
One of my favourite monthly posts, I wish everyone would do one :D

Hey, @whatsup.

Well thank you. It's mostly a leftover, I think, from when I was in business for myself and keeping track of the numbers was something you did. Now, numbers aren't quite as necessary, but the reports do give me something to focus on to improve for the next month, even though a lot of it is out of my control. Yet, it's good to work on what I can control.

So, yeah. Most of the information is available through one of the major stat dApps floating around, like steemworld and helloacm, a page I guess justyyy put up. Comments are about the only thing I need to pay attention to, at least at the beginning and end of the month. The rest, as long as I show up on Asher's Engagement list, is tracked that way. :)

I personally think it would be great if more people would keep track, but it's amazing how many people say they don't care. They just want to have fun. For me, this is fun. Well, once a month it's okay. :)

I hope people can look at this and say, it is possible to progress on STEEM. Since I started this after the first month I was here, there's plenty of data and advancement for people to look at, if people have been reading it from month to month.

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JST 0.030
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USDT 1.00
SBD 3.42