More Users VS Active Users; Which is more Crucial to us?

in #community7 years ago (edited)


Chat Source- A Chart showing monthly active users on some selected social media

Are we close to been on this chat?It is hard to say as Active users keeps decreasing, Increase in user base has been one of the top priorities and the crusade is been on for months non-stop with different Promoting-Steem approaches. Getting this users stay on the other hand is a big challenge to us all and not just steemit Inc.

Just like life with many Ups and Downs, this has been been a rollercoaster sort of events on Steemit as we are edging closer to going Mainstream. "We" here is a collective terms as we all have a stake, this means you and i with all other active users

For example, out of @steem-lagos 307 Total followers, only 233 are true followers(Active), leaving 74 Dead(Inactive).


Click on the Image Below to check your active users by typing in your user name:


Taking the Filipno community as a case study, we could see from the Pie chart the ratio of active users to inactive users. One question question is that, does it looks good for Steemit?


Chart source- Activities in the Philiphines Community

Another important questions are, how could we get people to stay more active on a platform they never get a dime from than the one that incentivise users? What mechnism do we have in place? How could we salvage this situation and turn things around?

More users is a fantastic goal, it means more Steem in circulation and more awareness i.e the more users we have the far and wide Tokens circulates with transactions which entices more investors. A fact that could not be overemphasized. Then on the social platform aspect, what does tge future have in stock for us with less and less active users?

This is a questiom that has been asked over and over; is there an answer yet?

Follow @oluwoleolaide, @lucashunter, @peman , @jotmax , @sweetestglo-eu and @cwen for more updates and details on @Steem-Lagos Nigeria-Africa-World!


Special thanks to @dray91eu our them logo designer Animated Footer by @rituparnaghosh


Hey @steem-lagos, Many important questions were raised here. This is what I always say....I don't think its really about inviting people to Steemit but ensuring that they stay. Here are my methods:

  • Invite only quality people who have something to offer.
  • Onboard newbies via mentorship programmes
  • Support them by giving incentives via #Hug-Challenge, and other means
  • Introduce them to contests that will help them earn.

I detailed the means of promotion in my post today...



This is Super Duper awesome of you Doc, some valueable user-stay techniques you have mentioned...Props to a Great Mind!

Informative post
Thank you for sharing

I stand with active user's @steem-lagos

User churn (ie. turnover of the userbase, where users are frequently leaving even if there are new users replacing them) is a serious issue for all social media sites, and I think more serious than some here take it. With high churn, at some point old and dissatisfied users greatly outnumber active, satisfied users, which is devastating for social proof. Social proof is one of the main factors people use to decide whether or not to use a service.

All that said, I have suggested it may be less bad for Steem than for other platforms. When you leave other platforms, you pretty much leave everything behind. After a while you just forget about it. You might forget about Steem, but if you didn't entirely power down your stake, you still have something in Steem. If/when there is a price resurgence, it can rekindle your excitement about Steem because that stake you built up when you used it, came back to you and became meaningful again.

On a different note, users becoming inactive is bad regardless of that. But how are we actually doing? You showed some good stats on user activity in Steem, but we don't have anything to directly compare it to. I would think having 74 out of 307 followers inactive for @steem-lagos is actually doing really well. Even with the information on inactivity on other platforms, which isn't usually available, we'd also have to know how they define 'active' vs. how we define it, because we could be measuring something different. On most platforms you don't need to have an account to be 'active', while people with no account have no impact whatsoever on the blockchain.

This is really a great question

Another important questions are, how could we get people to stay more active on a platform they never get a dime from than the one that incentivise users? What mechnism do we have in place? How could we salvage this situation and turn things around?

There is a project/contest that is always run by @surpassinggoogle called #untalented that he helps all users especially new users by making them write/express themselves!

His mantra is

In Steemit there are No Losers Only Winners

@surpassinggoogle encourages everyone to participate and what i know about him,he upvotes almost every comment on his posts.

He has a giving heart,infact he has helped me on Steemit from the time i joined(only that i have not been in touch with him for almost a month now!).

We need more(even only 5 added) people like @surpassinggoogle who can encourage engagement with users,i assure you we shall have a higher retention rate on Steemit.

I can talk about him for forever,but let me stop here.

In short he is overflowing with love.



I think I have a lot of "dead" followers which I am inclined to believe are bots!

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