and quantitative sorting of the vegetation patterns, based on the statistical analysis of the numbers and filling factor of clusters of both \textit{Sphagnum} mosses and vascular plants. In particular, we define the transition from \textit{Sphagnum}-percolating to vascular plant-percolating patterns as the nutrient availability is increased. Our pattern sorting allows us to characterize the peatland pattern stability under climate stress, including strong drought.

Dynamical attractors of memristors and their networks (1808.07947v4)

Y. V. Pershin, V. A. Slipko


It is shown that the time-averaged dynamics of memristors and their networks periodically driven by alternating-polarity pulses may converge to fixed-point attractors. Starting with a general memristive system model, we derive basic equations describing the fixed-point attractors and investigate attractors in the dynamics of ideal, threshold-type and second-order memristors, and memristive networks. A memristor potential function is introduced, and it is shown that in some cases the attractor identification problem can be mapped to the problem of potential function minimization. Importantly, the fixed-point attractors may only exist if the function describing the internal state dynamics depends on an internal state variable. Our findings may be used to tune the states of analog memristors, and also be relevant to memristive synapses subjected to forward- and back-propagating spikes.

Integrated Information and Autonomy in the Thermodynamic Limit (1805.00393v4)

Miguel Aguilera, Ezequiel Di Paolo


The concept of autonomy is fundamental for understanding biological organization and the evolutionary transitions of living systems. Understanding how a system constitutes itself as an individual, cohesive, self-organized entity is a fundamental challenge for the understanding of life. However, it is generally a difficult task to determine whether the system or its environment has generated the correlations that allow an observer to trace the boundary of a living system as a coherent unit. Inspired by the framework of integrated information theory, we propose a measure of the level of integration of a system as the response of a system to partitions that introduce perturbations in the interaction between subsystems, without assuming the existence of a stationary distribution. With the goal of characterizing transitions in integrated information in the thermodynamic limit, we apply this measure to kinetic Ising models of infinite size using mean field techniques. Our findings suggest that, in order to preserve the integration of causal influences of a system as it grows in size, a living entity must be poised near critical points maximizing its sensitivity to perturbations in the interaction between subsystems. Moreover, we observe how such a measure is able to delimit an agent and its environment, being able to characterize simple instances of agent-environment asymmetries in which the agent has the ability to modulate its coupling with the environment.

Chaotic Dynamics

Onset of Random Matrix Behavior in Scrambling Systems (1803.08050v4)

Hrant Gharibyan, Masanori Hanada, Stephen H. Shenker, Masaki Tezuka


The fine grained energy spectrum of quantum chaotic systems is widely believed to be described by random matrix statistics. A basic scale in such a system is the energy range over which this behavior persists. We define the corresponding time scale by the time at which the linearly growing ramp region in the spectral form factor begins. We call this time . The purpose of this paper is to study this scale in many-body quantum systems that display strong chaos, sometimes called scrambling systems. We focus on randomly coupled qubit systems, both local and -local (all-to-all interactions) and the Sachdev--Ye--Kitaev (SYK) model. Using numerical results for Hamiltonian systems and analytic estimates for random quantum circuits we find the following results. For geometrically local systems with a conservation law we find is determined by the diffusion time across the system, order for a 1D chain of qubits. This is analogous to the behavior found for local one-body chaotic systems. For a -local system with conservation law the time is order but with a different prefactor and a different mechanism than the scrambling time. In the absence of any conservation laws, as in a generic random quantum circuit, we find , independent of connectivity.

Nonlinear interactions between solitons and dispersive shocks in focusing media (1902.02876v1)

Gino Biondini, Jonathan Lottes


Nonlinear interactions in focusing media between traveling solitons and the dispersive shocks produced by an initial discontinuity are studied using the one-dimensional nonlinear Schrodinger equation. It is shown that, when solitons travel from a region with nonzero background towards a region with zero background, they always pass through the shock structure without generating dispersive radiation. However, their properties (such as amplitude, velocity and shape) change in the process. A similar effect arises when solitons travel from a region with zero background towards a region with nonzero background, except that, depending on its initial velocity, in this case the soliton may remain trapped inside the shock-like structure indefinitely. In all cases, the new soliton properties can be determined analytically. The results are validated by comparison with numerical simulations.

Singularity of Navier-Stokes Equations (1805.12053v6)

Hua-Shu Dou


Singularity of Navier-Stokes equations is uncovered for the first time which explains the mechanism of transition of a smooth laminar flow to turbulence. It is found that when an inflection point is formed on the velocity profile in pressure driven flows, discontinuity occurs at this point at which the velocity is zero. This discontinuity makes the Navier-Stokes equations to be singular and causes the flow to become indefinite downstream the discontinuity. Meanwhile, pressure pulse is produced at the discontinuity due to conservation of total mechanical energy. The singularity of Navier-Stokes equations is the inherent mechanism of sustenance of fully developed turbulence.

Simulation and Instability Investigation of the Flow around a Cylinder between Two Parallel Walls (1902.02460v1)

Hua-Shu Dou, An-Qing Ben


The two-dimensional flows around a cylinder between two parallel walls at Re=40 and Re=100 are simulated with computational fluid dynamics (CFD). The governing equations are Navier-Stokes equations. They are discretized with finite volume method (FVM) and the solution is iterated with PISO Algorithm. Then, the calculating results are compared with the numerical results in literature, and good agreements are obtained. After that, the mechanism of the formation of Karman vortex street is investigated and the instability of the entire flow field is analyzed with the energy gradient theory. It is found that the two eddies attached at the rear of the cylinder have no effect on the flow instability for steady flow, i.e., they don't contribute to the formation of Karman vortex street. The formation of Karman vortex street originates from the combinations of the interaction of two shear layers at two lateral sides of the cylinder and the absolute instability in the cylinder wake. For the flow with Karman vortex street, the initial instability occurs at the region inner a vortex downstream of the wake and the center of a vortex firstly loses its stability inner a vortex. For pressure driven flow, it is confirmed that the inflection point on the time-averaged velocity profile leads to the instability. It is concluded that the energy gradient theory is potentially applicable to study the flow stability and to reveal the mechanism of turbulent transition.

Exact decomposition of homoclinic orbit actions in chaotic systems: Information reduction (1807.03029v2)

Jizhou Li, Steven Tomsovic


Homoclinic and heteroclinic orbits provide a skeleton of the full dynamics of a chaotic dynamical system and are the foundation of semiclassical sums for quantum wave packet, coherent state, and transport quantities. Here, the homoclinic orbits are organized according to the complexity of their phase-space excursions, and exact relations are derived expressing the relative classical actions of complicated orbits as linear combinations of those with simpler excursions plus phase-space cell areas bounded by stable and unstable manifolds. The total number of homoclinic orbits increases exponentially with excursion complexity, and the corresponding cell areas decrease exponentially in size as well. With the specification of a desired precision, the exponentially proliferating set of homoclinic orbit actions is expressible by a slower-than-exponentially increasing set of cell areas, which may present a means for developing greatly simplified semiclassical formulas.

Cellular Automata And Lattice Gases

A Survey of the Individual-Based Model applied in Biomedical and Epidemiology (1902.02784v1)

E. G. Nepomuceno, D. F. Resende, M. J. Lacerda


Individual-based model (IBM) has been used to simulate and to design control strategies for dynamic systems that are subject to stochasticity and heterogeneity, such as infectious diseases. In the IBM, an individual is represented by a set of specific characteristics that may change dynamically over time. This feature allows a more realistic analysis of the spread of an epidemic. This paper presents a literature survey of IBM applied to biomedical and epidemiology research. The main goal is to present existing techniques, advantages and future perspectives in the development of the model. We evaluated 89 articles, which mostly analyze interventions aimed at endemic infections. In addition to the review, an overview of IBM is presented as an alternative to complement or replace compartmental models, such as the SIR (Susceptible-Infected-Recovered) model. Numerical simulations also illustrate the capabilities of IBM, as well as some limitations regarding the effects of discretization. We show that similar side-effects of discretization scheme for compartmental models may also occur in IBM, which requires careful attention.

Ergodicity versus non-ergodicity for Probabilistic Cellular Automata on rooted trees (1710.00084v2)

Bruno Kimura, Wioletta Ruszel, Cristian Spitoni


In this article we study a class of shift-invariant and positive rate probabilistic cellular automata (PCA) on rooted d-regular trees . In a first result we extend the results of [10] on trees, namely we prove that to every stationary measure of the PCA we can associate a space-time Gibbs measure on . Under certain assumptions on the dynamics the converse is also true. A second result concerns proving sufficient conditions for ergodicity and non-ergodicity of our PCA on d-ary trees for and characterizing the invariant product Bernoulli measures.

Throughput reduction by the simultaneous effect of two traveling routes equipped with parking sites in a two-dimensional stochastic lattice model (1901.10390v1)

Satori Tsuzuki, Daichi Yanagisawa, Katsuhiro Nishinari


This paper proposes a two-dimensional stochastic lattice model that comprises a junction of two traveling routes: the domestic route and the international route, each of which has parking sites. In our model, the system distributes the arrived particles to either of the two routes and selects one of the parking sites in the route for each particle, which stops at the parking site once during its travel. Because each particle has antennas in the back and front directions to detect other approaching particles, the effect of the volume exclusion of each particle extends in the moving direction. The system displays interesting behavior; remarkably, the dependence of the throughput on the distribution ratio of particles to the domestic route reduces after reaching the maximum parking capacity of the domestic route. Our simulations and analysis with the queueing model describe this phenomenon and suggest the following fact: As the distribution ratio of particles to the international route decreases, the throughput of the international route reduces, and simultaneously, that of the domestic route saturates. The simultaneous effect of the decrease and saturation causes reduction in the throughput of the entire system.

Dissipation of traffic congestion using agent-based car-following model with modified optimal velocity (1901.06058v1)

Manit Klawtanong, Surachate Limkumnerd


We investigate dynamical properties of traffic flow using the stochastic car-following model with modified optimal velocity on circular road. The safety distance following the two-second rule and autonomous vehicles, acting as agents, obeying simple requirements are incorporated into the model. The dynamic safety distance increases in a light traffic condition where the average driving velocity is high, while decreases in a dense traffic condition in anticipation of slower traffic motion. The results show that the presence of the agents can enhance overall velocity and traffic current of the system, and postpone the traffic congestion. In a particular phase region, imposing a speed limit enables the system to leave the congested flow phase. The density-dependent speed limit in agent-free condition is obtained to achieve the optimal traffic flow.

Search Space Reduction of Asynchrony Immune Cellular Automata by Center Permutivity (1901.01534v1)

Luca Mariot, Luca Manzoni, Alberto Dennunzio


We continue the study of asynchrony immunity in cellular automata (CA), which can be considered as a weaker version of correlation immunity in the context of vectorial Boolean functions. The property could have applications as a countermeasure for side-channel attacks in CA-based cryptographic primitives, such as S-boxes and pseudorandom number generators. We first give some theoretical results on the necessary conditions that a CA rule must satisfy in order to meet asynchrony immunity, the most important one being center permutivity. Next, we perform an exhaustive search of all asynchrony immune CA rules of neighborhood size up to , leveraging on the discovered theoretical properties to greatly reduce the size of the search space.

Pattern Formation And Solitons

Cesium bright matter-wave solitons and soliton trains (1902.03144v1)

Tadej Mežnaršič, Tina Arh, Jure Brence, Jaka Pišljar, Katja Gosar, Žiga Gosar, Rok Žitko, Erik Zupanič, Peter Jeglič


A setup for studying bright matter-wave solitons of a cesium Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) is presented. Production of a single soliton is demonstrated and dependence of soliton atom number on the interatomic interaction is studied. Formation of soliton trains in the quasi one-dimensional confinement is shown. Additionally, trains forming from a BEC have been observed outside confinement, in free space. In the end a double BEC production setup for studying soliton collisions is described.

Excitation of Peregrine-type waveforms from vanishing initial conditions in the presence of periodic forcing (1811.09812v3)

Nikos I. Karachalios, Paris Kyriazopoulos, Konstantinos Vetas


We show by direct numerical simulations that spatiotemporally localized wave forms, strongly reminiscent of the Peregrine rogue wave, can be excited by vanishing initial conditions for the periodically driven nonlinear Schr"odinger equation. The emergence of the Peregrine-type waveforms can be potentially justified, in terms of the existence and modulational instability of spatially homogeneous solutions of the model, and the continuous dependence of the localized initial data for small time intervals. We also comment on the persistence of the above dynamics, under the presence of small damping effects, and justify, that this behavior should be considered as far from approximations of the corresponding integrable limit.

Nonlinear interactions between solitons and dispersive shocks in focusing media (1902.02876v1)

Gino Biondini, Jonathan Lottes


Nonlinear interactions in focusing media between traveling solitons and the dispersive shocks produced by an initial discontinuity are studied using the one-dimensional nonlinear Schrodinger equation. It is shown that, when solitons travel from a region with nonzero background towards a region with zero background, they always pass through the shock structure without generating dispersive radiation. However, their properties (such as amplitude, velocity and shape) change in the process. A similar effect arises when solitons travel from a region with zero background towards a region with nonzero background, except that, depending on its initial velocity, in this case the soliton may remain trapped inside the shock-like structure indefinitely. In all cases, the new soliton properties can be determined analytically. The results are validated by comparison with numerical simulations.

Nonlinear Dynamics of Spherical Shells Buckling under Step Pressure (1812.06526v2)

Jan Sieber John W. Hutchinson, J. Michael T. Thompson


Dynamic buckling is addressed for complete elastic spherical shells subject to a rapidly applied step in external pressure. Insights from the perspective of nonlinear dynamics reveal essential mathematical features of the buckling phenomena. To capture the strong buckling imperfection-sensitivity, initial geometric imperfections in the form of an axisymmetric dimple at each pole are introduced. Dynamic buckling under the step pressure is related to the quasi-static buckling pressure. Both loadings produce catastrophic collapse of the shell for conditions in which the pressure is prescribed. Damping plays an important role in dynamic buckling because of the time-dependent nonlinear interaction among modes, particularly the interaction between the spherically symmetric 'breathing' mode and the buckling mode. In this paper we argue that the precise frequency dependence of the damping does not matter as most of the damping happens at a single frequency (the breathing frequency). In general, there is not a unique step pressure threshold separating responses associated with buckling from those that do not buckle. Instead there exists a cascade of buckling thresholds, dependent on the damping and level of imperfection, separating pressures for which buckling occurs from those for which it does not occur. For shells with small and moderately small imperfections the dynamic step buckling pressure can be substantially below the quasi-static buckling pressure.

On Integrability and Exact Solvability in Deterministic and Stochastic Laplacian Growth (1902.02216v1)

Igor Loutsenko, Oksana Yermolayeva


We review applications of theory of classical and quantum integrable systems to the free-boundary problems of fluid mechanics as well as to corresponding problems of statistical mechanics. We also review important exact results obtained in the theory of multi-fractal spectra of the stochastic models related to the Laplacian growth: Schramm-Loewner and Levy-Loewner evolutions.

Exactly Solvable And Integrable Systems

On Reducible Degeneration of Hyperelliptic Curves and Soliton Solutions (1808.06748v2)

Atsushi Nakayashiki


In this paper we consider a reducible degeneration of a hyperelliptic curve of genus . Using the Sato Grassmannian we show that the limits of hyperelliptic solutions of the KP-hierarchy exist and become soliton solutions of various types. We recover some results of Abenda who studied regular soliton solutions corresponding to a reducible rational curve obtained as a degeneration of a hyperelliptic curve. We study singular soliton solutions as well and clarify how the singularity structure of solutions is reflected in the matrices which determine soliton solutions.

A Predictable Rogue Wave and Generating Mechanisms (1803.01730v2)

Man Jia, Senyue Lou


Due to the widely applications in almost all branches of science, high dimensional KP equation is selected as universal model to describe rogue wave phenomenon. A lump is an algebraically localized wave decayed in all space directions and exists in all time. Starting from a special lump containing seven arbitrary independent parameters and four constraint conditions with all the physical properties shown, an invisible lump is found with the combination of lump part and exponential part. Because of the domination of the exponential part, the lump will be invisible in some special area, or the lump is cutoff by the induced visible soliton. While the lump part remains invariant, lump will keep its positions, path and amplitude before it is invisible. Furthermore, as a rogue wave/instanton is a localized wave decayed in all space and time directions, a rogue wave / instanton can also be produced by cutting a lump between two visible solitons. The special dispersive for the visible soliton(s) shows the soliton(s) are completely determined by the lump or the visible soliton(s) are induced by the lumps. Because the induced soliton(s) is visible, it is possible to give a prediction of the positions, the wave height and even the path for such kind of rogue waves.

The Construction of the mKdV Cyclic Symmetric -soliton Solution by the Bäcklund Transformation (1805.09637v2)

Masahito Hayashi, Kazuyasu Shigemoto, Takuya Tsukioka


We study group theoretical structures of the mKdV equation. The Schwarzian type mKdV equation has the global M"{o}bius group symmetry. The Miura transformation makes a connection between the mKdV equation and the KdV equation. We find the special local M"{o}bius transformation on the mKdV one-soliton solution which can be regarded as the commutative KdV B"{a}cklund transformation can generate the mKdV cyclic symmetric -soliton solution. In this algebraic construction to obtain multi-soliton solutions, we could observe the addition formula.

On the Hamiltonian formulation, integrability and algebraic structures of the Rajeev-Ranken model (1804.02859v3)

Govind S. Krishnaswami, T. R. Vishnu


The integrable 1+1-dimensional SU(2) principal chiral model (PCM) serves as a toy-model for 3+1-dimensional Yang-Mills theory as it is asymptotically free and displays a mass gap. Interestingly, the PCM is 'pseudodual' to a scalar field theory introduced by Zakharov and Mikhailov and Nappi that is strongly coupled in the ultraviolet and could serve as a toy-model for non-perturbative properties of theories with a Landau pole. Unlike the 'Euclidean' current algebra of the PCM, its pseudodual is based on a nilpotent current algebra. Recently, Rajeev and Ranken obtained a mechanical reduction by restricting the nilpotent scalar field theory to a class of constant energy-density classical waves expressible in terms of elliptic functions, whose quantization survives the passage to the strong-coupling limit. We study the Hamiltonian and Lagrangian formulations of this model and its classical integrability from an algebraic perspective, identifying Darboux coordinates, Lax pairs, classical r-matrices and a degenerate Poisson pencil. We identify Casimirs as well as a complete set of conserved quantities in involution and the canonical transformations they generate. They are related to Noether charges of the field theory and are shown to be generically independent, implying Liouville integrability. The singular submanifolds where this independence fails are identified and shown to be related to the static and circular submanifolds of the phase space. We also find an interesting relation between this model and the Neumann model allowing us to discover a new Hamiltonian formulation of the latter.

On Integrability and Exact Solvability in Deterministic and Stochastic Laplacian Growth (1902.02216v1)

Igor Loutsenko, Oksana Yermolayeva


We review applications of theory of classical and quantum integrable systems to the free-boundary problems of fluid mechanics as well as to corresponding problems of statistical mechanics. We also review important exact results obtained in the theory of multi-fractal spectra of the stochastic models related to the Laplacian growth: Schramm-Loewner and Levy-Loewner evolutions.

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