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RE: Top 12 Things I Didn't Know I Would Be Doing On Steemit

Heh, those are all things I never thought I would be writing about either... but I do. Your insight is right on point, man. You're normally putting into words what I'm still just feeling in my gut. At least someone knows how to say what needs to be said.

I like that commercial. I think it came on during the Superbowl one year. I still don't know what that company does... in fact, I've never heard of them other than the commercial, but that's ok. I got 30 seconds of entertainment from them.


It is pretty hilarious, listening to actors who really sound like cowboys talking about herding cats all day. :) It's almost like it's true.

Well, I appreciate that. This is an idea I've had most of the week but I wasn't sure what I was going to include until this evening.

And, I thought if I approached it from the standpoint of what I knew before and what my expectations were it would resonate and relate with more people. So, I'm hoping it does that.

Being here is so much more than what it's sold as.

It's really like learning a whole new language while being in middle school all over again, and at the same time that first day of work in a job you've got no clue about because you oversold yourself and bluffed your way through the interview, while living in a new culture where everyone airs their dirty laundry in public.

It's really like learning a whole new language while being in middle school all over again, and at the same time that first day of work in a job you've got no clue about because you oversold yourself and bluffed your way through the interview, while living in a new culture where everyone airs their dirty laundry in public.

That is an even better summary of the place. People will know what you mean. You should just lead with that. Or follow with it and put it at the end of your posts!

It's a little long for a slogan, and doesn't really fit a mission statement, and as I was typing it I was thinking, Man, I should have thought of this earlier and included it in the post. Type type type Oh, well. Shrug.

Or I could have said:

Steemit: Don't short the roll.

Then you and I could have roflcoptered while everyone else wondered what I was drinking. :)

I'm picturing both you and me roflcoptering on the floor next to each other. That's a funny mental image! "People would point and stare, but we wouldn't care. Because we met the roflcopter."

Kind of like this:

I was looking for the one where's there's at least two of them, but I couldn't find it. You'll just have to imagine the other guy. :)

Yep, that's pretty much it! Too bad they didn't do another sketch where all of them were doing that. Would have been hilarious! :)

I'm with you on that one! It's a perfect summary of this craziness :)

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