A Mentoring Program

in #community7 years ago


Another day, another idea how to help all those wonderful people who find their way to my blog.

Suesa's favorites works already pretty well and I will absolutely continue doing that. But it's only a small drop of water on the hot stone as I'm only promoting those Steemians who are already producing good content.

Day after day, I'm contacted by newbies who ask me to mentor them. I usually decline as I know that I can't help everyone that asks. Not while being a full-time student, trying to get my Bachelor's degree.

But why not help just one person at a time?

I'm presenting to you my new project, a mentoring program.

For one week at a time, I will help a new user by reviewing, discussing and editing their posts before (or after) they publish it. I won't do it every week, there will be slots assigned to those I choose for the project.

What are the requirements?

  1. The user hasn't been on Steemit for more than 4 months
  2. Their reputation is below 60
  3. Their usual payout is below $20
  4. They're actually prepared to publish more than one post during that week
  5. Their topic is either science or fiction, as those are the topics I write about and can thus mentor best. As a member of the steemSTEM management team, I will preferably pick those who seek to publish scientific posts.
  6. The user has to speak either English or German fluently
  7. You need an account on steemit.chat so we can write with each other

How do we know who is being mentored?

The new mentee will be announced at the end of one of my usual posts, just like Suesa's favorites. There you will also find the new time slots. I'm doing this to avoid an unnecessarily high amount of posts per day.

This is great! So ... how much do I have to pay you?

Nothing of course. I'm doing this voluntarily. But that also means I might cancel the project if I feel like it's interfering too much with my education.

The first time slot starts Monday, 27th November and ends Sunday, 3rd December. I created a google form where you can submit your application. Don't be disappointed if you're not immediately chosen, I will start a list.

And now, something fun!

Have you ever seen this animal:


This is Condylura cristata, the star-nosed mole!

It's a small, almost blind, carnivorous animal. The weird star-shaped thing on its face? It contains 100,000 nerve fibers with which it can feel the vibrations in the ground, created by worms and other possible food sources.

In fact, the star is so sensitive that the mole can create a detailed image of its surroundings, just like we can with our eyes.

And that's not all! The little animal can actually smell stuff underwater!

So if you're living in the Eastern USA or Canada ... watch out. Maybe you'll meet one of those little fellows!


Totally bizarre facts about the star-nosed mole
Inside the Bizarre Life of the Star-Nosed Mole, World's Fastest Eater

Picture credit:

First one from pixabay.com

Second one by gordonramsaysubmissions (star-nosed-mole-3) [CC BY 2.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0)], via Wikimedia Commons

Got a scientific topic which you want to see as a story? Leave me a comment!
You want to support scientists on Steemit? You are a scientist on Steemit? Join the #steemSTEM channel on steemit.chat and connect with us!
STEM is an acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering and Math


Monster GIF was made for me by @saywha and @atopy


maybe instead of focusing on one person focus on many of them proper incentivization will make them posting. #suesaTopicOfTheWeek For each 1 week period propose set of topics, during that week users pick one and post about it(many users can take same topic) by the end of week community will vote for the winner and he will recveiv sbd from summary post =)

The usual science challenge is already a lot of work, I don't know if I could manage such a project. Will keep it at the back of my mind though!

By the way: A new challenge is already planned for December :)

Excellent :)
I'm already looking forward for the challenge. Is its topic still a secret?

Kind of, I think it would spoil the fun to reveal it already. But it will be great!

If I would only knew the little birds.

Did you feature the star-nosed mole because you're here to sniff out new talent...?

Ahhhhh I wish I had! No, I just really like it :D

Well good luck on your STAR Search!

Ghaaaaaaa!!! I freaked out when I saw the picture..I'm terribly scared of moles! I never expected to see one in Steemit! 😱

They're really harmless :P

Great idea! A good mentoring change at least one world!

Wow. Wow. I like you the more day by day. Even as a full time student, you still make out time for others. I respect you for that. I guess thats what steemit is all about. Helping each other. But these days the aim has been defeated. Its now for business alone with so many cliques and cabals.
Finally, an old chinese proverb tells it perfectly “If you want happiness for an hour, take a nap. If you want happiness for a day, go fishing. If you want happiness for a year, inherit a fortune. If you want happiness for a lifetime, help somebody.”
I wish you a lifetime of happiness.

This is wonderful. It seems much easier to write about things that can be substantially researched. Often it's just a matter of organizing it in a logical and interesting way but writing fiction really requires dedication to get both the facts right and still present a plot that is coherent, interesting, and that will make your audience empathize with the situation and sometimes a character. It takes some real dedication to combine it all.
Somebody will be getting a valuable insight.

Wow this is my second day on this site and I love that compaired to other social media sites there is really a community effort to build creat content. I will be traveling I Columbia starting in a few days so I don't think I'd be the best to mentor at this time, as I may be distant from wifi, but I would be interested if you made a post with tips for new steemians. Also I love these little guys. I never knew why they had that nose. I kindof wish my nose was that useful. Or at least the feeling in my hands

Finally! this might be an opportunity for me to get mentored by someone I genuinely respect and looks up to. Thanks for the selflessness.

I support this initiative! You rock <3

You're kind to offer as much help as you do. For as busy and productive as you are, you must be incredibly diligent and organized. Here's to hoping that you don't burn out and that you make time to care for yourself.

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