Fiverr Vs Konker – Which One Should A Business Owner Use

As a business owner, it is very difficult when you are hiring someone to do freelance writing for you to know which site to go on. There are many alternatives out there such as Fiverr vs. Konker, ODesk vs. Guru, and many more platforms.

However, the main complication for a business owner is to know which one is going to be the right fit for his business as well as for his needs. Together we are going to take a look at what is good about each site, what is bad about each site, and when each one should be used. Let’s delve in and take a look at each site for a comparison of Fiverr vs. Konker.

What Is Fiverr?

Fiverr is a site that was founded in Tel Aviv by Shai Wininger and Micha Kaufman back in 2009. The platform was designed to ensure that there was an equal exchange of goods and services for both freelancers and businesses. People were able to connect to the site and do what they did best for $5 and the concept instantly caught on.

For freelancers who were trying to make a living, it was the perfect fit for easy quick gigs, and for business owners, it was a location for talent as well as for cheap services. When it comes to comparing Fiverr vs. Konker, Fiverr has a much more established reputation and that means that it will take some time for most to learn about Konker.

What Is Konker?

Konker is much newer to the digital world and was the creation of Alex Becker in 2015. Unlike the platform that has been used by Fiverr, the purpose of Konker was to provide SEO experts for business owners who wanted to be able to raise their Search Engine Optimization ranking and know that they were getting experts in SEO.

Considering the background of Becker, as he is one of the foremost experts in SEO that the process of becoming as a seller would be a bit more rigorous than with other platforms, there is a heavy quality aspect that is not necessarily the same as on Fiverr. Konker is becoming the go-to site for those that are on the bleeding edge of technology, Fiverr vs. Konker is almost like comparing Google and AOL.

Fiverr Vs. Konker What Are The Advantages Of Each Site?

When it comes to Fiverr, you have a huge variety of services to choose from. You can find people who are selling voiceover, graphic design, and SEO content creation; you can also find someone to write your eBook. One of the main selling points of the Fiverr platform is that there are many different choices for all of your needs and most gigs there are cheap variations of those services that are available for $5.

Fiverr has recently introduced a multi-gig structure which allows service providers to find ways that they can sell gigs in packs to that it is possible to handle multiple orders at a time.

This was not the case in the past and it led to real confusion for buyers who were led to buy 1 gig after another. Recent platform innovations have given Fiverr more flexibility in terms of a user perspective when comparing Fiverr vs. Konker.

When it comes to the advantages of Konker when comparing Fiverr vs. Konker, one thing that is made immediately clear when entering the site is that you are getting real experts who know what they are doing when it comes to creating SEO friendly content and that means that there are many categories that are available of Konker that many of the people on Fiverr have never heard of at all.

On Konker, a buyer can choose from SEO rising, Google Keywords, Backlinking, articles, and many other services that are all focused on increasing the SEO and are specifically native to Konker.

Fiverr Vs. Konker What Are The Disadvantages Of Each Platform?

When comparing the two disadvantages, Fiverr vs. Konker, Fiverr allows anyone to sell any service right out of the gate with no regulation. What that means is that if a person is very bad at a service, he or she will be able to get away with selling that service to a few people before the negative ratings show up. Another Fiverr vs. Konker disadvantage is the fact that there are many people on the Fiverr site that are focusing on many different things.

What that means is that it is not possible for a seller to hone their expertise on a particular area and that the quality of the work will suffer. Fiverr does not have the important vetting process that other sites, like Konker, insist that all of their sellers go through; these processes can be limited to being in one category or to taking tests to prove your level of fluency in a skill.

Fiverr vs. Konker in the long run, Konker is a smarter version of Fiverr that takes out the vetting process of dealing with freelancers who do not have the knowledge to handle the job at hand and who can provide important SEO content at the command of the buyer without having to first train themselves what SEO is.

In Conclusion Fiverr Vs. Konker

When comparing Fiverr vs. Konker, it is important to see that they both have their uses, one is for the very general classification user who is looking for a very broad task, while the other is for a client who is looking for an astute SEO professional who will be able to increase the rank of a site and assist with a very specific function.

As a buyer when choosing Fiverr vs. Konker, it is your job to see which is going to fit your needs and which is going to give you the best results for your project.
The platforms of both are in a constant state of evolution with new options, new features, and new quality that will allow the two sites to become more and more niche and project specific.

When you are making a choice between Fiverr vs. Konker make sure you know which one is tailored to your project and then choose wisely to ensure that you find the right service provider for the results you are looking for.

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