Aleksa's Book Review: When Everybody Designs

A definite trend in various branches of academia today is the incessant veering toward the subjects of complexity, interdependence, and holistic systems - almost frustratingly so. This book is a 2015 piece on systems design that says a lot about why systems need to be designed, but not much on how to design them. You'll hear a lot about globalism and society, but little about anything in the real world.

As appreciative as I am of the nascent nature of complexity science, every single work that I read regarding it keeps going back to the same ideas of Bayesian systems, nonlinear choice theory and stuff that's too mathematical and theoretical to be useful. The ideas have obviously been ingrained into the academic society, so I don't see the need to write more about it.

I was hoping to get a read that can show some interesting systems design principles or even insights into existing attempts at such developments, but I was without luck with this particular book.

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