
I explained it as well as I can in this post. He is a parasite who milks. I think he is about as sincere as Mr. Haney from Green Acres.

It offends me seeing you look most times daily for articles of CPS abuse so you can make this project your little cash cow. You have done nothing in my opinion to strengthen the group, you're a parasite. You shit on something that is bigger than any one of us, something that is a true church regardless of your beliefs pertaining to God. The true church is in the moment between community members, helping one another voluntarily. The true church is one where it is an honor to take a neighbors burden when they are a decent person who find themselves unable to manage in the moment.

I'm not trying to argue I'm really just trying to understand what he did wrong? To my understanding it just seems like you don't like what he posts about? But, he is active and powering up Steem. I don't see how he's leeching?

Sorry, again not trying to argue or anything, this is just very unclear to me.

I could write dozens of posts on those who have supported FP and those that have needed help. This clown does nothing but take. He could give a shit about the actual intent behind the project other than how he can profit from it.

What's the project called? And how exactly is he profiting from it I guess is what I'm asking?

I see what you mean about giving back the rewards from that group or whatever. But, why would they upvote him if he does this against what their little group is about? Seems the blame is on whoever is upvoting him and expecting to get a % of it.

Not absolving him of any blame, but why do they keep upvoting him then?

It's not my place to tell FP how to vote, nor question their actions. Nor to tell him he can't write a dozen of the posts per day to maximize his cash cow. It is my place to voice my disgust with what I view as a fake ass milking of a project that is worth more than his illusion of outrage so he can make coin from the misery. He is like the fake minister who hoards his collection plate while members of his flock do without.

Also, by calling it

their little group

you too seem to miss the idea of community. Everyone who has given to this effort to see it grow is part of this community. As I said, the list is long on those who have been drawn to support this project Linda and Mark started. While they are the driving force behind it, it does not make those of us who have contributed to the growth any less a part of the community.

As he pointed out, I resteem many whom he labeled as his friends. As if their association by default meant I had to somehow treasure his parasitic maneuverings. Not sure which friends he is talking about, but being a true part of a community involves agency and walking the talk. One doesn't ride the acts of ones friends, nor get a pass because others see you in a different light. I see him for what he is, and he doesn't get to hide that because others I may hold in high esteem don't.

He's just gotten himself confused somehow... Thanks, treepi.

Haha, play nice boys.

Hey, he's the one attacking me out of the blue for no good reason...

I'm not picking sides. 😝 Just be nice. No point in any of this. It just makes us all look bad.

Not blaming you or him. The optics are just bad.

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