Most Recent Arxiv Papers In Nonlinear Sciences | 2019-02-01

in #complexsytems6 years ago

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Adaptation And Self-Organizing Systems

Multifaceted dynamics of Janus oscillator networks (1810.06576v2)

Zachary G. Nicolaou, Deniz Eroglu, Adilson E. Motter


Recent research has led to the discovery of fundamental new phenomena in network synchronization, including chimera states, explosive synchronization, and asymmetry-induced synchronization. Each of these phenomena has thus far been observed only in systems designed to exhibit that one phenomenon, which raises the questions of whether they are mutually compatible and, if so, under what conditions they co-occur. Here, we introduce a class of remarkably simple oscillator networks that concurrently exhibit all of these phenomena. The dynamical units consist of pairs of nonidentical phase oscillators, which we refer to as Janus oscillators by analogy with Janus particles and the mythological figure from which their name is derived. In contrast to previous studies, these networks exhibit (i) explosive synchronization with identical oscillators; (ii) extreme multistability of chimera states, including traveling, intermittent, and bouncing chimeras; and (iii) asymmetry-induced synchronization in which synchronization is promoted by random oscillator heterogeneity. These networks also exhibit the previously unobserved possibility of inverted synchronization transitions, in which a transition to a more synchronous state is induced by a reduction rather than an increase in the coupling strength. These various phenomena are shown to emerge under rather parsimonious conditions, and even in locally connected ring topologies, which has the potential to facilitate their use to control and manipulate synchronization in experiments.

A collisionless singular Cucker-Smale model with decentralized formation control (1807.05177v3)

Young-Pil Choi, Dante Kalise, Jan Peszek, Andrés A. Peters


We address the design of decentralized feedback control laws inducing consensus and prescribed spatial patterns over a singular interacting particle system of Cucker-Smale type. The control design consists of a feedback term regulating the distance between each agent and pre-assigned subset of neighbours. Such a design represents a multidimensional extension of existing control laws for 1d platoon formation control. For the proposed controller we study consensus emergence, collision-avoidance and formation control features in terms of energy estimates for the closed-loop system. Numerical experiments in 1, 2 and 3 dimensions assess the different features of the proposed design.

Minimal Model for Noise-Induced Intermittent Dynamics in a Many-body System (1901.10567v1)

Guram Gogia, Justin C. Burton


In various ecological, biochemical, and physical systems, intermittent oscillations between two or more distinct states commonly emerge due to a coupling between external random fluctuations and internal spatial structure. Despite this ubiquity, a universal mechanism for noise-induced switching dynamics does not yet exist, especially in spatially-extended systems with structural heterogeneities. Using experiments combined with numerical simulations, here we show how these dynamics arise in an electrostatically-levitated layer of charged microspheres. Upon noisy forcing in the vertical direction perpendicular to the layer, the system experiences intermittent switching between crystalline and gas-like phases. Using normal mode analysis, we show how particle polydispersity leads to localized vibrational modes that serve to nucleate an energy cascade and an eventual transition to the gas-like phase. Finally, we provide a minimal model that quantitatively captures the intermittent dynamics. The vertical and horizontal mechanical energies of the system represent two competing species that are coupled only in the presence of structural heterogeneities. The resulting dynamics closely resemble quasi-cycle oscillations that are observed in stochastic predator-prey systems near extinction.

Compressibility of random walker trajectories on growing networks (1811.08991v2)

Robert J. H. Ross, Charlotte Strandkvist, Walter Fontana


We find that the simple coupling of network growth to the position of a random walker on the network generates a traveling wave in the probability distribution of nodes visited by the walker. We argue that the entropy of this probability distribution is bounded as the network size tends to infinity. This means that the growth of a space coupled to a random walker situated in it constrains its dynamics to a set of typical random walker trajectories, and walker trajectories inside the growing space are compressible.

A random walker's view of networks whose growth it shapes (1811.09611v2)

Robert J. H. Ross, Charlotte Strandkvist, Walter Fontana


We study a simple model in which the growth of a network is determined by the location of one or more random walkers. Depending on walker speed, the model generates a spectrum of structures situated between well-known limiting cases. We demonstrate that the average degree observed by a walker is related to the global variance. Modulating the extent to which the location of node attachment is determined by the walker as opposed to random selection is akin to scaling the speed of the walker and generates new limiting behavior. The model raises questions about energetic and computational resource requirements in a physical instantiation.

Chaotic Dynamics

Multifaceted dynamics of Janus oscillator networks (1810.06576v2)

Zachary G. Nicolaou, Deniz Eroglu, Adilson E. Motter


Recent research has led to the discovery of fundamental new phenomena in network synchronization, including chimera states, explosive synchronization, and asymmetry-induced synchronization. Each of these phenomena has thus far been observed only in systems designed to exhibit that one phenomenon, which raises the questions of whether they are mutually compatible and, if so, under what conditions they co-occur. Here, we introduce a class of remarkably simple oscillator networks that concurrently exhibit all of these phenomena. The dynamical units consist of pairs of nonidentical phase oscillators, which we refer to as Janus oscillators by analogy with Janus particles and the mythological figure from which their name is derived. In contrast to previous studies, these networks exhibit (i) explosive synchronization with identical oscillators; (ii) extreme multistability of chimera states, including traveling, intermittent, and bouncing chimeras; and (iii) asymmetry-induced synchronization in which synchronization is promoted by random oscillator heterogeneity. These networks also exhibit the previously unobserved possibility of inverted synchronization transitions, in which a transition to a more synchronous state is induced by a reduction rather than an increase in the coupling strength. These various phenomena are shown to emerge under rather parsimonious conditions, and even in locally connected ring topologies, which has the potential to facilitate their use to control and manipulate synchronization in experiments.

The saddle-straddle method to test for Wada basins (1901.10728v1)

Alexandre Wagemakers, Alvar Daza, Miguel A. F. Sanjuán


First conceived as a topological construction, Wada basins abound in dynamical systems. Basins of attraction showing the Wada property possess the particular feature that any small perturbation of an initial condition lying on the boundary can lead the system to any of its possible outcomes. In this paper, we provide a new perspective on the Wada property based on the chaotic saddle of the dynamical system. We use a numerical technique to construct the saddle embedded in the boundary between the basin of one attractor and the remaining basins of attraction. The simple observation that the chaotic saddle is the same for all the combinations of basins is sufficient to prove that the boundary has the Wada property.

Addressing Class Imbalance in Classification Problems of Noisy Signals by using Fourier Transform Surrogates (1806.08675v2)

Justus T. C. Schwabedal, John C. Snyder, Ayse Cakmak, Shamim Nemati, Gari D. Clifford


Randomizing the Fourier-transform (FT) phases of temporal-spatial data generates surrogates that approximate examples from the data-generating distribution. We propose such FT surrogates as a novel tool to augment and analyze training of neural networks and explore the approach in the example of sleep-stage classification. By computing FT surrogates of raw EEG, EOG, and EMG signals of under-represented sleep stages, we balanced the CAPSLPDB sleep database. We then trained and tested a convolutional neural network for sleep stage classification, and found that our surrogate-based augmentation improved the mean F1-score by 7%. As another application of FT surrogates, we formulated an approach to compute saliency maps for individual sleep epochs. The visualization is based on the response of inferred class probabilities under replacement of short data segments by partial surrogates. To quantify how well the distributions of the surrogates and the original data match, we evaluated a trained classifier on surrogates of correctly classified examples, and summarized these conditional predictions in a confusion matrix. We show how such conditional confusion matrices can qualitatively explain the performance of surrogates in class balancing. The FT-surrogate augmentation approach may improve classification on noisy signals if carefully adapted to the data distribution under analysis.

Thermoelectricity of cold ions in optical lattices (1901.09588v1)

Oleg V. Zhirov, José Lages, Dima L. Shepelyansky


We study analytically and numerically the thermoelectric properties of cold ions placed in an optical lattice. Our results show that the transition from sliding to pinned phase takes place at a certain critical amplitude of lattice potential being similar to the Aubry transition for the Frenkel-Kontorova model. We show that this critical amplitude is proportional to the cube of ion density that allows to perform experimental realization of this system at moderate lattice amplitudes. We show that the Aubry phase is characterized by the dimensionless Seebeck coefficient about 50 and the figure of merit being around 8. We propose possible experimental investigations of such system with cold ions and argue that the experiments with electrons on liquid helium surface can also help to understand its unusual properties. The obtained results represent also a challenge for modern methods of quantum chemistry and material science.

Isotropic polarization of compressible flows (1509.02988v4)

Jian-Zhou Zhu


The helical absolute equilibrium of a compressible adiabatic flow presents not only the polarization between the two purely helical modes of opposite chiralities but also that between the vortical and acoustic modes, deviating from the equipartition predicted by {\sc Kraichnan, R. H.} [1955 The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America {\bf 27}, 438--441.]. Due to the existence of the acoustic mode, even if all Fourier modes of one chiral sector in the sharpened Helmholtz decomposition [{\sc Moses, H. E.} 1971 SIAM ~(Soc. Ind. Appl. Math.) J. Appl. Math. {\bf 21}, 114--130] are thoroughly truncated, leaving the system with positive definite helicity and energy, negative temperature and the corresponding large-scale concentration of vortical modes are not allowed, unlike the incompressible case.

Cellular Automata And Lattice Gases

Throughput reduction by the simultaneous effect of two traveling routes equipped with parking sites in a two-dimensional stochastic lattice model (1901.10390v1)

Satori Tsuzuki, Daichi Yanagisawa, Katsuhiro Nishinari


This paper proposes a two-dimensional stochastic lattice model that comprises a junction of two traveling routes: the domestic route and the international route, each of which has parking sites. In our model, the system distributes the arrived particles to either of the two routes and selects one of the parking sites in the route for each particle, which stops at the parking site once during its travel. Because each particle has antennas in the back and front directions to detect other approaching particles, the effect of the volume exclusion of each particle extends in the moving direction. The system displays interesting behavior; remarkably, the dependence of the throughput on the distribution ratio of particles to the domestic route reduces after reaching the maximum parking capacity of the domestic route. Our simulations and analysis with the queueing model describe this phenomenon and suggest the following fact: As the distribution ratio of particles to the international route decreases, the throughput of the international route reduces, and simultaneously, that of the domestic route saturates. The simultaneous effect of the decrease and saturation causes reduction in the throughput of the entire system.

Dissipation of traffic congestion using agent-based car-following model with modified optimal velocity (1901.06058v1)

Manit Klawtanong, Surachate Limkumnerd


We investigate dynamical properties of traffic flow using the stochastic car-following model with modified optimal velocity on circular road. The safety distance following the two-second rule and autonomous vehicles, acting as agents, obeying simple requirements are incorporated into the model. The dynamic safety distance increases in a light traffic condition where the average driving velocity is high, while decreases in a dense traffic condition in anticipation of slower traffic motion. The results show that the presence of the agents can enhance overall velocity and traffic current of the system, and postpone the traffic congestion. In a particular phase region, imposing a speed limit enables the system to leave the congested flow phase. The density-dependent speed limit in agent-free condition is obtained to achieve the optimal traffic flow.

Search Space Reduction of Asynchrony Immune Cellular Automata by Center Permutivity (1901.01534v1)

Luca Mariot, Luca Manzoni, Alberto Dennunzio


We continue the study of asynchrony immunity in cellular automata (CA), which can be considered as a weaker version of correlation immunity in the context of vectorial Boolean functions. The property could have applications as a countermeasure for side-channel attacks in CA-based cryptographic primitives, such as S-boxes and pseudorandom number generators. We first give some theoretical results on the necessary conditions that a CA rule must satisfy in order to meet asynchrony immunity, the most important one being center permutivity. Next, we perform an exhaustive search of all asynchrony immune CA rules of neighborhood size up to , leveraging on the discovered theoretical properties to greatly reduce the size of the search space.

Exact large deviation statistics and trajectory phase transition of a deterministic boundary driven cellular automaton (1901.00845v1)

Berislav Buča, Juan P. Garrahan, Tomaž Prosen, Matthieu Vanicat


We study the statistical properties of the long-time dynamics of the rule 54 reversible cellular automaton (CA), driven stochastically at its boundaries. This CA can be considered as a discrete-time and deterministic version of the Fredrickson-Andersen kinetically constrained model (KCM). By means of a matrix product ansatz, we compute the exact large deviation cumulant generating functions for a wide range of time-extensive observables of the dynamics, together with their associated rate functions and conditioned long-time distributions over configurations. We show that for all instances of boundary driving the CA dynamics occurs at the point of phase coexistence between competing active and inactive dynamical phases, similar to what happens in more standard KCMs. We also find the exact finite size scaling behaviour of these trajectory transitions, and provide the explicit "Doob-transformed" dynamics that optimally realises rare dynamical events.

Spacetime Symmetries, Invariant Sets, and Additive Subdynamics of Cellular Automata (1812.11597v1)

Adam Rupe, James P. Crutchfield


Cellular automata are fully-discrete, spatially-extended dynamical systems that evolve by simultaneously applying a local update function. Despite their simplicity, the induced global dynamic produces a stunning array of richly-structured, complex behaviors. These behaviors present a challenge to traditional closed-form analytic methods. In certain cases, specifically when the local update is additive, powerful techniques may be brought to bear, including characteristic polynomials, the ergodic theorem with Fourier analysis, and endomorphisms of compact Abelian groups. For general dynamics, though, where such analytics generically do not apply, behavior-driven analysis shows great promise in directly monitoring the emergence of structure and complexity in cellular automata. Here we detail a surprising connection between generalized symmetries in the spacetime fields of configuration orbits as revealed by the behavior-driven local causal states, invariant sets of spatial configurations, and additive subdynamics which allow for closed-form analytic methods.

Pattern Formation And Solitons

Extreme events in forced oscillatory media in 0, 1 and 2 dimensions (1901.10762v1)

S. Barland, M. Brambilla, L. Columbo, B. Garbin, C. J. Gibson, M. Giudici, F. Gustave, C. Masoller, G. -L. Oppo, F. Prati, C. Rimoldi, J. R. Rios, J. R. Tredicce, G. Tissoni, P. Walczak, A. M. Yao, J. Zamora-Munt


One of the open questions in the field of optical rogue waves is the relevance of the number of spatial dimensions in which waves propagate. Here we review recent results on extreme events obtained in 0, 1 and 2 spatial dimensions in the specific context of forced oscillatory media. We show that some dynamical scenarii can be relevant from 0 to 2D while others can take place only in sufficiently large number of spatial dimensions.

A collisionless singular Cucker-Smale model with decentralized formation control (1807.05177v3)

Young-Pil Choi, Dante Kalise, Jan Peszek, Andrés A. Peters


We address the design of decentralized feedback control laws inducing consensus and prescribed spatial patterns over a singular interacting particle system of Cucker-Smale type. The control design consists of a feedback term regulating the distance between each agent and pre-assigned subset of neighbours. Such a design represents a multidimensional extension of existing control laws for 1d platoon formation control. For the proposed controller we study consensus emergence, collision-avoidance and formation control features in terms of energy estimates for the closed-loop system. Numerical experiments in 1, 2 and 3 dimensions assess the different features of the proposed design.

Amplitude death criteria for coupled complex Ginzburg-Landau systems (1803.02147v4)

Robert A. Van Gorder, Andrew L. Krause, James A. Kwiecinski


Amplitude death, which occurs in a system when one or more macroscopic wavefunctions collapse to zero, has been observed in mutually coupled solid-state lasers, analog circuits, and thermoacoustic oscillators, to name a few applications. While studies have considered amplitude death on oscillator systems and in externally forced complex Ginzburg-Landau systems, a route to amplitude death has not been studied in autonomous continuum systems. We derive simple analytic conditions for the onset of amplitude death of one macroscopic wavefunction in a system of two coupled complex Ginzburg-Landau equations with general nonlinear self- and cross-interaction terms. Our results give a more general theoretical underpinning for recent amplitude death results reported in the literature, and suggest an approach for tuning parameters in such systems so that they either permit or prohibit amplitude death of a wavefunction (depending on the application). Numerical simulation of the coupled complex Ginzburg-Landau equations, for examples including cubic, cubic-quintic, and saturable nonlinearities, is used to illustrate the analytical results.

Dynamics of breathers in the Gardner hierarchy: universality of the variational characterization (1901.10409v1)

Miguel A. Alejo, Eleomar Cardoso


We present a new variational characterization of breather solutions of any equation of the \emph{focusing} Gardner hierarchy. This hierarchy is characterized by a nonnegative index , and represents the order of the corresponding PDE member. In this paper, we first show the existence of such breathers, and that they are solutions of the (2n+1)th-order Gardner equation. Then we prove a \emph{variational universality property}, in the sense that all these breather solutions satisfy the \emph{same} fourth order stationary elliptic ODE, regardless the order of the hierarchy member. This fact also characterizes them as critical points of the same Lyapunov functional, that we also construct here. As by product of our approach, we find breather solutions of the hierarchy of (2n+1)th-order mKdV equations, as well as a respective characterization of them as solutions of a fourth order stationary elliptic ODE. We also extend part of these results to the periodic setting, presenting new breather solutions for the 5th and 7th mKdV members of the hierarchy. Finally, we prove ill-posedness results for the whole Gardner hierarchy, by using appropiately their breather solutions.

Networks with point like nonlinearities (1901.10474v1)

K. K. Sabirov, J. R. Yusupov, H. Susanto, D. U. Matrasulov


We study static nonlinear waves in networks described by a nonlinear Schrodinger equation with point-like nonlinearities on metric graphs. Explicit solutions fulfilling vertex boundary conditions are obtained. Spontaneous symmetry breaking caused by bifurcations is found.

Exactly Solvable And Integrable Systems

Open XXZ chain and boundary modes at zero temperature (1901.10932v1)

Sebastian Grijalva, Jacopo De Nardis, Veronique Terras


We study the open XXZ spin chain in the regime Delta>1 and for generic longitudinal magnetic fields at the two boundaries. We discuss the ground state via the Bethe ansatz and we show that, in a regime where both boundary magnetic fields are equal and bounded by a critical field, the spectrum is gapped and the ground state is doubly degenerate up to exponentially small corrections in the length L of the chain. We connect this degeneracy to the presence of a boundary root, namely an excitation localized at one of the two boundaries. We compute the local magnetization at the left edge of the chain and we show that, due to the existence of a boundary root, this depends also on the value of the field at the opposite edge, even in the half-infinite chain limit. Moreover, we give an exact expression for the large time limit of the spin autocorrelation at the boundary, which we explicitly compute in terms of the form factor between the two quasi-degenerate ground states. This, as we show, turns out to be equal to the contribution of the boundary root to the local magnetization.

Meromorphic Painlevé III transcendents and the Joukowski correspondence (1809.07885v2)

Andrea E. V. Ferrari, Lionel Mason


We study a twistor correspondence based on the Joukowski map reduced from one for stationary-axisymmetric self-dual Yang-Mills and adapt it to the Painlev'e III equation. A natural condition on the geometry (axissimplicity) leads to solutions that are meromorphic at the fixed singularity at the origin. We show that it also implies a quantisation condition for the parameter in the equation. From the point of view of generalized monodromy data, the condition is equivalent to triviality of the Stokes matrices and half-integral exponents of formal monodromy. We obtain canonically defined representations in terms of a Birkhoff factorization whose entries are related to the data at the origin and the Painlev'e constants.

Generating weighted Hurwitz numbers (1901.10038v2)

M. Bertola, J. Harnad, B. Runov


Multicurrent correlators associated to KP -functions of hypergeometric type are used as generating functions for weighted Hurwitz numbers. These are expressed as formal Taylor series and used to compute generic, simple, rational and quantum weighted single Hurwitz numbers.

gauge theory, free fermions on the torus and Painlevé VI (1901.10497v1)

Giulio Bonelli, Fabrizio Del Monte, Pavlo Gavrylenko, Alessandro Tanzini


In this paper we study the extension of Painlev'e/gauge theory correspondence to circular quivers by focusing on the special case of theory. We show that the Nekrasov-Okounkov partition function of this gauge theory provides an explicit combinatorial expression and a Fredholm determinant formula for the tau-function describing isomonodromic deformations of flat connections on the one-punctured torus. This is achieved by reformulating the Riemann-Hilbert problem associated to the latter in terms of chiral conformal blocks of a free-fermionic algebra. This viewpoint provides the exact solution of the renormalization group flow of the theory on self-dual -background and, in the Seiberg-Witten limit, an elegant relation between the IR and UV gauge couplings.

Correlation functions of the integrable spin chain (1804.10169v2)

G. A. P. Ribeiro, A. Klümper


We study the correlation functions of invariant spin chains in the thermodynamic limit. We formulate a consistent framework for the computation of short-range correlation functions via functional equations which hold even at finite temperature. We give the explicit solution for two- and three-site correlations for the case at zero temperature. The correlators do not seem to be of factorizable form. From the two-sites result we see that the correlation functions are given in terms of Hurwitz' zeta function, which differs from the case where the correlations are expressed in terms of Riemann's zeta function of odd arguments.

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